Cougar News
January 12, 2025
Cougar Captains
Congratulations to this week’s REMOTE LEARNING Cougar Captains!
Delilah, Lily, Hugh, Isaac, Zoie, Willa, Annie, Henry, Jackson, Savannah, Gage, Charlie, Katie, Cam, Dany, Ada, Mason, Callie and Riley
From Dr. Smith
I will continue to post to the Class Dojo story any updates and schedule changes.
VC Strong Shirts will be coming home with students this week for those who pre-ordered. A huge thank you to Mrs. Erin and Mrs. Traci for getting all of those orders divided out.
Next Monday, January 20 will be an Optional Work Day/MLK Observation Day, no school for students.
Use this link to see the updated Watauga County Schools 24-25 Calendar.
I am looking forward to a great week at VC!
From Nurse Hannah:
Kinder dental screenings will be done by Laura McNeill, NC DHHS dental hygienist, on Monday, January 13th. Only students with parental consent will be screened. Please return the paper consent or notify me ASAP if you would like for your child to participate.
8th grade substance abuse education will be taught by Candis Walker, our WCS prevention counselor, on Tuesday, January 28th and Tuesday, February 4th.
Infinite Campus - PARENT PORTAL
Parents can go to this link to set up their parent portals if they haven't already done so. https://portalaccess.ncsis.gov/
They will need their child's student number and date of birth to complete the process.
8th Grade Parents
Please send a baby picture of your 8th grader to Lovejoye@wataugaschools.org for the yearbook!
Hours and Office Staff Contact Info
Elementary Office - Mrs. Traci Hartley
Middle School Office - Mrs. Erin Jones
7:50 Tardy for VCCC and for transportation shuttles
2:10 Begin Dismissal Process at VCCC and CCCTI
2:15 Middle School Car Riders Dismissed from CCCTI
2:30 Buses arrive at current school for car rider and bus dismissal
Lunch Menu
Monday - Hot Dog
Tuesday - Nachos with Chili and Cheese
Wednesday - Ravioli with Meat Sauce
Thursday - Vegetable Beef Soup
Friday - Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza
Link to menus - https://linqconnect.com/public/menu/7UHW5P?buildingId=a73785dc-dcb4-eb11-a2c3-ce80b7f12dad
Late Arrivals and Early Check Outs
Students should be at the current school for drop off by 7:50, so that our last buses can leave for VCCC, CCCTI and ASUCDC by 7:55.
- No early check outs after 2:00 at either location.
- If you student in late, you will need to take them to their school location.
If you need to check your child out early, communicate that with your child's teacher and also with Mrs. Traci at VCCC and Mrs. Erin at CCCTI. You will need to call ahead, especially at VCCC.
The Front Office area for VCCC will be at the Holy Cross building. There will be a door bell to ring and we will help you there.
The Front Office at CCCTI is at the entrance there and Mrs. Erin will help you.
* It is very important to plan ahead and communicate with us at school. I understand things come up and we are happy to help.
** It is also important for our plans for arrival, dismissal, transportation and the functioning of school that you work with us with getting your child to school on time and limit pickup and check outs. Planning and communication are huge.
RISE Expectations
RISE stands for:
Self Disciplie
This is a common language and expectations that students should be familiar with as we continue this year working diligenlty as a whole school to be specific in modeling, teaching, reteaching and helping students grow in these areas. This will align with the use of Class Dojo.
School wide, the VCS staff will continue using Class Dojo again. Be sure you have the information from your child's homeroom teachers and are connected.
There will also be the addition of more character education added into the daily curriulum for students.
Our goal, as a school, is to utilize clear, common expectations for all in order to promote the Valle Crucis student body and its supporters with the safest, most positive learning environment.
For more information about the PTSO, the calendar of events, the ways to get involved, our overall mission, ways you can support the school, info about the board, and all of the things that we do, visit our BRAND NEW WEBSITE! We will update it throughout the year based on all of the amazing things going on and that get planned.
Our website address is: http://vallecrucisptso.com
Follow us on facebook here and on instagram @vallecrucisptso. Finally, if you have any questions, comments or concerns at all, you may always reach out to us at vallecrucisptso@gmail.com.
Contact Us
Email: smithb@watuagaschools.org
Location: 2998 Broadstone Road, Sugar Grove, NC, USA
Phone: (828) 963-4712
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValleCrucisSchoolNC
Twitter: @ValleCrucisSch