Superintendent's Update
May 17, 2024
Important Updates and Milestones as the School Year Winds Down
Dear CCPS Families,
As we approach the end of another academic year, I wanted to update you on some significant events and accomplishments within our school district. With just one month remaining until the school year's conclusion, our students and staff have been actively engaged in various activities and initiatives that showcase their talents and dedication to excellence.
First, I proudly announce that our spring athletics teams have competed admirably in regional and state competitions, demonstrating exceptional sportsmanship and skill. Their commitment to representing our schools with integrity and determination is truly commendable.
Last week, CCPS participated in a statewide tabletop drill, emphasizing our ongoing commitment to ensuring our students' and staff's safety and security. These exercises are crucial in preparing us to respond effectively to any emergencies that may arise.
Additionally, I am delighted to share that we recently hosted our inaugural Youth Apprenticeship Program breakfast, which was made possible through the generous sponsorship of AUI and Utilitrain. This program provides invaluable opportunities for our students to gain real-world experience and develop essential skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.
Furthermore, senior award ceremonies will commence in our high schools next week, celebrating the outstanding achievements of our graduating seniors. These events testify to our students’ hard work and dedication throughout their academic journey.
I am also excited to announce that our graduations will take place in just two weeks. This momentous occasion will mark the culmination of years of dedication and perseverance for our graduating students, and we eagerly anticipate celebrating their accomplishments with pride and joy.
As we approach the school year's conclusion, I want to thank our students, families, faculty, and staff for their unwavering support and commitment to excellence. Together, we have achieved remarkable success, and I am confident that we will continue to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders within our community.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we navigate these final weeks of the school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jeffrey A. Lawson, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Board of Education Recognitions
Community Partner of the Month
CCPS Teacher of the Year
FFA Competition Winners
Skills USA Winners
Skills USA Winners
Skills USA Winners
Skills USA Winners
Carson Scholar Winners
Fine Arts Awards
Did You Know?
Teacher Appreciation
Gallery Walk of Capstone Projects
On Wednesday, May 15, CCPS had 140 student participants in the Gallery Walk of Capstone Projects at Elkton High School. It was an amazing event filled with creative projects that demonstrated our students' skills.
Mental Health Matters Community Event
Cecil County Public Schools partnered with the LIVEFORTHOMAS Foundation to host the 2nd annual Mental Health Matters Community Event last Friday evening. This collaborative effort aimed to shed light on critical issues impacting the community's mental well-being. Attendees participated in discussions led by mental health and other resource vendors, focusing on topics like managing behavioral health concerns, understanding the impact of childhood trauma, and fostering overall mental wellness.
MCSS State Safety Drill
On Friday, May 10, CCPS participated in the statewide school-based incident tabletop exercise facilitated by the Maryland Center for School Safety (MCSS) at Elkton High School. This discussion-based training exercise aimed to test the coordination of efforts between emergency responders and school officials. Individuals from multiple agencies participated in the event. This exercise demonstrates the coordinated commitment to school safety in CCPS.
Youth Apprenticeship Breakfast
On Friday, May 10, CCPS had their first Youth Apprenticeship Breakfast at Utilitrain. This event was sponsored by AUI and Utilitrain.
Important Information
Judy Center Spring Enrollment Events
FAQ document for the NE Enrollment Fair -
Health Department Vaccinations - 6th Grade Students
The Health Department will be coming to our middle schools the week of May 20 to offer immunizations needed to enter 7th grade. They will be offering Tdap, Meningococcal as well as HPV which is optional. Please see the attached links for permission slips.
English Consent: https://pattrac.click/Q4GXSM
Spanish Consent: https://pattrac.click/Wh07lb
Maryland Corps/Service Year Option Program
Applications are open for the Maryland Corps and the Service Year Option Program, two streams of service created by Governor Wes Moore’s administration as part of its commitment to public service.
The programs were launched last year when the state’s newly created Department of Service and Civic Innovation piloted the service pathway to education and career opportunities for community members who either recently completed high school or are looking for a career change.
Members, who must be 18 or older, are required to serve full-time at a sponsoring organization and participate in targeted professional development. The program requires a minimum 40 hours per week time commitment between the service at the host site partner and the required professional development.
Participants in the program will be matched with a partner organization that will provide job training, mentorship and other resources. Additionally, participants will earn at least $15 an hour and receive weekly focused professional development.
Recent CCPS graduates can apply online at https://serving.md.gov/auth/signup?role=CANDIDATE. The deadline to apply for the program is Sept. 11.
To learn more, visit the Service Year Option website.
Special Education Parent Involvement Survey
Parents or guardians of children receiving special education and related services were mailed the Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey from the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services during the week of February 12, 2024. Parents are asked to complete the survey and return it in the postage paid envelope by May 24, 2024. The survey may also be completed online. Please look for details in your survey packet. Your feedback will help guide efforts to improve special education and related services in your local school system. Your voice can make a real difference for your child and many other children across the state of Maryland. To learn more, please visit https://www.mdparentsurvey.com.
Upcoming Events
Spring Art Show
EHS Graduation Flowers
EHS Music Boosters will be taking pre-orders for hand-dyed roses to celebrate Elkton High School graduates. All proceeds benefit their music programs.
Free Sports Physicals
YES Summer Camp
CCPS Public Information Office
Email: pio@ccps.org
Website: www.ccps.org
Facebook: facebook.com/ccpsmd
Twitter: @ccpsmd
Instagram: ccpsmd