2/19/24 -2/23/24
From the Desk of MVG
Dear EFS Parents,
As promised, EFS will be hosting Parent Academy opportunities in 2024. Impact Parents will conduct three, 1 hour presentations virtually on March 5th, April 16th, and May 21st at 7:00pm.
Parents are encouraged to log-in to join the conversation on raising children in today's complex world. The topics of focus are: productive communication with your children, cultivating responsibility and accountability, and building developmentally appropriate skills for independence, to name a few. Thank you to those who completed the survey to develop the content for our presentations. As the dates draw closer, login information will be sent out to the school community.
Below is a reprint of last week's important home/school outreach:
As we navigate through the challenges of today's world, it's imperative that we reiterate the fundamental values of kindness and respect towards others, both within and beyond the school environment. Unfortunately, we've observed an increase in disrespectful, foul, and offensive language towards peers and staff, causing disruptions to the learning environment.
At Essex Fells School, we are deeply committed to providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere where students can thrive academically and socially. However, this can only be achieved when every member of our community upholds the principles of positive communication and interactions.
It's crucial that we teach our children to treat others the way they would like to be treated, both online and offline. Behavior outside of school can have a profound impact on the learning environment within school walls. Therefore, let's collectively work together to ensure that our students understand the importance of respectful behavior in all settings.
I sincerely thank you for your ongoing partnership in instilling these essential values in our students. Together, we can nurture individuals who not only excel academically but also demonstrate social responsibility and empathy. With that we will continue to honor the school's mission of Studies Passing Into Character.
Please utilize the resources below to support conversations with your child about responding vs. reacting, online behavior, taking responsibility for their actions, and the NJ Harassment Intimidation and Bullying Bill of Rights.
Reinforce the THINK method with your children for communicating with peers and staff. (THINK Method)
Review the Common Sense Media information pertaining to Social Media and Gaming for Elementary School Students. (Common Sense Media)
Encourage taking Responsibility at home and at school. (Responsibility)
Examine the NJ Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights to discuss expectations for treatment of others with your children. (NJ Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights)
Educationally Yours,
Dr. Michelle V. Gadaleta
Counselor's Corner
Character Trait of the Month: Kindness
What is kindness?
Kindness is and always will be one of the most beautiful and powerful forces for good that exists in the entire world. Kindness is all the different ways both big and small we express care, concern, and consideration for ourselves and others. Kindness shows up as a supportive smile, a comforting embrace, and a helping hand when we need it the most. It exists as warm words of encouragement, thoughtful gestures and compassionate acts of generosity that so many of us witness, perform, and receive as we move through life.
Kindness is a reminder of why we’re here and how we can each use our lives to help others.
Parent Tips:
Model kindness. It may seem obvious, but showing kindness to a child can build a foundation of kindness within them. When a child feels nurtured, they feel like their needs are met and they have a safe, secure base. Early nurturing has to do with kindness; parents can do a lot by modeling.
Frame your feedback thoughtfully. Kids are constantly receiving feedback on their work — be it how they made their bed, structured a critical essay, or handled the ball on the soccer field. Adults can create a culture of kindness by thinking through how we frame that feedback. We want to frame it so it shows we’re thinking about the best interests of the child and their growth, and saying things in a way that is not shaming or judgmental. Thoughtful feedback can build kids’ confidence, help them feel safe, and can model appropriate ways for them to give constructive feedback to others.
Encourage self-reflection. When you see a child show an act of kindness (or meanness), take time to name it, recognize it, and encourage them to think about how it made them feel. How do they think it made the other person feel? When they’re little, helping them develop the skills to be more aware of themselves and how their actions impact others can be really valuable. When they start from a foundation of self-awareness, they can start to filter and process information in a way that shows awareness of others.
If you would like more information or have any questions please contact Mrs. Pilato (epilato@efsk-6.org) and/or Mrs. Alpert (ralpert@efsk-6.org).
School News
On Friday March 1st, children’s author Alyssa Satin Capucilli, author of Biscuit, will be coming to EFS. With over seventy-five titles in the series as well as over twenty-one million books in print, Biscuit has been deemed a modern classic and has been translated into numerous languages worldwide. If you have a book written by Alyssa Satin Capucilli at home and would like her to personalize them to your children, please fill out the form below and return it with the book(s) to Mrs. Trafford by Wednesday February 28th. Books will be returned to your children once they are signed. Any questions please email Mrs. Trafford at ktrafford@efsk-6.org
The next School Store will be on February 27th during both lunches. Mrs. Hromoko will have a meeting in her room before school.
Join Girls on The Run and watch your confidence soar! Click here for details.
15 slots available, on a first come first serve basis.
Thank you for all your participation in Student Council Spirit Week. Tomorrow you have a choice of theme.
You may sport your team color of orange or black. You may also wear your outfit from DECADE DAY, since that got postponed due to our snow day. We cannot wait to announce the winners on Friday!
Be on the lookout for information about our pop-up New To You Bengal Bookstore, coming in early March!
The Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser takes place in the month of February. Essex Fells has set a goal of raising $25,000 for the American Heart Association this year. All money raised goes to research in the fight against heart disease. Join us in learning about hearth health and raising funds to protect all hearts - especially other kids! Through fun activities, we'll discover ways to take care of our hearts and brains while practicing kindness, gratitude and learning ways to de-stress. Plus, we have the chance to earn PE equipment for our school. Be A Heart Hero! (Essex Fells School Page) If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Finnegan at pfinnegan@efsk-6.org.
If you have 30 college credits and love children, apply to be a sub at EFS. Interested in finding out more about a typical day as a sub and the requirements? Contact Mrs. Rivera in the main office for all the details.
With the winter weather making its arrival, please look for EFS schedule changes via Finalsite alerts, the ESNJ App, our website, www.efsk-6.org, Channel 12 and Channel 7. Please send your child dressed warmly each day with a coat, hat and gloves as they do go outside each day for recess.
Please make an appointment with the main office or a teacher to visit EFS.
To enter the school, please ring the bell located to the left of the front doors of the upper building. Please announce yourself and the reason for your visit. Wait for the buzzer and enter through the left door. Once inside the vestibule, the second set of doors is locked. Please ring the bell located to the right of the doors. The door on the right will be released to enter. All visitors must sign in to obtain a visitor badge. The visitors sign in book is located on Officer Tedesco's desk and the volunteer sign in book is located in the main office. Both visitors and volunteers must be scheduled through the PTA or main office.
All volunteers must read and sign off on the HIB Policy prior to work with students.
Please sign out before leaving the school after your visit.
Drop-Off Station
A drop-off table to place any forgotten items such as lunch or classroom items is located in the main entrance vestibule. Please mark all items with your child’s name and teacher.
- All students using rolling pick up must proceed directly to the gate after dismissal.
- Any students remaining after school hours to play on the field or playground must be supervised by an adult.
- Please remind all students to always enter and exit the passenger side of the vehicle.
- If you allow your child to walk home, it must be noted in Genesis. Please reach out to the main office with any questions.
- If a student is unsure of how to go home, please have them return to the main office for assistance.
- Be sure your child knows what lunch they are receiving daily.
- Impress upon students not to share any foods to avoid allergy concerns.
- Please do not send glass, soda, or candy in daily lunches.
- Students will play outside for recess, please dress them in coasts with closed back shoes.
- Please encourage kind and fair play at recess. Outdoor time during school is not designed to be a competitive sporting atmosphere.
- Don't forget to download the EFS App if you have not done so already for a quick and easy way to access school information. Additionally, there is a Tip Line that can be accessed at any time to report emergencies, HIB, tech issues, custodial concerns, give feedback, and kudos!
- Thank you for all your likes on our Instagram account. If you have requested to follow us and have not been accepted it may be because we cannot recognize your profile name. Please email Mr. Pannullo (mpannullo@efsk-6.org) to gain access. Please know this is a secure account and only parents and staff of EFS will be accepted.
Just a reminder that if your child is going to be absent from school, you must call the attendance line (973-226-0505, press 1) and leave a detailed message as to the reasons for the absence. Nurse Renz must track all illness related school absences.
TRANSERS FOR 2024-2025
If your child will not be attending EFS or West Essex Middle School (for current 6th grade students), for the 2024-2025 school year, please notify the main office in writing. See the transfer form attached. Sixth grade records will be sent to WEMS unless we have written parental permission to send the records to another school.
Club and Activities
Morning Ensemble Rehearsals
Orchestra rehearsals are held at 8:00am in the music room on Wednesday's.
Band rehearsals are held at 8:00am in the music room on Thursday's.
Chorus rehearsals are held at 8:00am in the music room on Friday's.
Broadcasting Club is for 6th-grade students and meets almost every Tuesday at 8:00am in the STEAM Lab. Students will learn to direct, film and produce the morning announcements.
If you have any questions please contact Ms. McNish (KMcNish@efsk-6.org)
Meeting Dates:
February 27th
March 5th, 19th, 26th
April 9th,16th ,23rd, 30th
May 7th,14th, 21st, 28th
6th Grade Art Club
Art Club will start Monday, November 27th at 7:30am in the Art Room and will run for 10 weeks.
Meeting Dates:
February 26th
If you have any questions please contact Ms. McNish (KMcNish@efsk-6.org) or Mr. Trogani (jtrogani@efsk-6.org)
Keyboarding Club
Keyboarding Club will take place in the Media Center on Wednesdays and is open to all students in grades 2-4 during their recess. Additional dates on Monday and Friday will be flexible based on weather and other school activities. The club will be on a first come first serve basis with a maximum of 15 students. Students will practice proper keyboarding techniques in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. This is a great alternative for students who do not want to play outside while developing their typing skills. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Trafford. ktrafford@efsk-6.org
Stock Market Club
Stock market club begins on January 23rd. It will take place every Tuesday in the STEAM Lab from 11:20 to 11:45am during the first lunch recess. Students need to bring their own device. The last class will be held on April 16th. Please note there will be no class on March 12th. If you have any questions please contact Ms. McNish (KMcNish@efsk-6.org) or Mr. Pannullo (mpannullo@efsk-6.org).
Study Hall
Study Hall is a club that is open throughout the school year to students in grades 4-6 on Tuesday and Thursday during lunch/recess or just recess. This club allows children to study for tests, work on homework and long term assignments. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Pakonis at ppakonis@efsk-6.org.
PTA Press
Please reach out to Ilyse Negrin if you:
- Have any interest in hosting the annual welcome back parent party at your home next September.
- Interested in being part of the PTA board for the next school year.
Please upload any pictures for the school yearbook to the Entourage app. Reach out to Sandra Oubina with questions.
Foundation News
ANNIE Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are needed at select Annie rehearsals (Wed & Thurs) and performances (March 8/9th). Volunteers will be in charge of chaperoning students in a holding room, until they are needed on stage. Please use this link to sign-up. Annie Volunteer Signups
Without our community’s generous donations to The Foundation, EFS would not be able to offer several school clubs, assemblies, after school Enrichment classes, the Variety Show & School Musical, and so much more! Please consider supporting this year’s one and only fundraiser by visiting www.EFFEE.org
or donating under The Foundation’s page in the MobileArq.
Board Bits
The next Board of Education Meetings will be held on the following dates:
- Regular Meeting - Wednesday, February 21, 2024 (Media Center)
- Workshop Meeting - Wednesday, March 6, 2024 (Media Center)
For any Essex Fells Families who have recently moved within town, please update all information in the school office by providing three (3) proofs of residency: a deed, lease or tax bill; a photo ID; and a utility bill, all with your name and Essex Fells address. In addition, a signed residency/domicile status form, provided by the school, is required.
The 2024-2025 School Calendar has been approved.
For any Essex Fells Families who have recently moved within town, please update all information in the school office by providing three (3) proofs of residency: a deed, lease or tax bill; a photo ID; and a utility bill, all with your name and Essex Fells address. In addition, a signed residency/domicile status form, provided by the school, is required.
Upcoming Events
Annie Jr.
Mrs. Banek has created a google classroom for Annie Jr. Students will receive all announcements and information through classroom.
Weather Alerts
School Closed: Presidents Day
EFS will have an early dismissal on Friday, February 16th. School will be closed on Monday, February 19th for President's Day and Tuesday, February 20th for a Staff Professional Development Day.
Important Dates
02/16/24 - 12:45pm Dismissal: President's Weekend
02/19/24 - School Closed: President's Day
02/20/24 - School Closed: Staff Professional Development
02/27/24 - School Store
03/01/24 - Author Visit
03/01/24 - Spirit Meeting @2:00pm
03/08/24 - Annie Jr. Dress Rehearsal @1:30pm
03/08/24 - Annie Jr. Performance @6:00pm
03/09/24 - Annie Jr. Performance @12:00pm
03/19/24 - PTA Family Fun Night (No Homework)
03/22/24 - Report Cards Available at 1:00pm
03/25/24 - PTA Egg Hunt P-1 @2:00pm
03/29/24- School Closed: Good Friday
04/01/24 - School Closed: Spring Break
04/02/24 - School Closed: Spring Break
04/03/24 - School Closed: Spring Break
04/04/24 - School Closed: Spring Break
04/05/24 - School Closed: Spring Break
04/12/24 - Spirit Meeting @8:45am
04/18/24 - 5/6th Grade Dance 6:30pm-8:30pm
04/19/24 - PTA Spring Fundraiser
04/24/24 - 12:45pm Dismissal: Parent/Teacher Conferences
04/25/24 - 12:45pm Dismissal: Parent/Teacher Conferences
04/27/24 - 6th Grade Car Wash
Important Resources
Parent Resources for Challenging Times
CDC information regarding COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Teens can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019ncov/vaccines/recommendations/children-teens.html
Community Outreach
Dad's get your dancing shoes ready!
When: Thursday, May 16th, 6pm-8:30pm
Where: Essex Fells Country Club
Theme: A Night at the Oscars
Formal invitation to follow in April
The Newark Museum offers many events for families. Please visit their website for more information.
Please click the link below for a list of helpful resources:
The Tiny Treasures program at Essex Fells School is available for aftercare for the 2024-2025 school year. If you would like to register your child for next school year, please complete the registration packet below and contact Jennifer Zampino directly.
Lost and Found
In an effort to keep the lost and found empty this year please label your children's items when possible, even initials will help us get their missing items back to their rightful owner. If you are missing any items please contact the main office.
About Us
Email: mvgadaleta@efsk-6.org
Website: www.efsk-6.org
Location: 102 Hawthorne Road, Essex Fells, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-226-0505