Technology Update

Technology Update
Incoming District 67 2nd graders - 7th graders (outgoing 1st through 6th graders) will be taking their devices home over the summer to use again in the 2024-2025 school year.
On May 21, 8th grade graduating students are turning in their District iPads, chargers, and Logitech crayons.
Kindergarten students will be turning in their iPads to their homeroom teachers before June 4. A new iPad will be given to all 1st graders in the first week of the 2024-2025 school year in their new classrooms.
Please follow the link below to view basic care instructions for your student’s device and review technical support options over the summer.
What resources will continue to be available for my students over the summer?
All the apps & subscriptions students use throughout the year are available on iPads during the summer for them to explore their creativity, interests, and knowledge.
Does my student need to bring their device to any summer programming?
If your student is registered for Extended School Year (ESY) or summer Brainstormer courses that use technology, please send your student with their device to their summer classes.
What if technical support is needed over the summer?
If you are having problems with your iPad over the summer, please email the Tech Department
If it is necessary to bring in your device to have it repaired or serviced, a member of the Tech Team will be available by appointment only.
What if we are moving and need to turn in the district iPad?
Email the Tech Department and coordinate when you will bring the iPad, charger, logitech crayon can be brought over to the department to turn it in.
300 S. Waukegan Rd.
Lake Forest, IL 60045