August 2023
Memo Snapshot
General Reminders
- Summer Reading & Work
- Magnus & Medical Forms
- Academic Schedules
- Note about School Supplies
- Textbooks
- Buses between Campuses
- Parking Stickers for Parents and Students
- Class of 2027 Family Conference
- Athletic Preseason
- Leadership Trainings
- New Student Orientation
- Opening Day of School
- Overnight Retreats
- 9th Grade
- New Upperclassmen
First Day of School
- 9th and 12th Grade - Overnight Retreat
- 10th and 11th Grade - On Campus Retreat
College Counseling
Summer Reading and Work
Magnus & Medical Forms
- Parents must into their Parent mySAS, click on Resources tab, click the Magnus icon and follow steps.
- If your parents are having any trouble uploading your records, please email Nurse Luna and she can help them get them uploaded.
Academic Schedules
Note about School Supplies
Buses Between Campuses
Morning Shuttle from 31st St. Campus to SWP Campus
- 8:00 a.m. - Depart from 31st St. to SWP - (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri) (Load in front of 31st St. - Driveway #1)
Late Afternoon Shuttle from SWP Campus to 31st St. Campus
- 4:30 p.m. - Depart from SWP to 31st St. - (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri) - Note that last years departure time was 4:15 p.m. (Drop off in front of 31st St. - Driveway #1)
- 6:30 p.m. - Depart from SWP to 31st St. - (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu) No Friday shuttle (Drop off in front of 31st St. - Driveway #1)
*Please note that your parents will need to sign you up and pay for you to take the bus. They can do so by contacting Susan Gordon, sgordon@sasaustin.org.
Parking Stickers for Parents and Students
Starting in September, our security team will stop any car that does not have a Purple SAS Parking sticker displayed in the top corner of their windshield. Each 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade student will be assigned four parking stickers, and students in 9th grade will be assigned three parking stickers. These stickers should be disseminated amongst family members who might frequent campus for meetings, classes, or games.
All SAS Parking sticker holders must:
- Observe posted campus speed limits
- Park only in designated parking spaces
- Display a valid parking permit on the top left hand side of the windshield
- Submit their license plates before getting stickers (via this form or in advisory during August 21-25)
Please note that having a parking sticker does not guarantee parking. Should you have questions, please email Kate DiMaggio.
Class of 2027 Family Conferences
On August 23rd we will be having an Advisor and Advisee Family Welcome Conference. This will be a 1 on 1 meeting with you, your parents, and your advisor(s). These meetings typically run about 30 minutes in length and can be conducted on SWP, over Zoom, or in a blended model. Please expect an email from your advisor to you and your family by Friday, August 11th to schedule these meetings.
Email DLat or Mrs. Brooks if you have any questions!
Athletic Preseason - Starts Tuesday, August 1st
Sport-specific schedules - check with your coach!
Saturday, August 12 -Sunday, August 13th
Peer Mentor Overnight Training - check emails from Mother Whitney
Monday, August 14th
9:00 -10:00 Senate Meeting - Location TBD
10:30-12:30 Writing Center Training – Room 1301
12:45-1:45 Peer Mentor Expansion Team Lunch - Room 902
2:00-3:30 Blue Key Ambassador Training -- Learning Commons
Tuesday, August 15th
8:30-9:30 Senior Breakfast - DFAC Lobby & Porch
9:30-2:30 9th Grade Orientation w/ Peer Mentors & 9th Grade Advisors
9:30-1:30 Bridge Advisor Training -- Learning Commons
11:00-2:00 New Upperclassman Orientation w/ Peer Mentors & Advisors
1:45-3:00 Honor Council Retreat -- 1302
Wednesday, August 16th
8:45-3:55 Opening Day of School -- Special Chapel and All Class Schedule
Thursday, August 17th
- Off Campus Retreat
- 12th Grade Load Bus at 8:00 at the DFAC; Depart for Camp Capers at 8:30 AM
- 9th Grade Load Bus at 8:30 at the DFAC; Depart for Camp Capers at 9:00 AM
- On Campus Retreats
- 10th and 11th Grade - MANDATORY on campus from 9:00-3:00
Friday, August 18th
- Off Campus Retreats
- 12th Grade - Return from Camp Capers to DFAC at 2 PM (approximate time)
- 9th Grade - Return from Camp Capers to DFAC at 2:30 PM (approximate time)
- On Campus Retreats
- 10th and 11th Grade -MANDATORY on campus from 9:00-3:00
Monday, August 21st
- 9:00-4:00 Day 1 of Academic Rotation (Blocks 1, 3, 5, 7)
Tuesday, August 22nd
- 9:00-4:00 Day 2 of Academic Rotation (Blocks 2, 4, 6, 8)
Wednesday, August 23rd
- 9th Grade - Family Conferences with Advisors by appointment
- 10th Grade - Class Based Programming - Students must be on SWP by 9AM
- 11th Grade - Class Based Programming - Students must be on SWP by 9AM
- 12th Grade - Application Workday/Essay Editing Day - College Counselors will send schedule
Thursday, August 24th
- 9:00-4:00 Day 3 of Academic Rotation (Blocks 3, 5, 7, 1)
Friday, August 25th
- 9:00-4:00 Day 4 of Academic Rotation (Blocks 4, 6, 8, 2)
Student Engagement
Senate Meeting
Monday, August 14th, 9-10, Location TBD
Reach out to Ms. Horne with any questions
Blue Key Ambassador Training
Monday, August 14th, 2:00 pm - 3:30pm, Learning Commons
This is an orientation to prep the Blue Key Ambassadors for their role during the school year. It includes training to give campus tours and how to host visiting students - contain Mrs. Aycock with questions
Bridge Advisors Mandatory Training
Tuesday, August 15th 9:30 am - 1:30 pm, Learning Commons
If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Garcia and Mrs. Garza - can’t wait to see you!
Writing Center Tutors Mandatory Training
Monday, August 14 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Room 1301.
See email from Dr. Skinner for details
If you have any questions, please email Dr. Skinner
9th Grade Orientation
Tuesday, August 15th, 9:30 AM -- 2:30 PM; Upper School Campus Chapel; Casual Dress
A morning bus from 31st Street to SWP is available at 8:30 AM. An afternoon bus from SWP to 31st Street is available at 2:45 PM.
**Parents welcome to attend student welcome and remain for a short Parent Orientation followed by a casual coffee & scones in the Learning Commons hosted by the Parents Association.
SAS Contact: Dan Latreille; dlatreille@sasaustin.org; Racheal Brooks: rbrooks@sasaustin.org
With the purpose of orienting 9th grade students to community norms and values, as well as validating the various challenges and opportunities that come along with this transition, 12th grade Peer Mentors create and facilitate programming by advisory.
Students will receive their detailed course schedules at this time and walk through their class schedule, learn about FLEX Block, and receive an orientation to Chapel and the lunch room.
Students are asked to bring their laptops, as our IT team will problem-solve and configuration concerns and offer them some SAS system navigation tips.
Lunch is provided.
New Upperclassman Orientation
Friday, August 19th, 11 AM -- 2 PM; Upper School Campus Chapel; Casual Dress
SAS Contacts: 10th Grade Class Dean Andrew Forrester: aforrester@sasaustin.org; 11th Grade Class Dean Chris Delfausse: cdelfausse@sasaustin.org; Racheal Brooks; rbrooks@sasaustin.org
New upperclass students will have the opportunity to navigate their basic schedule, orient to the dining hall, and meet their advisor. Students are asked to meet in the Chapel.
Students should bring their school laptop as members of the IT team will meet with them to make sure the computer is configured for the school year.
Lunch is provided.
Wednesday, August 16th - 8:45
Meet Advisory outside (look for signs!); Semi-Formal Dress
Parents are welcome to gather in the Learning Commons & Porch for coffee and scones and then line the walkway to the Chapel as the students process.
SAS Contact: Racheal Brooks; rbrooks@sasaustin.org
With a procession and chapel service to formally welcome the St. Andrew’s Upper School community to the 2023-2024 school year, students also rotate through each of their classes in order to get a brief orientation to each teacher and course.
A morning bus from 31st Street to SWP is available at 7:45 AM. An afternoon bus from SWP to 31st Street is available at 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM.
Athletic Practices take place 4:30-6:15 PM.
Semi-Formal Dress consists of one of the following combinations:
Dress shirt (tucked in and buttoned), belt, slacks, and dress shoes
Dress or skirt and blouse with dress shoes. (Length should be appropriate for the occasion and allow a student to sit comfortably.)
Dress slacks and blouse with dress shoes.
No flip-flops, athletic shoes, or jeans are to be worn by students on semi-formal dress days
The Special Schedule for this day will be posted to the August Memo soon!
Thursday, August 17th -- Friday August 18th -- Camp Capers - Waring, TX
These overnight retreats will offer an informal setting in which students have fun while building relationships, all with the purpose of building community within advisory groups, across each grade, and between grades.
12th Grade:
- Thursday, August 17th
- 8:00 AM - Load buses at the DFAC / 8:30 Departure to Camp Campers.
- If you are taking the 8AM bus from 31st, it typically arrives at 8:15AM. Please let your advisor and Class Dean know in advance, just in case the bus arrives later than usual to campus.
- Friday: August, 18th
- 2:00 PM Pick-up at Upper School Campus Dell Fine Arts Center Porch -- Approximate time**
- SAS Contact: Kimberly Horne: khorne@sasaustin.org
9th Grade:
- Thursday, August 17th
- 8:30 AM Load buses at the DFAC / 9:00 Departure to Camp Campers
- If you are taking the 8AM bus from 31st, it typically arrives at 8:15AM. Please let your advisor and Class Dean know in advance, just in case the bus arrives later than usual to campus.
- Friday, August 18th
- 2:30 PM Pick-up at Upper School Campus Dell Fine Arts Center Porch -- Approximate time**
- SAS Contact: Dan Latreille: dlatreille@sasaustin.org
- Food/Allergy/Medication forms must be completed by Monday, August 8th.
- Release Forms must be completed by Monday, August 8th - can be scanned and submitted to Racheal Brooks -rbrooks@sasaustin.org
Release of Liability form signed by parents
Food Allergy/Medication Survey
Bedding & Personal pillow (must fit in your bag as we are limited on space)
Beach towel & Shower towel
Water shoes (flip flops work!)
Shirt with sleeves
Close-toed shoes
Comfortable clothing
Athletic shoes
Insect repellent
Toiletries (including, shampoo/conditioner, soap)
Hat (we will be out in the sun)
Refillable Water bottle
Please do not bring any food or electronic devices (cell phones are fine to be used as alarm clocks).
Making Healthy Decisions - Upper School Campus
10th-Grade and 11th-Grade On-Campus Retreats
The theme of the 10th and 11th Grade Retreat is “Making Healthy Decisions” and serves the dual purpose of health/wellness education and class bonding. It will be held on campus on Thursday, August 17th, and Friday, August 18th. Because we believe this health and wellness content and understanding is essential to your student’s education, this retreat is a graduation requirement and attendance is not optional. If your student(s) is absent on either day, there will be a required make-up assignment to ensure they receive this information and complete the graduation requirement.
SAS Contacts: 10th Grade Class Dean Andrew Forrester: aforrester@sasaustin.org; 11th Grade Class Dean Chris Delfausse: cdelfausse@sasaustin.org
Important Attendance Policy Change
In a continued effort to grow and support our student community, starting with the 2023 – 2024 academic year all students must remain on campus until the end of the academic day, 4:00 p.m. The pandemic required SAS to de-densify our campus, ensuring the safety of our students and faculty. However, we are focusing on providing students with the opportunity to engage with each other and with faculty and staff when needed.
12th-grade students in good academic and behavioral standing may leave at 2:35 p.m. when their free period occurs last, as long as parental permission is given. Both parental permission AND Front Office permission must be granted in order to leave campus before the end of the academic day.
Please note that this policy change does not apply to medical and other health-related appointments. As always, families are encouraged to schedule these appointments outside the school day, but we are aware that is not always possible. Students will be required to follow the standard Campus Sign Out Policy as stated in the Student Handbook.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Racheal Brooks, Assistant Head of Upper School for Student Life at rbrooks@sasaustin.org.
Cell Phone Policy 2023-2024
Students who wish to bring a cell phone to school must have it silenced and stored in their backpack, locker, or out of view except at lunch, during their free period, or when a teacher gives explicit permission to use the device in a classroom setting. Consequences for violating the cell phone policy include confiscation by a faculty or staff member, who will give it to a Class Dean. The Dean will follow up with the student with an appropriate response.
***Please note that this means no cell phones out during passing periods and transitions between classes.
Class of 2024
To help you make the most of your Application Workday/Essay Editing Day on August 23, please complete this Google form by August 11. And if you haven’t yet read our July newsletter, it’s linked again here. As always, reach out if you feel stuck or lost or really confident and are wanting a check-in! We are here for you.
Class of 2025
Don’t forget these resources that we shared back in May! If you haven’t looked over these, now is a good time. One of the best things that rising juniors (you!) can do this summer is to determine whether the SAT or ACT is the better test for you. Students have already taken the PSAT and many took a practice digital SAT with us last year. If students haven’t tried the ACT, do that this summer! More than a Teacher offers practice tests throughout the summer. After you do a practice test, we can help you compare your scores and make a plan for testing this year! Finally, as you are beginning to think about junior year and all of the colleges you will explore, here is a terrific webinar about Finding Great Colleges.
Upcoming Events
Colleges that Change Lives College Fair - August 12, 7-9 p.m.
Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol (Register here)
Class of 2024 - if you are wanting to learn more about any of the schools that will be there, please plan to attend!
Classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 - if you are eager to learn more about an incredible set of schools or if you are wondering how to get started on your college search process, this is the PERFECT college fair to attend right now.
If you want to be inspired and feel hopeful and excited about your college search, be sure to attend the opening information session (at 7:00 p.m.) - it is worth it!
Check out the College Counseling Instagram account!
Be sure to follow us (@sascollegecounseling) & check often for updates about events, important deadlines, college counseling-related celebrations, etc… If you and your family are visiting any colleges this summer, take a picture on campus and send it to us (cfulton@sasaustin.org or eguice@sasaustin.org). Please include the name of the college where the picture is taken and let us know if it’s okay to post your first name with the picture (we can also post without student names). We’d love to feature you on our Instagram.
College Visits - Tips for Making the Most of Them
We know that the summer is a common time for visits to college campuses - and there are still a few weeks left! Here are some tips for how to make the most of your visits - including clusters of colleges in a selection of cities. And here are some pointers for great questions to ask when visiting colleges + a helpful worksheet to complete after a college visit. Finally, let us help you! Reach out before taking a visit to see if we have any additional colleges to recommend or if we can connect you with SAS alums at schools you are seeing.
Chad Fulton (cfulton@sasaustin.org)
Elizabeth Guice (eguice@sasaustin.org)
Requirements for Sports/Fitness Participation
Please note that there are TWO requirements that must be completed in order to participate in athletics, the strength & conditioning class, or the fitness class at St. Andrew's. Please be sure that you complete these as soon as possible so you will be cleared to participate in any preseason practices, beginning on August 1. (Please note that this is a requirement for every athlete, so please complete these required steps if you plan to participate in any of the above throughout the year!)
Fully Completed Magnus Forms:
Instructions to access Magnus Health:
Must be completed by PARENTS
Log into the parent mySAS account
Click on Resources
Click on the link to Magnus Health
Here is a link for the Physical Assessment Form for your student's Doctor to complete
SportGait Baseline Assessment:
The athlete must use their cell phone to scan the QR code linked here.
From there, they will follow the instructions to download the app and complete the baseline assessment
Front Office
Attendance: Kate DiMaggio
9th Grade Class Dean: Dan Latreille
10th Grade Class Dean: Andrew Forrester
11th Grade Class Dean: Chris Delfausse
12th Grade Class Dean: Kimberly Horne
Website: https://www.sasaustin.org/