Hawk News You Can Use S1. V24
ROE Family,
Can you believe we’ve already finished three weeks of school since returning from the holiday break? Time is flying by, and we’re so proud of the hard work and dedication our students have shown. Despite the recent winter storm scare, we’ve stayed focused, and students have completed their Middle-of-Year I-Ready Assessments for grades 3-5. These assessments are a key indicator of their progress, so I encourage you to take some time to talk with your child about their results. Ask them about the stretch goals they’ve set with their teachers and celebrate the growth they’ve achieved so far. Your encouragement makes a big difference!
Looking ahead, we have various assessments and programs that will be taking place through the month of February. We are excited about what's to come and we look forward to hosting you on campus our upcoming events.
As always, I want to thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we’re ensuring our students grow academically and socially in a positive environment. Let’s keep working together to make ROE a great place to be!
Warm Regards,
Mr. Linnear
Principal- Red Oak Elementary
#WeAreBetterTogether #WinTheDay
Refresh Routines and Recommit to Goals
The middle of the school year is a great time to reflect on progress and make adjustments to routines to keep your child on track. Here’s how you can support their success:
Check in on Goals: Ask your child about the goals they’ve set with their teachers and how they feel about their progress. Help them create a plan to stay motivated and achieve those goals.
Revisit Routines: If mornings or homework time have become rushed or inconsistent, use this time to refresh your family’s routines. A consistent schedule helps set your child up for success each day.
Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge how far they’ve come since the start of the year. Recognizing effort and growth can boost their confidence and keep them focused on finishing the year strong.
The middle of the year is an opportunity to reset, reflect, and recharge for the months ahead. With small adjustments, your child can continue growing academically and thrive!
Your child can continue growing academically by using i-Ready for Reading and Math at home. Just 25-35 minutes a day can help them stay on track and reinforce important skills. Your child can log in with their school credentials through their home computer using classlink. Let’s keep the learning momentum going and set them up for a strong start in the new year!
Better Together and Winning in the Classroom
ROE Black History Month
For the month of February we will be celebrating Black History month to recognize and celebrate the immense contributions of African Americans throughout history, highlighting their achievements, struggles, and cultural impact, while also serving as a reminder to continue working towards a more equitable future for all by actively learning and engaging with Black experiences and perspectives.
Black History Spirit Week
Students will be allowed to participate in the dress up week for spirit week. Please contact your child's teacher if you have questions regarding dress up week.
Black History Program Student Sign Up
100 Days of School
Can you believe it! We will reach the 100th day of school mark of February 6th! To celebrate students will be allowed to come dressed in 100 day gear on this day! We look forward to seeing everyone in their 100th day gear!
National School Counselor Week
National School Counseling Week 2025, "School Counseling:
Helping Students Thrive," will be celebrated February 3-7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. We are thankful for our school counselor Mrs. Barrett for her hard work and commitment to ROE!
To celebrate Mrs. Barrett feel free to bring her favorites!
- Candy- Twizzlers
- Snack - Popcorn
- Starbucks Drink- Iced Shaken Expresso with salted Carmel cold foam
- Restaurant- Texas Roadhouse & Chick-fil-A
- Store- Target
Valentines Day Exchange
We will be celebrating Valentines Day with students. Thank you for your cooperation, if you have any questions please contact your child's teacher.
Date: Thursday, February 13th.
Event Type: Card and goody exchange (not a party).
Duration: 20-25 minutes.
Parent Involvement: We will not have parent visitors to the classroom during the exchange.
Valentine List: Teachers will provide a list of names or the number of students in the class for your student to have an exchange. We will not be accepting any balloon or flower deliveries for students.
Item Dropoff: Please view the updated procedures for dropping items off to students if you are bringing items for the class.
Snacks: All snacks must be store bought, and sealed. We will not accept any baked goods or cooked items.
Picture Day
Spring Picture Day is here. Logans photography will be conducting spring pictures on Thursday, February 11th. Individual and group photos will be taken for all classes. Picture envelopes have been sent home with students. If you have any questions please contact the front office.
Student Clubs
Nurse Visits
As we enter the season when illness tends to spread, we kindly ask for your help in keeping our school community healthy. If your child is ill, please keep them at home. Any student experiencing vomiting or a fever over 100°F will be sent home per district policy. If your child has a fever or vomits at home, simply send a doctors or parent note regarding the illness to excuse the absence.
Sending an unwell child to school not only risks exposing others but will likely result in a call for them to be picked up. Additionally, please note that we cannot provide medication to students unless it is brought in with a doctor's order. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding! If you have any questions regarding the sick policy and nursing procedures please contact our school nurse.
Nurse Susan Hasan
World's Finest Chocolate has ARRIVED!
Students took home permission slips this week. Chocolate boxes went home Friday for students that turned in their permission slips.
PTA uses these funds to help ROE with field trips and classroom supplies and special projects!
Arriving on time ensures that your child can begin the day smoothly, without missing out on valuable instruction time or important activities. Punctuality helps set the tone for a positive and productive day. When students arrive on time, they are better prepared to engage in learning and participate fully in classroom discussions and activities. It also helps to build good habits that will benefit them both now and in the future. Please help us by ensuring your child arrives at school by 7:25 ready to win the day. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us for support.
PTA Needs You!
Red Oak Elementary would love to partner with you, our community, to inspire our students by providing, supporting, and connecting them with their community. We want them to seek places and people in the community that will have an influential impact on their booming futures. Successful students are everyone’s business, and successful schools build successful communities.
Our mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children at Red Oak Elementary. Partner with Red Oak Elementary today because “We Are Better Together.”
Partnership Tiers- ROE Wants You!!
Tier 1-Bronze Level
$50.00 + Member
Tier 2-Silver Level
$ 75.00+ Member- Business booth at one ROE event.
Tier 3- Gold Level
$100.00+ Member- Business booth at one ROE event. Sponsoring a school event. Promotion of business using your marketing materials.
Tier 4- Platinum Level
$125.00 + Member– Free Membership. Business booth at two ROE events. Present your business to families at PTA meetings. Sponsor a school event.
Contact Information
Number: 972-617-3523
Email: roepta1@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redoakelementarypta
General Meetings: Red Oak Elementary in the cafeteria (dates /times are pending)
Skyward Family Access
Red Oak ISD utilized Skyward Family & Student Access to communicate important information like student grades and attendance history. The first time you try to access your account information, click on "Forgot your Login/Password" link. If you have any questions or need assistance with accessing Skyward please contact Mrs. Ruiz in the front office.
All ROISD students can receive FREE breakfast and lunch!
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, Red Oak ISD students will receive FREE breakfast and lunch meals under the United States Department of Agriculture's Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) meal service option that allows schools in qualifying areas to offer meals at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household meal applications.
All Red Oak ISD schools qualify to operate the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) and will provide breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals. This new approach reduces burdens for both families and school administrators and helps ensure that students receive nutritious meals.
FREE ROISD Student Meals
- Applies to ALL ROISD schools and students
- Includes breakfast and lunch meals:
- Protein, grain, veggies, fruit, & milk
- Not included:
- 2nd meal
- Ala carte
- Snacks and Beverages
- Ice cream
Because all Red Oak ISD students will receive free breakfast and lunch, parents will not need to complete and return the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) free and reduced-price meal application.
However, Red Oak ISD is still required to collect and report the socioeconomic status of each student via a socioeconomic information form (SIF). The information collected is sent to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to ensure campuses receive federal and state funds appropriately.
To capture that data, a socioeconomic information element has been included in the 2024-2025 Enrollment and Registration packets which will allow the District to collect information that determines other district funding. Parents/caregivers may be asked to resubmit the form if the information was not completed during enrollment.
All parents/caregivers must complete an updated Socioeconomic Information Form (SIF) each year. Changes to the SIF may be submitted through a paper form at your student’s campus. Socioeconomic information is also utilized in the annual State accountability ratings, ensuring that each campus is compared to other campuses with the same percentage of economically disadvantaged students.
Families must complete the form so that schools can receive federal and state funding (i.e., Title I and State Compensatory Education), which directly impacts campuses and students throughout the District. Title I and State Compensatory Education funding can be used for personnel, tutoring services, technology, and professional development for teachers. Please contact your child's school for more information.
If you have any questions about school meals, please contact our office at 972-617-2941 ext 4094.
Updated Campus Procedures
To ensure we align with district and state standards for student safety. We have began to implement new processes for visitors on campus. Please view the updated processes and information on raptor use while visiting the campus.
- All parents will be expected to scan into the Raptor system with a government issued identification.
- Items being left for students must be left in the foyer on the table and tagged with your student's name and grade level.
- Only parents visiting for lunch, classroom visits, or scheduled meetings will be allowed to enter the front office.
- What is the Raptor vSoft Visitor Check-in system?
- Raptor vSoft (or just Raptor) is a visitor-tracking system that will enhance our school security. The system reads visitor driver's licenses (or other government-issued photo IDs), compares information to a sex offender database, alerts campus administrators if a match is found, then (assuming no match was made) prints a visitor badge that includes a photo of the visitor.
- How does it work?
- Driver’s license information is compared to a database that consists of registered sex offenders from 49 states. If a match is found, the operator of the program (school employee) will get an alert of a possible match so that campus administrators and law enforcement personnel can take steps to keep the campus safe.
- Why is Red Oak ISD using this system?
- The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is the districts highest priority. Raptor will provide a consistent system to track visitors and volunteers while keeping away people who present a danger to students, staff, and visitors.
- What information is taken from driver's licenses?
- Raptor is only scanning the visitor's name, date of birth and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Additional visitor data will not be gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.
- Should Red Oak ISD scan every visitor into the system?
- Yes. The Raptor system is designed to track visitors. In case of an emergency, visitors can be viewed in a queue if they are still on campus. If necessary in an emergency, this will help identify who is inside the building.
- Does Red Oak ISD have the right to require visitors, even parents, to produce identification before entering the campus?
- Yes. Schools need to know who is on the campuses and why they are there. We also need to be able to confirm that an individual has the authority to have access to the student (early pick up, for example).
Morning Arrival and Dismissal
It is our goal to ensure the safety of our staff and scholars at all times while on campus. As we progress through the school year all parents are expected to adhere to the campus procedures to ensure we operate to provide a safe and supportive learning environment at ROE.
1. Morning Arrival
- Doors open at 6:50 AM
- Scholars and parents are not allowed to enter before 6:50 AM
- All scholars must be dropped off in the back of the school using the car drive line
- The tardy bell rings at 7:25 AM, scholars arriving after this time after will need to be escorted in by parents, and students will be issued a tardy slip.
- Breakfast ends at 7:25. Scholars arriving after 7:25 will be directed to class by staff members.
2. Afternoon Dismissal
- Dismissal will begin at 3:05 PM
- Car riders will be dismissed in the back of the school
- TLC, ECSE Walker A and B, Bus Rider, and day care will be dismissed from the Front of the building
- Walker C will be dismissed at the back of the school
- Parents must have yellow car tag issued from the school, if you do not have a car tag you must park and enter the front office. No scholar will be released without a car tag
- Early pickup for scholars will end at 2:15 PM daily. You will not be able to check your scholar out after 2:15 PM.
- Please ensure you contact the front office ONLY if your scholar's mode of transportation needs to change. Teachers are providing classroom instruction during the day and will not be able to provide support with the request.
3. Campus Visits
- Parents and family that are visiting the campus must have a vaild ID. You ID will be scanned through the system and you will receive a temporary badge.
- Parents may only visited designated areas upon visiting the campus and must be escorted by a staff member at all times.
- Parents will be allowed to visit beginning September 2, 2024 for lunch.
- Volunteers must check in through the front to be issued a green lanyard and must be approved through the district. Assignments will vary and be based on need for the campus.
4. Parent Contact and Conferences
- Parents requesting a conference with their child's teacher may contact the front office or the teacher to request a parent conference.
- Parent conferences will only be conducted before school, after school, or during the teachers conference periods on designated days.
- Parents may request a conference with the administration staff by contacting the campus secretary Mrs. Kathy Stokes. Upon contact the parent will be contacted within 24 hours.
5. Campus Events
- Parents will be allowed to attend campus events and will follow sign in protocol.
- Parents will be allowed to attend lunch with scholars beginning on September 2nd.
- Birthday celebrations are allowed for scholars on Friday's. Parents are allowed to bring cupcakes, and treats. All items must be store bought and sealed.
6. Communication
- Parents will need to connect to the classroom teacher class dojo for communication purposes.
- Campus newsletter will be emailed weekly on Friday.
We look forward to hosting campus visitors during the week. If you plan to visit please take note of the following:
- Parents are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day of the week.
- Visitors must have a valid ID in order to be allowed in the building.
- When visiting parents will have a designated area to eat with their child(ren) on the scholar's designated lunch period.
- Parents are not allowed to eat lunch with scholars that are not their children.
January Guidance Topics
Trustworthiness/Integrity - TALON- Academic Readiness
This month during our guidance lessons focus on Trustworthiness/Integrity
ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors:
Ethical decision making and social responsibility
Responsibility for self and actions
Academic Readiness- 1% Better
When to Contact Your School Counselor:
- Academic Achievement Concerns
- Behavioral/Emotional Concerns
- Peer Relations
- Family Transitions (e.g. - divorce, death, re-marriage, new sibling)
- Home Stressors
- Referrals for outside counseling assistance or resources
School counselors assist students and their parents with issues that are affecting a child's performance either academically or behaviorally in the school environment.
Hawk Family News
We have launched an updated Parent Resource webpage for Hawk Nation families - https://www.redoakisd.org/domain/3446 – which includes the new info-videos named Hawk Family Focus. These snippet videos will cover a variety of topics.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 6- Art Club 3:30-4:30
Feb.6- 100th Day of School
Feb. 11 Student Council Meeting 3:15-4:30
Feb. 13 - North Texas Food Bank @ 4 p.m. (ESC)
Feb. 14 - Staff Development / Student Holiday
Feb. 15 - School Resource Officer Day
Feb. 17-21 - National FFA Week
Feb. 17 - Presidents’ Day District Holiday (No School)
Feb. 22 - National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Feb. 24 - School Board Meeting @ 7 p.m. (ESC Board Room)
Feb. 27- Black History Month Celebration 6-7:30 (ROE Cafeteria)
Feb. 27- World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Ends
Thank you for choosing Red Oak ISD and trusting us with your children.
Red Oak Elementary
Email: braylon.linnear@redoakisd.org
Website: roe.redoakisd.org
Location: 200 Valley Ridge Dr, Red Oak, TX, USA
Phone: 972-617-3523
Facebook: facebook.com/redoakelementary
After The Bell
We are located on site at all elementary schools and provide a safe and nurturing environment from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m.
All programs are based on space availability and parents/guardian must call in advance. After the Bell is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
ROISD After the Bell is a licensed childcare program, available to ROISD students in grades Kinder -5th. The program keeps the students engaged with great activities, academic support, and health and enrichment programs.
To learn more about the ROISD's after school program visit the After the Bell website
- To reserve a roster spot, fill out this form.
- You will receive an email to confirm your reservation.
- You will receive a second email stating whether space is currently available or if your child was placed on the waiting list.
Tuition and Fees
- Full-Time - $95.00 per week
- Part-Time - $80.00 (3 days or less)
* All fees and policies are subject to change
2024-2025 Hours
- After The Bell operations are open 3-6 p.m. on all school days.
For more information on the After the Bell program, please contact:
Stephanie Woodward
After the Bell Coordinator
Phone (972) 617-4660 ext. 8
Email Stephanie WoodwardRobin Perdue
Director of Child Care ServicesLauren Peterson
Assistant Director of Child Care Services
The See Something, Say Something program gives students reminders to be kind and the tools to report inappropriate behavior through STOPit. The program has an app that can be downloaded or reports can be made online.
Red Oak Elementary
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