Principal's Post
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Angell Community,
Our Angell Dad's Club has worked hard over the last few years to design activities to bring families together. Last year they hosted their first ever Angell's in the Alley Bowling event that was a great success. They are excited to announce their 2nd annual Angell's in the Alley scheduled on Sunday, February 2 from 1-3 pm at 5 Star Lanes in Sterling Heights (2666 Metro Pkwy, Sterling Heights, MI 48310). The cost is $20 per bowler which includes pizza, pop, rental shoes, and two hours of bowling! This event is open to all Angell students and their families. Please use the Angell's in the Alley Signup and Payment Link Button below to join other Angell families for an afternoon of fun.
In the same spirit, our PTA hosted a family holiday craft night on Thursday, December 5th. The event was well attended. Families made several fun holiday crafts while enjoying some popcorn and hot chocolate. Posted throughout the newsletter are some photos from the event.
A BIG thank you to all of our volunteers that helped make our holiday shop a huge success. Students enjoyed shopping for their important people. It was a great way to help students develop independence and a sense of gratitude for the special people in their lives.
We are lucky to partner with a PTA that is mindful of the importance of giving back and creating opportunities that include our entire community. One final event before the holiday break to consider is Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams. In case you have not heard of the program here is a quick description - What is Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams? This cherished tradition started in 2017 by Corewell Health Children’s in Southeast Michigan (then Beaumont Children’s) nurses and child life specialists as a way of helping our youngest and bravest patients feel connected to their community during the holiday season. Each December, community members from across Southeast Michigan visit the Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital campus in Royal Oak at approximately 8 p.m. to shine flashlights to remind pediatric patients they aren’t alone and wish them sweet dreams. Angell students and their families are invited to attend on Wednesday, December 18th at 7:30pm. The link provided will provide you all the necessary details.
It is hard to believe this will be the last Principal's Post for 2024. Wishing all of you a very happy holiday season filled with joy. See you in 2025!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and see you on Monday.
Take care,
Vince Gigliotti
Angell Principal
Also, included in this edition of the Principal’s Post . . . . . .
- Angell's in the Alley SignUp and Payment Link
- GiftCrowd Link
- 4th Grade Art News
- Battle of the Books Information
- Cold Weather Notice
- Angell Network News
- Respect Circle Honorees
- PTA Information
- Spirit Wear Sale
- Class Funds
- PTA Membership Link
- Holiday Shop - Volunteers Needed
- Camp Invention
- Varsity Tutors
- Upcoming Events
- Volunteer Release Form
- Nuts and Bolts
- Music Concert Schedule
Mr. Gigliotti
Angell Principal
Angell's in the Alley SignUp and Payment Link
PTA Holiday Craft Night Pictures
Gift Crowd Link
Our PTA is offering GiftCrowd as an easy and virtual way of saying "Thank You" during this season of giving. Every recipient will be able to see a list of participants (but not their individual contributions) and their greetings. The DEADLINE to contribute is December 20, 2024 at 9:00 am.
4th Grade Art News
4th Graders learned about Kumihimo - which is an ancient Japanese form of branding using multiple strands of cord or ribbon. Our artists are creating Kumihimo bracelets on their own using a round loom.
Battle of the Books
Welcome to Angell's thirteenth annual Battle of the Books! The Battle of the Books is a reading challenge for all 4th and 5th grade students in which students are placed on a team, read from a selected list of books and then compete against other teams by answering questions about those books. The Battle encourages students to read various genres of books to enhance their reading. Families are encouraged to read with your students and to help prepare them for the Battle. The Battle is a reading challenge above and beyond the regular school work and curriculum. Because of this, both the parents and students are required to sign a permission slip. Information was sent home with students that included permission slips, book information and general expectations.
Feel free to reach out to Julie McKeeman, Media Specialist with any questions.
Julie McKeeman, julie.mckeeman@berkleyschools.org
Important Dates
First BOTB lunch meeting - December 11th
Second BOTB lunch meeting - January 8th (1st book should be read)
Third BOTB lunch meeting - January 29th (2nd book must be read)
Fourth BOTB lunch meeting - February 12th (3rd book must be read)
Fifth BOTB lunch meeting - March 12th, ALL books need to be read by today.
BATTLE will be held at 8:30 am on Thursday, March 13th
PTA Holiday Craft Night Pictures
Cold Weather Notice
As we enter into winter months we will experience some colder weather which will impact our students. We will invite students inside for an inside line-up no earlier than 7:45 am whenever the temperature is 9 degrees or less with the windchill. We have an organized system that allows students to line up in the hallways. However, if the weather is above 9 degrees (factoring in the windchill) we will have students wait outdoors each morning and go outside for recess each day. Please have your children dress appropriately for the weather in the event we do remain outside. Proper winter attire may include winter coats, gloves, hats, snow pants and boots. Although we have some extras in the office we do not have enough to outfit each child.
If you need any assistance with winter clothing please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly as we are fortunate to have anonymous donors who have provided funds and winter clothing to help our Angell families during the winter months.
PTA Holiday Craft Night Pictures
Angell Network News
Respect Circle Honorees
PTA Holiday Craft Night Pictures
PTA Updates
Week of December 16thth, 2024
Upcoming Events!
PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 7th at 7:00pm in the Angell Media Center. All are welcome!
PTA Sponsored Events
See the fliers below about Holiday Shop, Class Funds and Spirit Wear.
PTA Membership
Please consider joining. Get involved and help support our Angell Community.
Printable Membership Form: PTA Membership Form
Join the PTA online: https://angellpta.memberhub.com/store
Volunteer / Chair Opportunities: Angell PTA Committees
Angell Dad’s Club
Know any dads who want to get involved? They are absolutely welcome to join our PTA but we also have an Angell Dad's Club!
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm at Dog and Pony Show Brewing
Facebook: Angell Dad's Club
Contact: Rob Herman
Email: rob.herman@outlook.com
Social Media
Follow us on our social media pages to get important information and updates!
Facebook: Angell PTA Facebook Page
Instagram: angellfishpta
*2024- 2025 Angell PTA Board*
Bridget Rock - PTA President
Nicole Feys and Erin Steinger - PTA Co -Vice Presidents
Kelsey Cole- PTA Secretary
Tara Samson - PTA Treasurer
PTA Holiday Craft Night Pictures
Angell Spirit Wear Sale
The official Angell spirit wear store has launched a holiday sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments, all with home delivery guaranteed by December 23rd!
Enjoy a limited-time savings of 25% sitewide with great gifts for the entire family! In addition, all orders over $75 will receive free shipping. Shop Now!
PTA Holiday Craft Night Pictures
Class Funds
PTA Membership Link
Camp Invention Registration Open Now
What is Camp Invention?
A STEM summer camp where kids build creative inventions. Led by certified local educators, Camp Invention offers new and exciting hands-on activities every year for kids entering grades K-6.
This year’s brand-new program will illuminate imaginations, inspire curiosity and help kids build essential STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills through collaboration and problem solving. Campers explore hands-on challenges and open-ended adventures designed to unlock creativity and help them shine their brightest!
- Register online or call 800-968-4332
- Grades: K - 6th
- Location: Norup International School
- 14450 Manhattan Street, Oak Park, MI 48237
- Date: June 23 - 27, 2025
- Time & Cost: 9 am - 3:30 pm | $275 (before discount)
- Camp Director: Kimberly Ternus | kimberly.ternus@berkleyschools.org | (248) 837-8655
Current Offer: $35 off with code GIFT35 if you sign up by 12/31.
PTA Holiday Craft Night Pictures
Berkley Schools Announces Varsity Tutors - Free for All Students
Berkley Schools has partnered with Varsity Tutors for Schools, an online platform with access to free learning tools.
The Varsity Tutors Platform gives students more opportunities to learn at their own pace, to get support on subjects they might be struggling with, to explore subjects they are learning in class and to support their curiosities. The platform includes the following:
24/7 on-demand chat tutoring and on-demand essay review to help students with any questions about homework, classwork or test prep.
Live group classes, recorded classes and celebrity-led StarCourses allow students to learn more about the subjects they’re interested in and add a touch of fun.
Assessments and self study practice problems provide opportunities to drill skills towards mastery.
College prep & admissions resources ensure that students have the best resources available.
How to Access Varsity Tutors
Sign into the Varsity Tutors platform through the student Clever portal. To learn how to log into Clever with your child’s Berkley Schools Google account, follow these directions.
Learn More & Get Started!
Upcoming Events
Monday, December 16
Pledge Leaders: Watkins
4th and 5th grade Upstander Club
Tuesday, December 17
Pledge Leaders: Watkins
Wednesday, December 18
Pledge Leaders: Watkins
7:30 pm: Angell PTA Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams at
Corewell Health, Royal Oak Campus
Thursday, December 19
Pledge Leaders: Watkins
8:15 am: Family Circle
Friday, December 20
Pledge Leaders: Watkins
BHS Choir Ugly Sweater Tour
Volunteer Release Form
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips, and be a volunteer driver. In order to volunteer in the classroom or on school-sponsored functions, all parents or guardians must complete the Volunteer Release Form and be approved through the district process prior to any activities. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
New this year - Volunteer forms will be completed online (see button below). There is an option to fill out the Chaperone Section within the online Volunteer form. Driver forms must be completed using the usual paper copy format. Remember to submit a copy of your current driver's license and proof of insurance with ALL Driver Forms even if you submitted your driver's license online.
Volunteer forms must be completed every year. If you were an approved volunteer last year, you still must complete the process again for the 2024-2025 school year.
By clicking on the Nuts and Bolts button below you will be able to access information about:
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Traffic Patterns
- Health Forms
- Food Free Policy
- Snack Ideas
- Daily Schedule Information
- Bell Times
- Specials Schedules
- Wednesdays Rotations
- Lunch Information
- Breakfast Information
- Spiritwear
- iCalendar Updates
Music Concert Schedule
We are fortunate to have two talented music educators leading our music program this year. Mrs. Kathy Manuel and Ms. Maiuri. Mrs. Manuel also teaches at Burton Elementary and Ms. Maiuri teaches at Rogers Elementary, as well. We have made some adjustments to our performance calendar this year so please disregard any published dates that may appear on the district calendar. Moving forward please reference the dates below:
- 2nd Grade - February 27, 2025 at 6:00 P.M. @ Angell
- 3rd Grade - February 27, 2025 at 6:45 P.M. @ Angell
- 4th Grade - February 27, 2025 at 7:30 P.M. @ Angell
- Kindergarten - May 8, 2025 at 6:00 P.M. @ Angell
- 1st Grade - May 8, 2025 at 6:45 P.M. @ Angell
- 5th Grade Choir - May 22, 205 at 7:00 P.M. @ AMS (with Pattengill, Rogers, & AMS)
Please take note that all but the 5th grade concert will be in the Angell Gymnasium due to construction projects across the district. We look forward to seeing all of our families at the performances later in the year as we showcase our students' talents.
Stay in Touch
Email: vincenzo.gigliotti@berkleyschools.org
Website: https://www.berkleyschools.org/schools/angell/
Location: 3849 Beverly Boulevard, Berkley, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 837-8501
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Angell-Elementary-School/688122847952184
Twitter: @GigliottiVince