Life on the Prairie
May 10, 2024
Important Dates
5/10 . . . 8th grade dance . . . 7-9 PM at Prairie
5/15 . . . Choir concert . . . 7 PM in BHS auditorium
5/22 . . . 8th grade field trip to Main Event
5/22 . . . 8th grade Recognition at BHS . . . 7 PM (Last day of school for 8th grade)
5/27 . . . Memorial Day . . . NO SCHOOL
5/28 . . . Last day of school for 6th and 7th grade
News You Can Use
Safely Picking Up Students After School
All drivers must wait in the car line until you reach the pick-up zone at the front of the building. Do not park in the main lot or in the new, southwest lot near the ELC. Students walking through traffic create safety concerns for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
8th Grade Recognition
Our Eighth Grade Recognition ceremony will be held at the Barrington High School Gymnasium at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, May 22nd.
Students must report to the gym by 6:30 PM.
Student dress for the occasion is business casual. Please be mindful that there is no air conditioning in the gym at BHS.
Each member of the Class of 2024 will be individually recognized.
Family and friends are invited and encouraged to attend. There will be no limit to the number of parents or relatives who may wish to attend the ceremony and no tickets are required.
Please make arrangements to meet your student outside on the plaza at the conclusion of the program. This will assist in an orderly recessional.
Parking will be in the main parking lot at Barrington High School which is accessible from Hart Road.
The event will be streamed live and the link can be found here.
8th Grade End of Year Field Trip
The 8th grade class will be attending The Main Event on Wednesday, May 22nd. This event will include several hours of bowling and video games. We will be leaving Prairie at 9:30 AM and returning at 2:00 PM. Lunch will be provided at The Main Event. Please follow this link to make the payment for our end of year celebration. Please reach out to Dr. Pawlak or Mrs. Ten Hoven with any questions.
8th Grade End of Year Activities and Expectations
Have an Incoming 6th Grader?
We have events for you! Click here to read all about the transition events planned for our incoming 6th graders.
Fall Sports Information and Registration
Click here for information about our fall sports.
Counseling Department News
As a reminder, all students at BMS-Prairie receive social/emotional learning (SEL)
lessons multiple times a year and during COLT time. In addition, all students have
access to a counseling team member. If you ever have questions about our general
curriculum or supports specific to your student, please feel free to contact a member of
the Prairie Counseling Department.
Melissa Kehoe- 6th grade counselor 847-756-2526
Sarah Lloyd- 7th grade counselor: 847-756-2523
Jenny Godinez- 8th grade counselor 847-756-2522
Monica Santiago- Bilingual counselor 847-756-2630
BStrong's Tuesday Tips provide wonderful resources for parents and caregivers. If
you’d like to subscribe to BStrong’s Tuesday Tips try the link here.
Last PTO Meeting of the Year
Please join us for our final PTO meeting of the year on May 14th at 9:15 AM. All incoming 6th grade parents are welcome to attend. Please share with your friends and neighbors. PTO Bylaws and 2024-25 PTO Slate will be voted on at the meeting.
Please bring your driver's license if you are new to Prairie for check-in.
See Something, Say Something
Safety 220
Barrington Middle School - Prairie Campus
Location: 40 E Dundee Rd, Barrington, IL, United States
Phone: 847-304-3990
Twitter: Prairie220