Hopewell's Happenings
Communication for the HES Community
Back to School Edition - 2024
Welcome Back
Grade-Level Teams & Child's Classroom Placement
On Thursday, August 22nd, your child’s classroom placement will be accessible in OnCourse Connect. A letter will be shared from HES earlier this day with further directions so please stay tuned. We highlighted the 2024-2025 grade-level teachers in the pictures below. Please note that families may not request a specific teacher. Such requests will not be accepted or considered by the staff. The faculty has a professional relationship that is compromised when one professional is asked to comment on a colleague's attributes and teacher performance.
This year, we've added a WIN (What I Need) Math period to the daily schedule for our K-3 students, expanding on the success of this program in grades 4 and 5. WIN Math is tailored to meet the needs of all learners, offering enrichment, support, games, and reinforcement. Additionally, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) is making a return as a sixth special class in the elementary schedule and will be taught by Ms. Rebecca Skelton, new to HES this year. The STEAM Special joins our existing specials: Wellness, Art, Media Center, Spanish, and Music. Lastly, our 4th-graders will now switch core classes in a manner similar to what our 5th-graders have been doing for the past few years.
PLEASE HELP: Welcome back our Amazing Staff at HES
Our amazing HES staff returns to school on Thursday, August 29th! What better way to celebrate than by having our HES families leave encouraging messages throughout the campus using sidewalk chalk? We invite you to stop by HES at any time on Wednesday, August 28th, to leave a quick message for our instructional and support staff. Sidewalk chalk will be available at various locations around the campus, so you and your family members can get as creative and positive as possible for our tremendous staff. We know they will love seeing these messages!
First Day of School Welcoming Ceremonies
First Day of School
P.S. Preschool's First Day of School will take place on Thursday, September 5th. More information will be communicated by your child's teacher.
HES Dismissal Waiver Form
Please complete the 2024-2025 HES Dismissal Waiver Form for each child that attends HES. Please review the various choices within the form and make a selection for each day of the week. Waivers should be completed before the start of school on September 3rd.
In the event that there is a change in dismissal plans, please email the office staff at hwmainoffice@hvrsd.org as well as your student's teacher as soon as possible.
School Lunch Information for 2024-2025
Back-To-School Picnic
The HES PTO is proud to present our annual Back to School Bounce & Boogie again this year! Please join us on Friday Sept 13th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at HES for a fun night of inflatables, DJ Dance party, 50/50 raffle and more! This is a great way to kick off the year, reconnect with old friends and also meet new families to HES. We are, again, offering pizza that can be bought by PRE-ORDER ONLY that will be delivered to the event, just by clicking on the link below. All pizza orders must be received by Monday Sept 9th. We will also have drinks, water ice and great new HES merch available for purchase on site. We would also like to extend a special thanks to our generous inflatables sponsor "Listed by Janet" (Janet Larrain)!
Bring a blanket and have a picnic and enjoy this wonderful night! Please note that this is not a drop-off event and parents are asked to stay with their children to enjoy the fun family event :-) Feel free to contact Jill Guiseppe (JillyRD77@gmail.com) with any questions. Can't wait to welcome everyone back to HES this year!!!
Also, if you'd like to volunteer your time to help make this event possible, we would greatly appreciate it! Please check the next link here:
- August 22nd - Student's Classroom Placement Released in OnCourse Connect
- August 27th - Kindergarten Orientation (9:00am-10:00am use Cafeteria Entrance); New Families Orientation (11:00am-11:45am use Cafeteria Entrance)
- August 28th - Help "Chalk the Sidewalk" to Support our Staff (all day on front and side walkways)
- August 29th - Open House for All K-5 Families (2:15pm-3:30pm use Visitor's Entrance)
- September 2nd - Labor Day (Schools/Offices Closed)
- September 3rd - 1st Day of School for Students; HES Welcoming Ceremonies (8:30am); PTO's BooHoo-WooHoo Breakfast (9:00am in Cafeteria)
- September 4th - Family Day Session 1: AM PEECH & Full Day PreK (10:00am-10:45am); Family Day Session 2 PM PEECH (11:00am-11:45am)
- September 5th - 1st Day of Preschool AM PEECH & SKIP (9:00AM) & PM PEECH (12:30PM)
- September 6th - 1st Whole School Meeting (9:00AM) - Wear School Colors (Blue/Yellow)
- September 13th - PTO's Back-to-School Picnic (5:30pm -7:30pm use Large Parking Lot Entrance)
- September 18th - Back-to-School Night (6:00pm - 8:00pm use Visitor's Entrance)