Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (10/7-10/11, 2019)
Shout Out!
From Ramsay: "I'm nominating Lena and Jen Martin, who have both collaborated with Leea to provide her opportunities to teach and lead small groups in the first grade classroom. This support and flexibility is giving Leea very meaningful practice. Leea's practicum supervisor is coming on Friday to observe Leea in first grade! Thanks to this team!"
Also, I want to give a shout out to Luann and Suzanne, and everyone else who helped them, for their planning of the school hike. In spite of the bus snafu, kids came back excited and smiling. Thank you!
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Tuesday: LEC meeting, Yom Kippur
Wednesday: Early Release: Amy Chang providing PD, Fire Prevention Day
Thursday: 3rd grade grade level meeting, International Newspaper Carrier Day
Friday: Amy leaving at 1:00, National Fossil Day
Friday Fun
Friday Fun for Oct. 11th is Room Service Day. You will find a tag in your mailbox on Thursday. Fill it out and put it in my mailbox before Friday morning and your treats will be delivered to you at some point Friday morning. It will be discreet, so as not to distract any students.
News and Reminders
- I mentioned last week that I had gotten approval to hire a long-term sub in K. I'm happy to announce that Amber Browning will be starting on Monday.
- If you have not yet done so, please make sure you set up a SMART goal meeting. My calendar is getting full, so you'd like to meet at a time not listed, please just let me know. Remember, your Ed Eval Plan needs to be posted by Oct. 15th.
- When planning a field trip, please make sure to leave a list of parent chaperones who are going with you with Sandy. This way, we will be sure of everyone we are responsible for, in case there's any emergency.