Sora & EBSCO Maui 3/18

You are registered for a workshop on using Sora and EBSCO online educational resources, key components of the CORE Bundle.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Sora & EBSCO
in person at Maui High School Library
Event Information
Sora & EBSCO workshops (in person)
Monday, Mar 18, 2024, 08:30 AM
Maui High School Library, 600 Lono Avenue, Kahului, HI, USA
Click here to access the agenda.
Please Bring
- your laptop or tablet computer for collaborative work;
- a sweater or jacket as it may be cool in the library.
You may also bring a snack to share if you like.
We will take a 30 minute lunch break. You may bring a lunch or go off site.
Stipends are available for Unit 05 employees only. You must sign in and participate for the full day to receive the stipend.
If you are unable to attend the workshop, please email Selena.Mobbs@k12.hi.us. Mahalo!
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