Timber Wolf Times 10/11/24
Neil C Twitchell Elementary School - 2024/2025
The Book Fair is happening!
Upcoming Events
9/15 - 10/15 Hispanic Heritage Month
10/11 - C Day
10/11 - Third Grade Field Trip
10/11 - Apple Core Recognition
10/11 - Rubik's Cube Club 6:45 am - 7:45 am
10/11 - Lobos 7:00 am
10/11 - Battle of the books 7:10 am
10/11 - Garden Lessons
10/11 - Student of the Week
10/14 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
10/15 - D Day
10/15 - Honor Choir 4th Grade Only 7:00 am
10/15 - Braniacs Club 2:20 pm
10/15 - Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
10/15 - 10/23 - Sukkot
10/16 - E Day
10/16 - Picture Retake Day
10/16 - Keyboard Club 2:20 pm
10/17 - A Day
10/17 - Honor Choir 5th Grade ONLY
10/17 - Excite Dance Club 2:15 pm
10/17 - NEHS Meeting 2:15 pm
10/18 - B Day
10/18 - Rubik's Cube Club 6:45 am - 7:45 am
10/18 - Family Engagement Day - Pre - K
10/18 - Apple Core Recognition
10/18 - Free Dress Day
10/18 - Lobos 7:00 am
10/18 - Battle of the Books 7:10 am
10/18 - Magnatiles Club 11:25 am
10/18 - Garden Lessons
10/18 - Student of the Week
10/18 - PTA Fall Festival
10/21 - 10/224 - Pumpkin Run - Before School 7:35 am - 7:50 am
10/21 - C Day
10/21 - PositiviTEE Monday - Positive T-Shirt w/ SSA Bottoms
10/21 - Garden Lessons
10/22 - D Day
10/22 - Honor Choir - Grade 4 Only
10/22 - Brainiacs 2:20 pm
10/22 - Boy Scouts Meeting 6:00 pm
10/23 - 10/24 - Shmini Atzeret
10/23 - E Day
10/23 - Good News Club 2:15 pm
10/23 - Keyboard Club 2:20 pm
10/24 - A Day
10/24 - 10/25 Simchat Torah
10/24 - Honor Choir 5th Grade Only
10/24 - Grade 4 Field Trip
10/24 - Excite Dance 2:15 pm
10/25 - Nevada Day - No School
10/28 - B Day
10/28 - PositiviTEE Shirt Day - Positive Message T-Shirt w/ SSA Bottoms
10/29 - C Day
10/29 - Honor Choir 4th Grade Only
10/29 - PTA Dine to Donate - Raising Cane's
10/29 - Brainiacs
10/29 - Boy Scout Meeting
10/30 - D Day
10/30 - Good News Club 2:15 pm
10/30 - Student Council Meeting 2:15 pm
10/30 - Keyboard Club 2:20 pm
10/31 - E Day
10/31 - Halloween
10/31 - Honor Choir 5th Grade Only
10/31 - Halloween Parade - Blacktop/Field 12:30 pm - (Parents may watch from the fence line)
10/31 - Halloween Classroom Celebrations 1:00 pm - Room Parents Only
10/31 - Excite Dance 2:15 pm
November Character Trait: Acceptance
Native American Heritage Month - November
11/1 - A Day
11/1 - Apple Core Recognition
11/1 - Free Dress Day
11/1 - PTA Candy for Troops Collection
11/1 - Rubik's Cube Club 6:45 am
11/1 - Lobos 7:00 am
11/1 - Battle of the Books 7:10 am
11/1 - Garden Lessons
11/1 Grade 5 Magnet School Presentation
11/1 - Student of the Week
11/1 - PTA Fun Friday at the Park
Counselor's Corner
Family Counseling Newsletter
Parent Institute Monthly Newsletter:
Parent Institute Daily Learning Planner:
October Character Trait - Respect
Want to add photos to our school yearbook? Use the QR Code.
Fall Festival is Coming Soon!!!
Twitchell's Fall Festival is October 18! We need volunteers!
Our annual Fall Festival will be held on October 18 from 5:30-8 p.m and we need YOU to help make it great! Please consider donating an hour of your time to the festival. Funds raised this year will help to pay for field trips, improvements to our building, student and teacher givebacks and much, much more!
Adults interested in volunteering can sign up here: Fall Festival Adult Sign Up
If you have middle or high school children who are interested in earning volunteer hours, they can sign up here: Fall Festival Student Volunteers
Also, we are humbly requesting donations for our raffle. If you, or someone you know would be interested in donating, please see the attached letter for our request. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you and we are looking forward to a wonderful festival!
The Twitchell PTA Board
Twitchell Families,
Back by popular demand, our Fall Festival this year will include a Trunk-or-Treat! If you would like to enter your car into the event, please sign up below:
Twitchell Trunk or Treat Sign Up
We will provide volunteers to help set up and to hand out candy, however each car is responsible for providing their own treats (allergy friendly please.) Businesses are welcome to sponsor cars. Any questions, please
email TwitchellPTA@gmail.com.
As always, thank you for supporting our school's events! This community would not be the same without our wonderful families.
PTA October Paw Print Press
Handbook also available on school website under: ABOUT
Twitchell Elementary School
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NeilCTwitchellElementarySchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twitchelles/