RMS Weekly Update
Website: romeok12.org
Location: 11091 W. 32 Mile Rd., Romeo, MI 48065
Phone: 586-752-0240
Attendance Line: 586-281-1550
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RomeoMiddleSchool/
Instagram: Romeo Middle School
Please do not send in lunch or birthday treats for students other than your own. Door Dash and other delivery services are not allowed.
Bell Schedule
1st Hour 8:15 - 8:48
2nd Hour 8:53 - 9:45
3rd Hour 9:50 - 10:42
6th Grade
Lunch 10:47 - 11:17
4th Hour 11:22 - 12:14
5th Hour 12:19 - 1:11
8th Grade
4th Hour 10:47 - 11:39
Lunch 11:44 - 12:14
5th Hour 12:19 - 1:11
7th Grade
4th Hour 10:47 - 11:39
5th Hour 11:44- 12:36
Lunch 12:41- 1:11
6th Hour 1:16 - 2:08
7th Hour 2:13 - 3:05
Lunch Accounts
Please click here to set up your students lunch account. This year there is free breakfast and lunch for all students. If you would like to add funds to your students account for snacks or additional lunch please be sure to login and set up an account.
Thank you!
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please do not send in lunch or birthday treats for students other than your own. Door Dash and other delivery services are not allowed.
Lunch Times:
- 6th Grade 10:47-11:17
- 8th Grade 11:44-12:14
- 7th Grade 12:41-1:11
For breakfast and lunch options please click the following link.
Important Dates and Times
2/28- Twin Day- Dress as a twin with your favorite friend!
3/3-7- Book Fair
3/5- No School- PD Day
3/6- Choir Concert RMS Auditorium @7pm
3/7- ½ Day of School- End of 2nd Trimester
Athletic Calendar
02/24-Girls Basketball Games
- WHITE- L'anse Creuse North MS Away @3:30 pm
- RED- Seneca Middle School Away @3:30 pm
02/27- Girls Basketball Games
- RED-L'anse Creuse South MS Away @3:30 pm
- WHITE- L'anse Creuse Central MS Home @3:30 pm
Urban Air Fundraiser
Who: All RMS students, families, friends (feel free to share the post with others too)
What: School Spirit Event on PD Half Day!
Where: Urban Air Adventure Park in Oxford
When: Friday March 7th, 2025
Why: 20% of proceeds to benefit the RMS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Program
Cost: Exclusive pricing on Deluxe to Platinum tickets available starting at $16.99 for the extended hours of 1-9pm. No need to pay in advance, just show up and jump and play till you drop- as long as you like!
*Mention RMS at the desk when you purchase your ticket
*To expedite the process, sign the online waiver: https://booking.urbanairparks.com/waiver?confirmation=878470-yxc9oj1l
★ 6th Grade: Mrs. Skover has been busy with her 6th grade small groups during R-Time and lunch time. It has been nice being able to spend time with more students in smaller settings. Always reach out if you feel that your child could benefit from a small social and/or emotional group!
★ 7th Grade
Mrs. Bazner is looking forward to re-introducing our career exploration program called Xello
Mrs. Roeser’s Ancient History classes were visited this week to complete the following activities on Xello:
Career Matchmaker & Career Clusters, Interests, and, the lesson, Discover Learning Pathways.
This program provides an opportunity to explore career pathways and to begin discussing the opportunities available through the Academies at Romeo High School. Take the time this weekend to sit with your student so they can show you their results!
Mrs. Bazner will visit Ancient History classes on the following dates:
Ms. LaBaere 2/24
Mrs. Novey 3/10
★ 8th Grade
Big news!!! Parent Night at the 9th Grade Academy will be Monday March 3, 2025 at 6pm. I hope all of you can attend and find out everything that the Academy has to offer. If you have any questions concerning the Parent Night, please contact Kristen Famiano, the 9th grade Counselor.
Most of the 8th grade students have completed their College Board Accounts. For those who were absent, I will be working with them next week to wrap up that activity. The PSAT is scheduled for April 8th for all of our 8th grade students.
Washington DC is just around the corner. I am so excited to be joining our 8th grade students as we explore our nation’s capitol. Please remind your student that they will be representing Romeo while they are on this trip and that we will have fun, while being respectful to all.
School Administration
Mr. Brad Martz, Principal
Mrs. Katie Lackowski, Administrative Assistant