Clarks Creek Chronicles
August, 2016 - News and Notes to Keep You Connected
A Note From the Principal
What an outstanding beginning to the school year we have had! I cannot thank those enough who have contributed to helping us begin our year so smoothly - from you, as parents, to our outstanding staff, bus drivers, and everyone else who has played a role, THANK YOU! We had many parent volunteers from our PTO helping our youngest students beginning on day one, and we all commented on how quickly all of our students were in their new classrooms on that very first day. This was thanks, in large part, to their help!
I'd like to extend a special welcome to all of our new students and their families. We also have several new staff members on board, as well. We welcome four new classroom teachers at Clarks Creek - Mrs. Keating in kindergarten, Mrs. Mennonno in grade 2, Miss Taylor in grade 2, and Mrs. Schaffer in grade 5. Little Quakers Academy also added a new teacher; welcome to Mrs. Fast! Welcome to everyone who is calling Clarks Creek your new "school home" this year!
As we go throughout the year, you will receive updates from your child's teacher frequently. In addition, this monthly newsletter will arrive in your inbox. Separate emails with specific information will also be sent, as needed. We strive to communicate the information that we know you'll need. As always, feel free to contact your child's teacher or the main office if there is other information that you need from us.
We are ready for another amazing year of learning and growing for all of our students!
Mrs. Donovan
A Note on Attendance from the Assistant Principal, Mrs. Perry
Some of the things that you can do to help support attendance are:
- Schedule all doctor’s appointments outside of the school day, if at all possible.
- Share with your child how important it is to be at school.
- Make sure to communicate absences in advance, if possible, so the classroom teacher can ensure that your child still has opportunities to learn skills that he/she will miss when they are absent.
- Help to make sure that your child arrives at school on time each day. The doors open at 8:30 and students need to be seated in their classroom each morning by 8:50 or they are counted tardy.
Working with your child/children each day is a pleasure. We want to make the most of each and every minute we have with your child.
This year, we have also established district protocols. These provide for standard symbols and language throughout the district in any sort of emergency situation. Every classroom in all PCSC schools boasts the same poster with information regarding these procedures.
Students and teachers have been working daily on showing PRIDE. We had our first PRIDE credit drawing on Friday and are so excited about the number of credits that have already been given out to students who are meeting Clarks Creek's expectations! If you have not already asked your child about PRIDE credits, please take the time to ask him/her.
We are very close to earning our next school-wide credit award because of the hard work of our students last year, in addition to that of the students thus far in these first few weeks. We look forward to a special event - coming soon!
More Info About "Safe Visitor"
Click the Link Above to See the Website Calendar
- 8/22 PTO Meeting 6:30pm- library (enter door 3)
- 8/24 Spirit Wear Orders Due - see link below
- 9/7 Trash Bag Fundraiser Kick-off
- 9/12 LQA Student Pictures
- 9/12 PTO Meeting 6:30pm- library (enter door 3)
- 9/13 Student Pictures - Clarks Creek and LQA
- 9/21 Trash Bag Orders Due
- 9/26 Parent Night - Body Safety Preview - 6:30pm @ Central Elementary
Volunteer at Clarks Creek!
Another thing we ask all volunteers to complete annually is the Volunteer Confidentiality Form. This form is available in the school office and should also be completed before the first volunteer experience.
We appreciate the help of all of our volunteers! We couldn't do it without you!
Body Safety Parent Preview
We are happy to announce that Plainfield Community Elementary School District will again be partnering this year with Chaucie’s Place, a child advocacy organization in Hamilton County, to bring Smart Steps: A Body Safety Program for Children to our students. Smart Steps is a child sexual abuse prevention and education program that empowers your child to say “NO!” to any unwanted touches that make them uncomfortable from anyone.
We invite you to attend a Chaucie’s Place Parent Night to learn more about the Smart Steps program at Central Elementary School on Monday, September 26th from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. This meeting is open to all parents and/or guardians of Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grade students. Please be advised that Parent Night is not open to children. To learn more about Chaucie’s Place visit:
Meet Your CC Office Crew!
Mrs. Ellis - Home-School Advisor, Officer Salisbury (officers vary from day to day), Mrs. Coffelt - nurse, Mrs. Cutler - secretary/treasurer, Mrs. Rosenbaum - technology assistant, Mrs. Spencer - receptionist
School BEGINS at 8:50. This means that students must be in the building, have emptied their backpacks, and be seated at their desks by this time. If you bring your child to school by car, plan on arriving by 8:40 to allow your child plenty of time to accomplish all of this.
Use of Student Images
School Lunch Information
Visiting for Lunch
A Note from the Nurse
A Note from the Home School Advisor
They will continue to work on additional skills through the end of September, including: listening/following rules, sportsmanship/friendship, tattling, respect for others, and empathy. We hope this builds on what you have already worked on at home and gives all of our youngest CC Quakers a good foundation for developing friendships and being "good citizens" throughout their lives.
PTO Info
Sno-Cone/Meet the Teacher Night
PTO would like to thank all the students and families who celebrated the start to a new school year during the Sno-Cone/Meet the Teacher night. It was a great way to say “Good-bye” summer and “Hello” to the new school year!
Staff Appreciation
Our first staff appreciation lunch will be held on 9/15. This will be a tailgate theme lunch. PTO will be asking 2nd and 3rd grade parents to donate items. Please look for an email with the donation sign up in the next few weeks.
Nightmare on Elm Drive
Our annual Nightmare on Elm Drive will be held on 10/29 from5-8pm. The Planning Committee will be forming soon and will hold their first planning meeting early in September. If you are interested in being a part of the planning committee, please email the PTO at .
Spirit Wear
Spirit Wear orders with payment are due on 8/24 and will be delivered no later than the week of September 12th.
Trash Bag Sale Timeline:
Our annual trash bag fundraiser will begin on September 7. Information and order forms will be sent home that week. Orders and money will be due on September 21. Prizes will be awarded to the top selling class, as well as the top selling students. Order pickup will be held during conferences on October 20th.
Important Dates:
8/22- First PTO Meeting
8/24- Spirit Wear money due
9/7- Trash Bag Fundraiser Kickoff
9/12- September PTO meeting