Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 13th September 2024
The Adventures Begin!
Year 5 Enjoy Go Ape!
This week Year 5 visited Go Ape in Dalby Forest. All the children had a fantastic morning exploring the forest canopy, navigating their way around a treetop rope course completing intricate crossings, wobbly bridges and zip wires whilst developing their climbing and balancing skills. In the afternoon the children participated in a range of fun activities and games to develop communication, leadership and teamwork. The children had a great day, their impeccable behaviour, fantastic 'can do' attitude and showing excellent support to their peers made them an absolute credit to our school.
School Ambassadors
After a full democratic process including all candidates giving a speech in front of the whole school and everyone posting their votes into the confidential ballot box, we are delighted to announce that Martha and Joshua are our school ambassadors this year.
For this school year, we are delighted to announce that we have chosen prefects to work alongside the ambassadors. We are sure they will do a fantastic job!
Stars of the Week
We have continued our weekly tradition celebrating the children's achievements in our Friday worship and proudly present another set of superstars!
Reception - Emilka for settling in well to school routines and having a go at all our learning challenges in class. Well done!
Year 1 - Henry for challenging himself across all of our provision areas. Well done Henry!
Year 2 - Jack for his all round love for learning and for always putting 100% into everything he does! Jack has settled into our school so quickly and has become a fantastic role model for the whole class!
Year 3 - William for a super start to Year 3, settling into class and trying his best in every lesson. Keep it up!
Year 4 - Lottie for a brilliant start to Year 4. You have given everything 100% effort! Well done Lottie.
Year 5 - Ava for her excellent resilience at Go Ape. She overcame her fears and completed the course and zip line. Well done!
Year 6 - Scarlett for being a fantastic friend and for challenging herself in lessons.
Ava did so well at Go Ape that she receives a special mention from Mrs Walsh for facing her fears and demonstrating the school value of perseverance!
Congratulations to all our Stars of the Week!
Information Sharing
Open Classrooms
On Wednesday, classrooms will be open straight after school for parents and carers to visit. You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher and to see the classroom environments. The classes will remain open until 4.30pm, so adults collecting from Schools Out are welcome to pop in before collecting the children.
With the colder weather now approaching, please ensure your child comes to school every day with a coat.
We have been notified that there has been some dangerous parking outside school. On one occasion cars were double parked to the extent that an emergency vehicle could not pass through. Please be considerate of our local community when you park.
Mrs Bingham has now received the parking permits for the St Marygate car park, so please email her (details below) to make your parking easier and safer. Thank you.
Getting in touch
There are a number of ways you can contact staff in school if you need information or would like to discuss anything relating to your child’s education:
1. To report an absence:
- Use the ScholarPack App (new parents will receive information about the App next week) OR
- Ring the school office on 01765 602355 and speak to Mrs Bingham or Mrs Rich OR
- Email Mrs Bingham on rbingham@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
- Please be specific on the reason for the absence including the nature of any illness or appointment, thank you.
- Please note that Mrs Rich does not work on Wednesdays and the admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk email address will not be viewed on her days off.
2. To contact the class teacher, please ring the school office to pass on a message, or email the teacher directly. All teachers’ email addresses are on the class pages of the school website www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
3. To contact the Headteacher, Mrs Walsh, please telephone using the school number or email headteacher@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
The classes often share information and learning via Class Dojo, so please make sure you are signed up to the appropriate class. (Contact class teachers if you are unsure how to do this). Teachers do not use the Dojo Messaging function so please do not contact them via this method, as we cannot guarantee your query will be answered.
Midday Supervisory Assistant Vacancy
Please contact Mrs Rich in the office if you are interested in learning more about being an MSA in our school. https://riponcathedralschool.org.uk/Staff-Vacancies/
Dates for Diaries
w/b Monday 16th September – Sports Captains selected and Sports Clubs start
Wednesday 18th September – Y3/4 and Y5/6 Football tournament at Outwood (am); Open Classrooms after school; 5pm Year 5 Lindisfarne Parents’ Meeting
Thursday 19th September – Y6 to Howstean Gorge
Monday 23rd September – Y3 to Bewerley Park
Tuesday 24th September – Y4 to Bewerley Park
Wednesday 2nd October to Friday 4th October – Y5 residential Lindisfarne
w/b Monday 7th October – Poetry Week
Wednesday 9th October – Y5/6 Netball Tournament at Outwood (am)
w/b Monday 14th October – Parents’ Evenings (further details tbc.)
Wednesday 16th October – Y6 River Skell project
Thursday 24th October – Flu immunisation programme
Friday 25th October – Training Day: School Closed
w/b Monday 28th October - Half Term Holiday
Monday 4th November - Return to school
Community Events
Like us and follow us...
Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool