We Are Bremerton!
Bremerton School District community e-newsletter
April 2024
April is the Month of the Military Child
This month we have been honoring and celebrating the approximately 1200 military-connected students in the Bremerton School District!
NBK Command Master Chief Travis Brown visits Kitsap Lake Elementary
Military students were honored during a special Month of the Military Child assembly
BSD receives Purple Star recognition
The Bremerton School District is among the first School Districts in the state of Washington to receive the Purple Star Award!
The 2023 Legislature created the Purple Star Award Program to recognize school districts that have incorporated military-friendly practices and demonstrate a commitment to military-connected students and families. The award program is jointly administered by OSPI and the Washington Association of School Administrators.The Washington state Purple Star Award is established through House Bill 1346, which became law in July 2023.
To receive the award, school districts must successfully address the educational, social, and emotional barriers that students may experience when their parents/guardians are deployed or when relocating and transferring to a different school. School districts must also demonstrate a commitment to military-connected families and students by providing students with the tools and supports needed for success in their education and in their futures—whether they pursue postsecondary education, military involvement, or other careers.
Learn more about this award here.
BHS Robotics team gets visit from the XO of the Trident Refit Facility Bangor
Your opinion is important! Please take our communications survey!
The Bremerton School District is conducting a survey to gather input about the district’s communications efforts. All staff, parents/guardians, and community members are invited to take a 15-minute confidential online survey from April 22-May 6.
This survey, conducted by a respected independent team of researchers from the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA), will help us improve our communication practices. Your insights are crucial in shaping our future communication with you.
All responses will be anonymous, so please be open and honest with your feedback on district communications. We appreciate your support
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month!
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month in the Bremerton School District, and we'd like to introduce you to a few of our outstanding volunteers!
Sharman Figarelle
Sharman Figarelle has three children (kindergarten, third and fifth grades) who attend View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy.
While she’s been a View Ridge volunteer for a number of years, now that all of her children are in school she enjoys volunteering on a regular basis. She spends a lot of time in Mrs. Armistead’s kindergarten class where she creates art projects with the kids, listens to students read, and works with learning groups to improve their letter/sight word recognition.
“Mrs. Figarelle is very passionate about kids and it shines through every time she works with them, said Keely Johnson, VR Volunteer Coordinator. “We consider ourselves very lucky to have Mrs. Sharman as part of our View Ridge family.”
Mrs. Figarelle says she gets a lot of joy from helping others. “I like getting to know the teachers, staff, and students", said Mrs. Figarelle.
“I feel like if I can help the school, then it helps my kids as well.”
As Mrs. Armistead will tell you, Mrs. Figarelle is truly making a positive difference! Thank you Mrs. Sharman!
Kitsap Lake Community Group
We’d like to give a shout-out to the “Dream Team” for the newly-formed Kitsap Lake Community Group.
After the Kitsap Lake Elementary (KLE) PTA dissolved during the COVID pandemic, KLE moms Sarah Palama-Hoffer, Stephanie Rascon, Andrea Neaves, Amber Carter and Gianna Connor saw a need and got busy!
They worked together to form the Kitsap Lake Elementary Community Group - a parent-teacher organization (PTO) to help assist the school in whatever capacity was needed. “We ultimately just wanted to help alleviate some of the burden on staff and administrators and to create a village to help assist the school,” said Sarah Palama-Hoffer.
While having volunteered at KLE for many years, none of these ladies had ever started a nonprofit before. “We hit the ground running and haven’t stopped since September!” said Sarah.
They have helped with a variety of tasks and events including classroom activities, a book fair, and chaperoning field trips. What’s next? A BINGO Night!
“Collectively, they have worked so many hours and always bring a good vibe to the building,” said KLE Volunteer Coordinator Terri Beliveau. Thank you, Kitsap Lake Community Group!
Photo: Amber Carter, Andrea Neaves, Stephanie Rascon and Sarah Palama-Hoffer. Not pictured: Gianna Conner
Kathy Smith
Kathy Smith is the grandmother of an Armin Jahr Elementary (AJ) student who volunteers weekly in several classrooms.
Miss Kathy arrives at Armin Jahr with a positive energetic attitude and looks forward to working in several different classrooms each time she is here, according to Alesa Schiano, AJ’s Volunteer Coordinator. “The students are always happy to see her. Each time she visits, she shares her excitement about what she is doing in the classrooms,” she added.
Miss Kathy volunteers in Kari Surette’s fourth grade class as well as Michelle Haley’s first grade class, she helps the teachers with lessons and activities that they have prepared and also whatever else is needed.
“My students and I are always so happy to see Miss Kathy,” Ms. Haley said. “She is helpful, encouraging and generous. Students who need a little extra attention enjoy being able to work with Kathy.”
In addition to supporting the school, Kathy is an active volunteer for the Bremerton Backpack Brigade (BBB).
Thank you for all you do, Miss Kathy! You are appreciated!
BSD named a Best Communities for Music Education
The Bremerton School District has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. The Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement for providing music access and education to all students.
“This award is a reflection of the collective efforts of the unwavering commitment to creating an environment where each child can learn and grow with music by teachers, administrators, parents and the school board, said Max Karler, BSD Music Coordinator and BHS band and orchestra Director.
The award looks at school districts’ funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program and community music-making programs.
Research into music education continues to demonstrate educational/cognitive and social skill benefits for children who make music.
View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy recent productions "wow" audiences
Fourth graders perform in "Thwacked"
In March, View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy 4th graders took the stage with “Thwacked," a charming fairy tale mix- up musical with talking frogs and a sky that may be falling! The students had a great audience cheering, clapping, and laughing as they told the tale. See more photos here.
View Ridge students wow audience with another fabulous Disney musical
The 137 kids who are a part of the View Ridge after school Disney and K-2 Drama clubs performed for huge audiences on April 17th and 18th at the BHS Performing Arts Center (PAC).
The Disney group performed Beauty and the Beast Jr. and delighted the audience with their fantastic singing and dancing (photos, top row).
The K-2 Drama club performed an adorable mini-musical entitled Go Fish before the Disney performance on the 18th (photos, bottom row).
Both groups left everyone with big smiles and cheers as they made their school community very proud. See more photos of both performances here.
Bremerton School District Elementary Choir Festival
Last week, more than 180 elementary students performed in the first ever Bremerton School District Elementary Choir Festival at the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center (PAC).
This performance was a culmination of four months of work by choir students in all six of our elementary schools who participated in their school’s choir programs. All choir members gathered together for the first time the night before the concert to perform for the first time as a single choir. They then performed six songs the following night for a crowd of more than 900!
See more photos here or watch the video!
Bremerton School Board Updates
Highlights from the March Bremerton School Board meetings
During the April 11th board meeting, President Rotter recognized April as the Month of the Military Child and Volunteer Appreciation Month. Resolutions for both were approved later in the meeting.
Two updated procedures were approved:
- 3207P - Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying.
- 2022P - Use of Personal Electronic Devices
- Cory Plager with DA Davidson and Mark Prussing with ESD 112 shared information on our recently passed Bond.
- Assistant Superintendent Garth Steedman provided an update on the Mountain View Middle School Sports Complex that has a proposed completion date of August 16, 2024.
For more information about these meetings and to view any of these documents, visit BoardDocs.
Bremerton School Board meetings are in-person and online! All are welcome at Bremerton School Board meetings. Interested in participating in a meeting? Access the meeting schedule and learn more at BremertonSchools.org/SchoolBoard.
The regular May School Board meetings are Thursday, May 2 and May 16, 2024.
Capital Bond projects: What's next?
The District is in the process of hiring firm(s) to provide project and construction management services to move our bond projects forward. A team from the District interviewed a number of firms last week (see photos) with expertise in school construction projects.
Bonds will be sold to investors starting in early June. Bonds are sold to investors who are repaid with interest over time from property taxes that were approved in the February special election.
As we embark on the exciting journey of building new schools for our district, we want to assure you of our commitment to transparency and proactive communication throughout the process. We are dedicated to keeping you informed as we work to deliver the first bond program in nearly two decades. Stay tuned for more information to come!
What's happening at the PAC?
Join our team!
Registration for 2024-25 is open!
Get more information and/or register online at www.BremertonSchools.org/Registration.
B Present: Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow.
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Garth Steedman at 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Location: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA, 98312
Phone: 360-473-1000
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