ExCEL Weekly
September 22 2023

Hello ExCEL family!
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a pretty exciting start to the school year! For the first time, I am Assistant Principal of both a virtual school and a high school! I have been learning so much that sometimes I think my brain might explode! Do you know the feeling? As you can imagine, with a new job comes a lot of new responsibilities and some really challenging projects. I have to create charts and presentations, solve problems, talk to all kinds of people on the phone, and even write articles for a newsletter! Sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed. But I’ve learned some things about how I work best. Do you know how you work best?
I’ve learned that when I really need to get work done, I prefer a comfortable chair, sitting at a desk or table. I can’t be on my bed or a big soft chair. I get too tired or my back starts to hurt. I also don’t like things to be too quiet. I mean, I can’t have people talking to me, but I do like listening to music. Of course, it can’t be music that I want to sing or dance to. (No dance parties while I work!) The music that helps me really zone in is called modern electronic. I know that’s very specific and maybe a little odd, but it works for me! I’ve also found that after I sit for an hour or so working at my comfortable desk with pictures of my family and former students and my chill music in the background, I feel really satisfied about the work I’ve accomplished.
Do you have a favorite space that inspires you? Do you like to work with your pet sitting near you? Do you like to stand instead of sitting? Do you like to be in the same space or switch things up? Do you like things organized or a little messy? How do you feel about noise? Do you hate it or need a little of it? Do you have a favorite playlist? Or does music annoy you? Take time over the next few weeks to figure out how you work best. A comfortable workspace is the first step to a successful school year. I hope you have a space. If you don’t have one, let me know! The ExCEL team can help you figure it out!
Here’s a little challenge, if you’re up to it. Take a picture of your favorite workspace, send it to me in an email (drizzardo@wssd.k12.pa.us), and tell me why your space works best for you! I would love to hear from you!
Looking forward to getting to know you! Hope your year is full of inspiration and learning!
Assistant Principal
ExCEL Virtual Learning Academy
Bianca Smith
Red Land
Grade 12
Bianca...has truly excelled by finishing her assignments ahead of schedule. She isn't afraid to seek assistance and asks questions to ensure she's on the right path! We are incredibly proud of you, Bianca 🧡
Daniel Saylor
Old Trail
Grade 5
Daniel...is doing an amazing job as a first-year online student! He never misses his weekly Zoom sessions and is achieving stellar grades! We are so proud of you, Daniel ⭐
DATE: 10/5/2024
TIME: 7:00PM
GUEST FORM: Schoology, Twitter/Instagram in RL Bio
DATE: 10/12/2024
TIME: 5:00 - 7:00 Freshmen and Sophomores / 7:30 - 9:30pm Juniors and Seniors
TICKETS: $15 Will be sold during all lunch periods from Thursday 10/3/2024 through Friday 10/11/2024. No tickets will be sold at the door. If you cannot get to the lunch times, please email Mr. Cook at jcook@wssd.k12.pa.us
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If a student and date crosses over into both dances due to grade level, they can only choose one dance; they cannot go to both dances. If you are planning on bringing a date from another school you must submit a guest form. The form must be filled out and approved by a principal BEFORE you can purchase a ticket.
October 3 - High School College Fair
October 5 - RL Homecoming Dance
October 16 - West Shore Unity Day
October 12 - CC Homecoming Dance
October 14 - Remote Learning Day
October 17 - RL Career Day
October 22 - CC Career and STEM Day
October 18 - West Shore Unity Day
October 19 - West Shore Foundation Gala
November 1 - Quarter Ends
October is Positive Attitude Month. Having a positive attitude can be difficult at times but it is one thing that no one can take away from you. Allowing other people to affect your mood is something that happens to everyone. Use these tips to help keep that positive attitude elevated and help to increase the moods of those around you.
Do something you enjoy
Limit time on social media
Try something new
Surround yourself with people you enjoy
School Counselor
WSSD is partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students, staff, and family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to your needs regardless of circumstance.
Care Solace has Care Companions (customer service) available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to assist. Care Solace is not a treatment provider. Alternatively, it acts as a coordinator by connecting the user with a provider. There are several ways to access Care Solace to help you find a provider:
- Call 1-888-515-0595 at any time. Support is available in 200+ languages. A Care Solace team member will help you every step of the way to research options, secure appointments, and follow up to make sure it is a good fit.
- For an anonymous search, answer a few questions to get matched with an extensive list of care providers at www.caresolace.com/westshore.
Care Solace is not an emergency response service or mental health services provider, but it can be used if you are interested in counseling-related services for your child, yourself, or another family member and need assistance finding those services.
We highly encourage anyone who needs help to seek it, not just during Mental Health Awareness Month, but throughout the summer and school year. Please take advantage of Care Solace and contact your child's school if our counselors or social workers can provide additional assistance.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s school counselor with any questions regarding this service.
Miss Peters
Welcome to a new school year! As you dive into your classes, we want to highlight a powerful tip for success: get yourself a planner! Whether you prefer a tangible notebook or a digital app, a planner can help you visualize your schedule, break down tasks, prioritize assignments, incorporate self-care, and keep you accountable. By choosing a planner that suits your style, you can manage your time effectively, reduce stress, and enhance your learning experience. Here’s to a year filled with growth and achievement—let’s make it the best one yet! Happy planning!
Online Learning Advisor
717-938-9577 ext 43087
Mr. Ketterman
My name is Michael Ketterman, and I work in Online Learning Support. In this role, my primary responsibility is to assist students in the special education program, focusing on their individualized education plans (IEP). My goal is to help them stay on track with their studies and to address any questions that may arise throughout their academic experience. Additionally, I am committed to managing and improving your special education documentation to meet the requirements of your ExCEL experience. I am available for support from Monday to Friday, between 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM, via Zoom, email, or phone. We can adjust the times, locations, and platforms to accommodate special circumstances. Please advocate for yourself and ensure you receive an invitation to these meetings. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. I wish you great success in your pursuits!
Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead. - Nora Ephron
Online Learning Support grades 9-12
ATTENDANCE ~ is taken the first day of the school week based on the PREVIOUS weeks assignment completion. Please follow your due dates in the course (not Genius) and ensure you are on pace.
ATHLETES ~ your pace and progress does impact your eligibility and you need to be on pace with passing grades to participate in sports.
DUE DATES ~ Students are responsible for submitting their work on time. Please follow your due dates; steps linked HERE and HERE
EXCUSED ABSENCE REMINDER ~ students attending CPACTC and ExCEL will need to submit excuse notes to both entities separately.
Attendance policy is linked HERE for you. You got this!
Shout out to our amazing online teacher monitors! 🎉 Your dedication, energy, and creativity are unmatched. Thank you for all the hard work, patience, and passion you bring every day. You're truly making a difference, one screen at a time! 💻📚 #OnlineTeachingHeroes #MakingLearningHappen
Don't let any tech frustrations hold you back from learning and making progress!
If you're having trouble navigating the course, reach out!
For any technology issues with the course, reach out!
If you're experiencing unstable or no internet at home, feel free to email anyone on the ExCEL Team—WSSD is here to help you!
It's great that you have access to your coursework during the weekends. However, try not to leave everything until Saturday or Sunday night. Remember, if you encounter any tech issues over the weekend, you won't be excused from the work you couldn't finish. So, make sure to manage your time wisely!
Are you in 10th, 11th or 12th grade and undecided about your future career? The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) might be a tool that can help you.
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program can help you take steps towards finding a career that is right for you! The program is beneficial to students planning to attend college or vocational school, as well as those planning to enter the work force right away.
The ASVAB will help you:
- Learn more about yourself and the world of work
- Explore occupations in line with your interests and skills
- Develop an effective strategy to realize your career goals
There is no charge to take the test, and it will be offered as follows:
Cedar Cliff - October 22, 2024
Red Land - October 17, 2024
See your counselor or email Mrs. Cummings for more information.
Mid Sept - October 31st
Application Portal and Admissions Deadlines
Early October - Application portal is NOW OPEN *
December 6th - First round application deadline
February 21st - Second round application deadline
April 25th - Third round application deadline
* Due to the volume of applications, we highly recommend that students apply before the first-round deadline which is December 6th.
Career Exploration Night
Students and families are invited to visit different programs, walk through the building, etc. The event is being held from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm and we will be featuring different programs each evening. Students in grades 7-10 are invited to attend.
November 6th - Arts and Technology, Health Sciences, and Human Services and Hospitality clusters
November 7th - Advanced Manufacturing, Construction and Maintenance, and Transportation & Logistics clusters
Mrs. Rizzardo, Online Learning Assistant Principal drizzardo@wssd.k12.pa.us
Mrs. Sanders, Online Learning Manager brsanders@wssd.k12.pa.us
Ms. Peters, Online Learning Advisor mhodson@wssd.k12.pa.us
Mrs. Cummings, Online Learning Counselor grades 9-12 mcummings@wssd.k12.pa.us
Mr. Ketterman, Online Learning Support grades 9-12 mketterman@wssd.k12.pa.us
Mrs. Fox, Online Learning Support grades 1-8 afox@wssd.k12.pa.us