Big Cat Basketball League Tryouts
Travel League - 6th through 8th Grade Teams
Tryouts for the Fall Big Cat Basketball Boys travel league. Tryouts will be hosted Saturday, 8/24 & Sunday, 8/25 at Walled Lake Northern High School. Following tryouts you will be contacted by Walled Lake Community Ed and informed whether or not your athlete has made the team. League payment will then be collected from those participating. Tryouts are FREE to attend.
League Games: Sundays, 9/29-10/27 @ Novi Middle & High School
Practice: 2 days per week, 6:30-8:30pm. Location and Days TBD by volunteer coach
Player Fee: $315 (Uniform Included)
Please Note: Spots are limited and thus all students will NOT make the team.
Tryouts Schedule
Saturday, 8/24 & Sunday, 8/25 @ Walled Lake Northern High School
- 6th Grade: 10:00-11:30am
- 7th Grade: 11:30-1:00pm
- 8th Grade: 1:00-2:30pm
Tryouts are hosted by Walled Lake Community Education. Please contact Walled Lake Community Education if you have any questions.
Apply for a Skill Building Scholarship through Lakes Area Youth Assistance (LAYA).