MES Soaring to Success
Principal weekly update
Welcome Back Parents!!
Our school is looking incredible thanks to our hardworking custodian staff. Our secretary, Mrs. Winter, has also been working hard to prepare for the first day. The staff at Mitchell is preparing for our students' arrival and we are all looking forward to it!
We want to welcome some new staff - Hana Picorelli will be Grade 4 teacher, Shana Hagan will be the new school psychologists. Our building subs will be Gosia Ferris and Wrey Trompeter. Mitchell has a new interventionist as well, Dani Workman. We are very excited to have all of them with us as part of the MES family!
Please note that starting this school year, students are required to be here for half of the school day in order for the day to count for the purposes of attendance.
Due to the conditions of some roads, for the first two weeks students will not be marked tardy. Please have patience if you are planning on dropping students off in the morning as there might be an uptake in people dropping off!
Just a reminder that we will dismiss at 2:35 PM on our first day, Wednesday, August 28th! As always, should you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to me!
School Schedule – Upcoming dates
School hours are 8:25 – 3:15 (M,T,Th,F) Wednesday dismissal will be at 2:35 (doors open at 8:15)
Wednesday, August 28 is the first day with a 2:35 dismissal
The MES PTO ice cream social is Wednesday, September 4, 2023
Open house is September 26.
Lunch, Recess and Snacks
In addition to lunch and recess, students will also have a snack break during the day. Please send in a healthy snack with your child.
School Lunch/Breakfast
Please visit the Food Services Link below to the Region 14 website for more information.
Breakfast will be served at school at 8:15 for those who wish to purchase and eat breakfast at school. Breakfast and lunch will only be free for those students who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Applications for free and reduced breakfast and lunch are found on the website here: Application
Class celebration sheet Please remember it needs to be in 2 weeks prior to celebration!
Updates and News
Welcome back, from the MES PTO! We can’t wait for another exciting year of collaboration and support for our students, staff, and families!
Stay Informed & Get Involved:
Visit our website for info on all PTO events, volunteer opportunities, and to join the school student directory. School Code to Join: NGDHXW
Contact your MES PTO via email at
FB: @mitchellelementaryschoolpto
Instagram: @ptomitchell
MES Ice Cream Social - Join us for our annual back-to-school ice cream event at the MES playground on Wednesday, September 4th, 4-6 PM! Purchase your tickets here.
First Meeting - Come see what the PTO is all about! Join us on Tuesday, September 3rd at 9:15 AM in the Flanders Room.
T-Shirts - Students will receive a new color MES spirit t-shirt this year! They will come home within the next week, so be on the lookout!
Spirit Wear Sale - Additional MES spirit wear can be purchased here! Enjoy 30% off all merchandise from 8/20-9/24
A Note from Mrs. Winter
Please note that the dismissal sheet is closed to add information in. If you did not send yours in please email Mrs. Winter.
Remember please add Mrs. Winter to any emails sent to the classroom teacher regarding changes in dismissal and have all changes in before 12:00 pm.
A Note from the School Nurse
As a reminder, please keep in mind sensibly size water bottles. The giant ones pose issues when spilled. We have water filling stations.
For gym and recess don't forget no flip flops.
Most importantly, please rest assured we will go slowly and be flexible to support the needs of every child and treat everyone with respect. Our staff at Mitchell Elementary looks forward to getting back to school and engaging with students! It is our goal to maintain a positive, safe, fun and supportive community. Together with you, our parents, we can have a great year!!
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mrs. Pinho