VME Messenger
December 8, 2024
Good Afternoon VME Patriot Families,
We love having parent volunteers on campus for our events and to support in the classrooms! With several upcoming VME events taking place on campus over the next couple of weeks, you must have a physical U.S. government issued picture identification with you (picture IDs cannot be accepted), so that you can enter campus, attend events, or check your child(ren) out.
We look forward to seeing you on campus!
Ms. Vieira & Mrs. Roberts
To view Previously sent VME Messengers click here.
Mark your calendars...
9th - 20th - iReady Diagnostic 2
- All students in grades K-5 will take the iReady Diagnostic 2 during these two weeks (please see testing schedule below).
10th - 5th Grade Concert at 6:30 PM
13th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
16th -20th - 5 Days Until Winter Break - Detailed Daily Themes Below
19th - Kindergarten Holiday Show at 9:00 AM
- All guest must have a physical ID (pictures cannot be accepted)
20th - Field Day
- Please see the link below to sign up to volunteer facilitate a field day activity.
- We will only have volunteers for field day; no guests for observing the event will be permitted.
- All volunteers must be approved CCPS Volunteers
- All volunteers must have a physical ID (pictures cannot be accepted)
23rd-31st - No School/Winter Break
1st-3rd No School/Winter Break
6th- Students & Teachers Return to School
10th - End of Quarter 2
13th - No School for Students/Teacher Planning Day
- FAST ELA Progress Monitoring 2- see schedule below for specific testing dates.
- Closed Campus
20th - No School in Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- FAST Math Progress Monitoring 2- see schedule below for specific testing dates.
- Closed Campus
23rd - Q2 Report Cards Published
27th - 31st - Literacy Week
- Detailed Daily Themes To Come
28th -
- 1st Grade Music Concert at 5:30 PM
- Literacy Night 6:00 PM
10th - Early Dismissal Day - Student Dismissal at 11:50 AM
13th - Interims Published
17th - No School in Observance of President's Day
25th - 4th Grade Music Concert at 6:30 PM
Save the Dates
March 4th - Kindergarten Music Concert at 9:00 AM
- Arrival 8:00-9:00 AM
- All guest must have a physical ID (pictures cannot be accepted)
April 17th - VME Leader in Me Leadership Day
26th - No School in Observance of Memorial Day
27th - Water Day
- 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony at Aubrey Rogers High School
- Tentative start time 5:00 PM
- 5th Grade Clap Out at 11:00 AM
- Student Last Day/Early Release Day/Dismissal at 11:50 AM
CCPS 2024-2025 School Calendar - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/18491 (updated 11/12/24)
Upcoming Assessments
VME Turkey Trot
Thanks to all who donated and participated in our first annual Turkey Trot!
We raised a grand total of $17,000. WOW!
All prizes have been ordered and most have already arrived at VME. We plan to distribute all individual prizes to students prior to Winter Break.
Below are the top classes by grade level who have earned a Pizza Party...Congratulations!
K – Mrs. Buonocore
1st – Mrs. Cooley
2nd – Mrs. Morrison
3rd – Ms. Cecil
4th – Mrs. Sorensen
5th – Mrs. Van Osten
Below are the top individuals by grade level who have earned a large Squishmallow...Congratulations!
Kindergarten – Christian L
1st – Gunnar C
2nd – Evelyn A
3rd – Milo M
4th – Isabella F
5th – Ben A
VME Field Day
If you are looking to be a classroom volunteer, please contact your child(rens) classroom teacher to coordinate this.
5 Days to Winter Break
December 16th - 20th
Winter Wishes Candy Cane Grams
Third Grade is excited to announce our annual Candy Cane Grams fundraiser! This is a fun and festive way to send a sweet holiday message to your child’s friends, teachers, or staff members.
Order forms will be sent home with your child on Wednesday, December 4th. The forms will include details on how to purchase and personalize your Candy Cane Grams.
Important Dates:
- Order forms due: Wednesday, December 18th
- Candy Cane Grams delivered: Friday, December 20th
Please see the attached flyer (sent home Wednesday, December 4th) and additional information below.
Winter Wishes Candy Cane Grams
Celebrate the season of giving by sending a Candy Cane Gram to a special friend, family
member, teacher, or staff member at VME for the winter holidays! You can order Candy Cane Grams for $1.00 each or get 6 for $5.00 by completing the attached order form. You may send in a check, written out to VME, or cash and attach it to this form. We will be collecting orders until Wednesday, December 18th. Please have your child return this form with monies attached to their classroom teacher. Candy-Grams will be delivered on Friday, December 20th. (**All candy cane grams are peanut/tree nut free.)
Music Concerts
VME PTO News & Information
Holiday House Wrap Up
A huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the AMAZING volunteers who helped with the PTO Holiday House! We appreciate your time and generosity! Students had so much fun selecting special gifts for their loved ones. We wish all VME families a safe and fun holiday season.
Annual Staff Dessert Bar
Annual Staff Dessert Bar
We can't wait to spoil our staff with both homemade (preferred!) and store bought cookies, brownies and treats galore to celebrate the holidays!
Send in a dozen or so cookies on Friday, December 20th by 9am and the Staff will stop by the front office during the day to create their own collection to take home.
Thank you for helping us spread some holiday cheer! - VME PTO
Giving Tree
Dear Families,
The holiday season is a wonderful time to come together as a community and spread joy to those in need. We are proud to once again host a Giving Tree to support our own families who could use a little extra help during the holidays. We’d love for your family—and especially your children—to take part in this heartwarming tradition.
Here are some ways to encourage your child’s involvement:
Scan the appropriate QR code based on your child’s grade and let your child pick. Each item represents a gift wish or need.
Talk to your child about the importance of helping others and how their gift will brighten someone’s holiday. Encourage them to imagine how happy the recipient will feel.
Bring your child along to shop for the gift. Let them help choose the items so they feel directly connected to the act of giving.
Have your child return the unwrapped gift to their grade bin in the front office. There will also be a box outside of the office for easy drop off and we ask for all gifts to be unwrapped and brought in no later than Wednesday, December 11.
Thank you for helping us make this holiday season brighter for everyone in our VME community!
Your PTO Elves
Giving Tree Links by Grade Level
- Kindergarten: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0E4BAEAC2BA2FD0-53390192-kindergarten
- 1st: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0E4BAEAC2BA2FD0-53410494-1stgrade
- 2nd: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0E4BAEAC2BA2FD0-53391188-2ndgrade
- 3rd: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0E4BAEAC2BA2FD0-53393822-3rdgrade
- 4th: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0E4BAEAC2BA2FD0-53410616-4thgrade
- 5th: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0E4BAEAC2BA2FD0-53412324-5thgrade
Spirit Wear
Get your VME Spirit Wear!
PTO Meetings & Contact Information
Meetings are held at VME beginning at 8:45 AM. Please check in with a photo ID at the front office.
Annual Meeting Dates
- September 4th
- October 9th - Cancelled due to Hurricane Milton
- November 6th
- December - No Meeting
- January 8th
- February 5th
- March 5th
- April 2nd
- May 14th - Board Elections
Email VMEPTO@gmail.com
Facebook "Veterans Memorial Elementary PTO"
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based group intended to represent the school, the community and the students. The group shares responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. The School Advisory Council is responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the provisions of the annual School Improvement Plan (SIP).
School Advisory Council (SAC) meetings are held in the VME Media Center from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Tentative Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 SY (Tuesday evenings):
- August – No Meeting
- September 10th
- October 29th - By Laws review and voting
- November 19th - School Recognition/A+ Funds voting
- December – No Meeting
- January 21st
- February 25th
- March 18th
- April 22nd
- May 13th
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
Order your 2024-2025 VME Yearbook & Yearbook Ads now!
School ID: 722640
Yearbook Ad due Date - Friday, February 14, 2025
Counselor's Corner
We have worked to align our the 7Habits and Patriot Pride Positive Behavior Skills! We will focus on Teacher, practice, and reteaching these expectations for the first 7 weeks of school. You can help by discussing these at home each week!
Leader in Me 7Habits information can be located https://www.collierschools.com/Page/12790
Patriot Pride Skill information can be located - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/19896
We encourage students to be leaders on and off campus! Please speak with your child about how students are responsible for their words and actions!
Community Information
Girl Scouts
New Girl Scout Daisy troop is welcoming girls in K-1st grade for an opportunity to try new things, build forever friendships, take part in adventures, dream big and have fun doing it!
Meetings will be 2xs a month on Wednesdays from 3:00 - 4:30pm at VME. The first meeting is December 4th. Please contact Ashley at
ash010@netscape.net OR (239) 826-0085 for more information.
Parent Portal
The centralized CCPS Portal is your first step in creating a CCPS profile and/or log into accessing your information.
- Log into the CCPS Portal to access the following:
- Student Grades
- School Resources
- District Resources
- and more!
For assistance, contact grades@collierschools.com or call 239-377-0001.
Accessing Report Cards on the FOCUS Portal - Directions PDF File
Important Information!
Please ensure that you email(s) are correct in Focus, this is how 24-25 teacher class placement will be communicated to families. Your child(ren)"s teacher(s) will communicate with families via email, the week of August 6th.
Helpful Family Resources
- Volunteers, Lunch with Your Child, and Check -in Procedures
- VME Wellness & Shared Snacks at School
CCPS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION PROCESS - All volunteer applications expired June 30th. If you wish to volunteer during this school year, please submit a new volunteer application by clicking the link "Apply to Volunteer" and follow the steps outlined on the District site. CCPS Volunteer Program
- Link to student laptop expectation video
- CCPS Student Code of Conduct
- CCPS Student Discipline
- CCPS District Policy for CCPS Issued Laptops
- Social Media Guide and Contract Resource
- CCPS Portal: Click here to visit the CCPS Portal
- Nutrition Services - School Lunch Menu & School Bucks (online pay) https://www.collierschools.com/nutrition
- Fortify Florida - https://getfortifyfl.com/