Principal's Weekly Newsletter
Benson Polytechnic High School January 21st 2025
A Message to our Parents/Guardians: Information Platforms for Benson Tech
Please be sure to follow me on X (Formerly Known As Twitter @BensonTechPride.) (X)
Please be sure to go to our PPS/BHS Website at www.pps.net/benson for important school information, events and school activities that will be happening throughout the school year. (PPS/Benson Tech Website Calendar)
Parents/Guardians please be sure to download the Trivory App for up to date information regarding Benson Tech. This is a great communication tool for Benson Tech and we highly encourage all parents/guardians and students to stay connected with the school by downloading the app. https://trivory.com/
(Trivory App)
Principal Wilson
Follow Me On X Formerly Known as Twitter
Gather Information From Our Benson Tech Website
This Week's Finals Schedule
Tuesday, January 21st - All 8 day
Wednesday, Jan 22nd (Finals Schedule Periods 1-2-3)
· Period 1 8:26am-9:58am
· Period 2 10:05am-11:41am
· Lunch 11:41am-12:14pm
· Period 3 12:19pm-1:51pm
· Flex Period 1:58pm-3:30pm
Thursday, Jan 23rd (Finals Schedule Periods 5-6-7)
· Period 5 8:26am-9:58am
· Period 6 10:05am-11:41am
· Lunch 11:41am-12:14pm
· Period 7 12:19pm-1:51pm
· Flex Period 1:58pm-3:30pm
Friday, Jan 24th (Finals Schedule Periods 4-8)
· Period 4 8:26am-9:58am
· Period 8 10:05am-11:41am
· Lunch 11:41am-12:14pm
· Flex Period 12:19pm-1:51pm
· Flex Period 1:58pm-3:30pm
Monday, Jan 27th, Teacher Grading Day- No School for Students
Tuesday, Jan 28th, Teacher Planning Day- No School for Students
A Message from Benson's College Counselor/AVID Coordinator Kathleen Reid
Seniors (and parents) - Many deadlines are approaching, including:
Feb 1st - Oregon State University application deadline.
Feb 1st - Renaissance Scholarship deadline!! - for first-gen students from low-income backgrounds with a 3.0 or higher ($5K per year X 4 yrs = $20K). You will need two letters of recommendation to apply to the Renaissance Scholarship - one from a teacher and one from a school counselor, boss, coach, etc. Ask for them now!
Feb 1st - PCC Foundation Scholarships deadline
March 1st - Ford Family Foundation Scholarship deadline (3.5 or higher GPA & community involvement, just about a full ride to an Oregon college).
March 1st OSAC scholarship application deadline.
Please make sure to complete your FAFSA or ORSAA as soon as possible. Some funds are first-come, first-served.
For questions or support with college, financial aid, and scholarship applications, please visit Katie Clark in the College/Career Center or Kathleen Reid in Counseling. For information on applying to college, how to apply for the FAFSA or ORSAA, and other upcoming events and opportunities, check out the College Newsletter.
Kathleen Reid (she/her)
College Counselor/AVID Coordinator
Benson Tech High School
Call/Text 971-238-8322
Set up an appointment with me HERE
A Message from Benson's Career Coordinator Jzalana Bethun-Summers
Career News: Please check out Benson Tech's Career Opportunities board for an updated list of current opportunities for all grade levels. If you have any questions or need help applying, please connect with Jzalana Bethune-Summers, Career Coordinator, in the College and Career Center or email jbethunesummers@pps.net.
Thank you!
Jzalana Bethune-Summers
Benson Tech Career Coordinator
A Message from the Benson Tech Mental Health Team
Dear Benson Tech Community,
Please find our latest Mental Health newsletter linked below. Final Exams are coming January 22-24. The newsletter includes:
- Helpful tips for finals week + stress management
- Therapeutic Writing Group, Room 210, A Flex
- Open-ended Art, library or room 238, A Flex
- Muslim American Heritage Month
- County and Crisis Resources & more
8th Edition: Benson Mental Health Support | Smore Newsletters; 2023-25 archive is HERE.
Thank you!
Wishing all wellness - Benson Mental Health Team
Messages from Benson's Qualified Mental Health Provider (QMHP) Jennifer Fields
Benson Outreach for the Unhoused: All Community Members are invited to participate in the outreach for Transition Projects - Benson donations will be used to support the Unhoused community in PDX. You are welcome to drop off items @ Benson or directly with Transition Projects. We are collecting through the end of February. More Information HERE. Gift receipts are available via Jennifer Fields, jefields@pps.net
Free Therapeutic Writing Group - A Flex, Room 210 with Jennifer Fields, classroom therapist
Students are welcome at any time on any A Flex. It isn't a class that moves through lessons, it's simply guided writing to process life.
A Message from our School Climate Coach and Dean Colleen Johnston
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please note that students who earn all A's at the end of the first semester will receive Benson Tech pajama pants.
Colleen Johnston
Dean of Students/School Climate Coach
A Message from Benson's Activities Director and Leadership Instructor Torin King
Announcing: The Blossom Ball! 2/22
Our second school dance will take place Saturday, February 22nd in the Commons from 7-10 p.m.
Tickets will be sold in scaled pricing--Don't wait, take advantage of $5 tickets starting February 3rd!
- We will need a lot of adult chaperones! If you are interested/able to chaperone for any period for this event, please complete this form or email toking@pps.net.
- Outside guests are welcome but need to complete a Guest Approval Form. The window for this is 1/13-1/31. The form can be picked up and returned to the main office.
- Attire is semi-formal.
Torin King (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School
Leadership, AP Art History, & Intermediate Art Teacher
Student Government Advisor
Activities Director
PPS Special Education Recruitment Day: Please See Attached Flyer Below
A Message from Benson's Athletic Director Jessica Russell
New Athlete Registration Platform
You've likely seen the emails from PPS announcing that the district is switching to a new online registration platform starting this month called Play On Sports. The district recommends that families download a copy of your athlete's most recent physical exam form from the old system (ArbiterSports) so you're able to easily upload it to the new system.
Go Astros!
Jessica Russell
Athletic Director
Benson High School
- Sign up for sports at Benson here!
- Need a blank physical exam form? Links are below.
Languages: English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese | Russian | Arabic | Chuukese | Japanese | Somali | Ukrainian | Marshallese | Swahili - Here is a link to the Benson Wellness Center, where you can schedule a physical exam.
A Message from the Benson Tech Bowling Coach Jacob Patterson
Dear Benson Tech Families,
Come support and cheer on your Benson Tech Bowlers in this year's big District Tournament on Sunday January 26th at Mt. Hood Lanes in Gresham. Thrilling and exciting high school vs. high school competition happens all day from 8am to 4pm. We need you to wear your Benson Tech gear and bring your energy to support our students as they compete against the best bowlers in our region. The Boys team is looking its best in four years and has a good shot at qualifying for State. The State Championships will be in Klamath Falls this year, so we're hoping for a nice supportive turnout at this qualifying District Tournament on 1/26.
Please contact Bowling Advisor and Coach Jacob Patterson with any questions. Families and Community Members, please consider donating to Benson Bowling Club through our Bookkeeper to help cover costs of tournaments and required team jerseys. We are looking forward to bringing another Bowling State Championship banner to the new gym, thank you!"
Bowling Logo Graphic Link Here
Thank you!
Jacob Patterson (he/him)
KBPS Broadcasting Instructor
(503) 916-5100 ex.86320
A Message from Teaching Instructor Andrew Scheirer
SUBJECT: Your student is invited — Please RSVP
Dear Benson Tech Families,
I'm thrilled for our upcoming trip to Ecuador in Summer 2026, and your student is invited on this wonderful adventure! The group is starting to fill up but there is still time to learn more and enroll!
We’ve partnered with EF Tours, a leader in educational travel, to plan this unforgettable experience. Be sure to register for our upcoming info session on Thursday January 23rd to learn more and secure your spot using this link https://rsvp.eftours.com/hu8n2sx.
Travel is a powerful way for students to expand their worldviews, build self-confidence, and develop essential life skills. These experiences are vital in shaping the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love for your student to be part of this journey.
During the info session, we’ll cover:
- The many ways this experience will benefit your student
- Our itinerary and the amazing sites we’ll explore
- What’s included in the trip
- How students can earn academic credit
- How we ensure this opportunity is safe and affordable
- How to enroll before spaces fill up during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
Spots are limited, so don’t miss this chance to learn more about this exciting opportunity! We can’t wait to share the details with you.
Andrew Scheirer
Advanced Math Teacher
Please note this is a non-school sponsored trip.
A Message from Benson's Vice Principal Joe Mitacek: Parking at Benson Tech
Dear Benson Tech Families,
One of our neighbors, Concorde Career College, north of our campus on Irving street has begun towing cars not labeled with their parking permits. It has come to our attention that people in the Benson Tech community have been using their parking lot. Please DO NOT use their parking lot when visiting our campus; getting towed results in $350 in fines. This has especially been problematic during evening events. Please be aware of parking signage when visiting Benson Tech and remember that our school district is not responsible for parking fines.
Vice Principal
Benson Polytechnic High School
A Message from Benson's Career Coordinator
Career News: Please check out Benson Tech's Career Opportunities board for an updated list of current opportunities for all grade levels. If you have any questions or need help applying, please connect with Jzalana Bethune-Summers, Career Coordinator, in the College and Career Center or email jbethunesummers@pps.net.
Thank you!
Jzalana Bethune-Summers (She, Her)
Career Coordinator
Benson Polytechnic High School
Call/Text: (971) 471-9189
A Message from the Senior Class President Noelani Reyes
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As Senior Class President, I am excited to reach out to you on behalf of the Senior Class Board. This year, our goal is to create a strong sense of community for all seniors and to make unforgettable memories, and we need your support to make it happen!
We’re asking for your help through donations, which will directly fund events such as prom, the senior barbecue, and other activities designed to celebrate our journey and leave a lasting impact on our class. Whether big or small, your contributions will ensure that we end this year on a high note. Contributions of any amount can be made online through SchoolPay at this link: https://pps.schoolpay.com/pay/for/Class-of-2025/SchsL6G
To stay updated on all our events and activities, be sure to follow us on social media:
Facebook: @BensonSenior
Instagram: @benson_class_2025
TikTok: @bhs.senior.class
Thank you for your time, generosity, and support. We couldn't do it without you!
Noelani Reyes
Senior Class President
Attendance Information
PARENTS / GUARDIANS: Recording Student Attendance in ParentVue: Please note the information below to help us (and you!) ensure your student is listed as present when they are coming / going to or from school during the day.
See information below:
Attendance Updates / Changes
Per District Policy, it is the parent's / guardian's responsibility to clear unexcused absences within two school days or 48 hours of the absence or the absence(s) will remain unexcused.
Parents / Guardians may contact Attendance:
Phone: 503-916-5100 select Attendance
Email: bensonattend@pps.net
Thank you!
Benson Tech Administration
A Message from the Benson Tech Yearbook Advisor Greg Huntington
Lots of yearbook info. Keep reading for links!
Here is the link to the Benson Orbit Newspaper Bensonorbit.com
Yearbook info for everyone:
Happy New Year…BOOK!
A Benson Blueprint Yearbook is the perfect gift for the holiday season and New Year!
For Everyone:
Reserve your yearbook today! Don’t wait! DON’T BE LIKE LIAM! (student-produced original advertisement)
For Seniors:
The deadline for submitting senior photos and senior quotes is rapidly approaching. It’s Jan 24th, 2025. FOLLOW THIS LINK for all things related to seniors.
Got great photos related to this school year? Is your student doing an extracurricular activity? A sport or club? The yearbook would love to print your photos of your student! Here's how to share: FOLLOW THIS LINK to Josten's sharing portal and we'll get the image(s) in front of the staff. And Thanks!
Still need to reserve a 2025 yearbook? ORDER TODAY!
Yearbook information just for seniors:
Senior Portrait submission. Deadline: January 24, 2025. It is a tradition at Benson that families of graduating seniors can choose to have professional portraits taken; we can put them in the yearbook! Our amazing photography department also offers free digital portraits for seniors (date TBD).
- To submit your student's professional photo, follow THIS LINK and follow the prompts.
- To request more info about the free portraits through the school, email ghunting@pps.net to connect with Greg Huntington (yearbook advisor)
- Special senior portraits are not required; we'll use the official school photo if no submissions are made.
- All questions can be directed toward Mr. Huntington.
Sponsor a yearbook program is back: To help make our yearbook more accessible to our whole community, we are again selling senior ads. Reserve a quarter-page to honor your graduate with photos and/or a personalized message. The cost is $45. For every ad purchased, we buy a yearbook for an Astro who needs it. Learn more ABOUT SENIOR ADS HERE
Greg Huntington
Benson Polytechnic High School
10th Grade English
Benson Blueprint (Yearbook)
Picking Up Students During School Hours
If you are needing to pick up your student(s) during school hours for appointments, etc..please allow at least 30 minutes BEFORE they need to leave for their appointment / pick up.
Due to the size of our new building, it gives staff time to find your student and have them meet you in the office or out front.
You can call or email the attendance office with these requests.
PH: (503) 916-5100 --- choose attendance line
Email: bensonattend@pps.net
Thank you for your assistance.
Benson Tech Admin
Senior Graduation Ceremony Venue Change for 2025
Parents/Guardians of our Senior Students,
Please be sure to read the attached letter from my office regarding the venue change for our Graduation Ceremony scheduled in June.
Principal Wilson
A Message from Benson's Bookkeeper Sheli Bryan
SchoolPay Information for Payment of Fees and Donations
SchoolPay is the online tool for families to make payments for fees and donations easily from home or a mobile device. We recommend that you sign in and use your SchoolPay account so you have a saved history of your payments in one place. HERE is the link with more information and to get started. If you have any questions, please contact the bookkeeper, Sheli Bryan.
ATHLETIC PAY TO PLAY FEE LINK For students participating in PIL athletics, the fee is $200 per sport for the first two per year and the fee for a third sport is waived. If you qualify for Free/Reduced Meals, the fee is $35.
PE UNIFORM FOR 9TH GRADERS LINK All families of 9th grade students are asked to pay $25 to cover the cost of the uniform, a combination lock, and to help support the costs of the PE/Health course.
Suggested Donations
STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND LINK Families who are able are asked to contribute funds to school-wide projects, classes and programs each year. The school operational budget does not cover all the needs of our students, classrooms, programs, activities, and building/equipment improvements. We rely on voluntary contributions from families to enhance the overall experience for our students. As the school year progresses, we will highlight needs as they arise for teachers and student groups. Individual teams and teachers may be sharing information as well. If you are able to contribute a suggested $25, or whatever you can afford, to our Student Activity Fund, these dollars will help fund school-wide activities for all students. Thank you.
Sheli Bryan (she/her)
Benson Polytechnic High School
546 NE 12th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232
Benson Tech New Cell Phone Policy
Please be sure to read the attached memo from my office that covers Benson's New Cell Phone Policy.
Principal Wilson