Jag News
Week of 2/10 - 14, 2024-25
Message from the Principal
Now we are in one of the busiest times of the year in all areas! Academically we are in the big push for EOC and AP testing to learn how to use and process the meat of their subjects. Fine Arts is preparing for UIL competitions and Athletically we have groups in the playoffs, finishing District play, and starting their season! It is a great time to see our Jags in action in so many areas.
Reminder that next Monday, 2/17, is a student holiday.
We will give the SAT test to all juniors free during the school day on March 5th. There is information below on how to prepare and improve on the SAT.
There is a lot of flu and other sicknesses going around so please remind your children at home about being smart and not drinking after friends and taking care of themselves to stay healthy. Please remember to be courteous and patient while dropping off and picking up your child at school. The majority are doing so and we understand that sometimes some people take shortcuts that they should not take. Thank you to all of you that do things correctly. Please be patient with all for the safety of our kids. Thank you!
For all Jags in 2024-25, be sure read all of the information below and continue to check your NEISD email periodically for information and other events to start the year.
Gary Comalander - Principal
Johnson HS Info
CTJ Smart Driving Club Super Bowl!
Our Smart Driving Club students are empowered advocates for safe driving. Distracted driving is dangerous and it’s against the law.
And on pizza!
Thank you Papa John’s for the continued community support!
SAT School Day on 3/5/25 for 11th grade students
Dear 11th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians:
North East ISD students in 11th grade will have the opportunity to take the digital SAT exam on Wednesday, March 5th. There is no cost for this exam and registration is not required. Students will report to their testing room between 8:20-8:50 & testing will begin promptly at 9:00am. Students will not be admitted late and there will not be a make-up date for the SAT.
What is the SAT? And, what is new for Spring 2025? The SAT is an internationally recognized standardized exam that is designed to provide students with feedback on their academic performance as they prepare for future college and career choices. Beginning in Spring 2024, College Board has transitioned to a fully digital SAT exam. To learn more about what has changed and what has stayed the same, students and parents should review the SAT Student Guide and may reference previous emails from our Counseling dept and the Counseling webpage on the Johnson HS website.
SAT Prep Opportunity for all Juniors!
Juniors, please check out the flyer regarding a great SAT Prep opportunity!
All Juniors will take the SAT for free on March 5th at Johnson HS.
Johnson HS Blood Drive – Your Donation Can Save Lives!
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a Blood Drive on Tuesday, February 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Johnson MPR. This is a wonderful opportunity to make a life-saving impact and help those in need.
Why Donate?
- Every donation can save up to three lives.
- Blood is essential for surgeries, cancer treatments, trauma care, and more.
- It only takes a small amount of time, but your donation makes a big difference.
How Students can Sign Up:
- To schedule your donation time, please visit https://donor.southtexasblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/147502
- or scan the QR Code below:
- or there is a link on the Senior Webpage at www.neisd.net/johnson/seniors
We are only allowing students 16 years of age or older to donate.
You must have a signed permission slip. Any student donating must have the signed permission.
16 Years Old: Must be at least 120 pounds; 17 or 18 Years Old: Must be at least 110 pounds
Day of you need a photo ID.
Snacks will be provided.
If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Cobb at mcobb1@neisd.net
Let’s come together and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most!
Failure to Comply with Administrative Directive in NEISD starting 1/6/25
Parents & Guardians,
We want to be sure everyone is aware of the following change with the consequence for a disciplinary action in 'Failure to Comply with Administrative Directive'.
● Starting Jan. 6, 2025, at our middle and high school campuses, students suspected of possessing a prohibited item, who run away from an administrator to avoid complying with a lawful search, could be sent to the North East Alternative Center.
● This decision comes as principals and other administrators have noticed an increase in students fleeing or refusing to comply with lawful searches, often following the suspicion of vaping on campus. While students refusing or fleeing isn’t common, it is increasingly becoming a problem.
● When a student refuses to be searched or runs from administrators, it undermines the safety protocols we have in place to protect everyone. These actions pose potential risks not only to the individual student but also to the broader school community. We are enhancing the consequences for students who engage in such behaviors to reinforce the importance of safety and cooperation. These consequences will serve as a deterrent, encouraging students to comply with safety measures while promoting accountability. We must provide a clear message that cooperation with school staff is essential for the well-being of the entire school environment.
Request for help from our Parents/Guardians
CTJ Parents & Guardians,
We need some help from you with some specific areas.
1. Everyone coming on campus needs to have a picture ID. The past month we are getting too many parents showing up and forgot their ID at home. This takes time to verify by an administrator before you can enter. Please be sure you have your picture ID with you.
2. Students getting dropped off at 8:50 AM or after. The number of students getting tardies to 1st period is increasing. If a student is dropped off at the front entrance after 8:47 AM, they will likely be tardy to 1st period. This causes a disruption to the teacher who has already started teaching.
Thank you,
Mr. Comalander
District Connected Classroom chromebooks
Parents & Guardians,
Reminder that the District does have chromebooks available for any secondary student needing access to a chromebook at home. Please read the information on the District webpage regarding the Student Lending agreement and Insurance Policy needed.
Everyone should have received an 'optional' School Cash Online email today about the Chromebook Insurance Policy and you should see the Technology Lending agreement in your Family Access portal. These are optional and only filled out if you are wanting to have access to a chromebook at home. Please use the first 3 weeks of school to determine your student's needs and whether they need access to a chromebook lending device. If so, both the Student Lending agreement and Insurance Policy must be completed before receiving a chromebook.
Free or Reduced Meals application info
Please remember to fill out your Free or Reduced Meal application through Food Services. Not only is there a benefit with free or reduced meals, but there are many other benefits you can receive. Please look at the flyer below and QR code for more information.
Reminder that applications from last year have now expired, so to continue getting service a new application must be filled out.
Security & Attendance Office Reminders!
Reminder that when you come to Johnson HS during the school day, you must have your picture ID with you to come inside. Please have it out to show when you buzz in at the front door and ready to present at the Welcome Center. You will need your picture ID at Attendance to check your student out.
Checking a Student Out
Send a note with your student in the morning to turn in to the Attendance Office before 8:45 AM. The student will get their blue slip right then. The pickup person will need to come in with their ID and sign out the student at the Attendance Office at the time stated on the note. The student should be down here ready to go at the time you request!
Johnson HS/NEISD HS Bell Schedule for 2024-25
Attached is a copy of the Johnson HS bell schedules and the NEISD school calendar.
We are looking forward to a great 2024-25 school year!
CTJ/NEISD Discipline: E-cigarettes & Vaping
HB 114, requires a student to be removed from class/school and placed in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) for possessing, using, selling, giving, or delivering to another person an e-cigarette/vaping device.
This law includes nicotine vape pens or any components of a vaping device.
When a device tests positive for THC, the 1st offense is a longer recommendation to DAEP and a 2nd offense for THC can be a recommendation of Expulsion from NEISD.
Important Upcoming Dates
February 17 = Student holiday/Staff development day
March 5 = Junior SAT school day
March 10-15 = Spring Break holiday
CTJ Library newsletter!
Please enjoy the CTJ library newsletter for February link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGeEeehfIE/KnrcDUtrKAj8xlWx5a7Mmw/view?utm_content=DAGeEeehfIE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h3d83e58fa8
Social Media connection at CTJ!
Social Media connection to CTJ! Most of the Johnson groups have their own Twitter handles but CTJ as a campus has a Twitter and Facebook account where you can stay connected with all the wonderful things happening at Johnson high school!
Twitter: @CTJohnsonHigh
Facebook: Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School North East ISD @JohnsonNEISD
Student Information
Seniors JPA Scholarship opportunity
Go to the JPA website for more information.
Deadline is 2/28/25
We are incredibly excited to be able to go on a Senior Class Field Trip this year!
Through Senior English classes the past 2 weeks, you / your senior student received a Senior Field Trip Permission Form. Each form is individualized with the Senior Name, English Teacher, and senior dues information.
Senior Dues Information:
- If you / your senior has already paid senior dues, then on the form label it will say “all that is needed is for a signed permission form to be returned.” All that is needed is for a parent/guardian to sign the permission form and have it returned to Mrs. Cobb in A 353 by Friday, March 8.
- If you / your senior student has not paid senior dues, then the form will say “You have NOT paid senior dues and to go, you need to pay and turn in a signed permission slip.” In this case, you can go to this link www.neisd.net/johnson/seniors for information and a link to pay Senior Dues. Then simply return the signed permission form.
All seniors going on the field trip need to have
- Paid senior dues and
- Return a signed permission form to Mrs. Cobb in A 353 by Friday, March 7 at 2:15 p.m.
This year we are going to Main Event on Tuesday, April 8 (while the rest of the school is STAAR testing).
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cobb at mcobb1@neisd.net
Cultural Outreach Program peer tutoring!
We have peer tutoring in all subjects in different languages. Do you need extra help come see us before school on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am or after school at 4:20 PM every Tuesday and Thursday and during FLEX.
Come to A227 to get extra help.
CTJ Tutoring Schedule
Students, Parents, & Guardians,
Here is a great link to the tutoring schedule for teachers at Johnson HS.
It is continually updated as needed during the year.
CTJ Club opportunities
CTJ Club meetings upcoming
Congrats and Good Lucks
CTJ Cheer at UCA Nationals!
Congratulations to our CTJ Cheer that competed at the UCA Nationals competition in Orlando this past weekend! Our Cheer Gameday routine finished 15th in the nation!
Way to go Cheer!
CTJ Wrestling Regional Meet News!
Had a great weekend! There were 40 teams that qualified for the Regional Meet. Our boys took 1st and are Region 4 Champions. Girls did awesome too & placed 4th. We have 11 wrestlers advancing to State.
The top 4 in each weight class move onto State in CyFair this weekend!
Team - Boys Regional Champions!
1st Wesley Patterson
2nd Jeremiah Garcia, Connor Luksa, Aaron Brown
3rd Garrett Patterson
4th Jacob Baltierra
5th Andres DeAlba (alt)
3rd Maddie Campbell, Miya Adair, Jaedyn McNeil
5th Julia Quaresma (alt)
Good luck to all our Jag wrestlers that compete in the State Meet this Friday and Saturday!
The State Meet will take place at CyFair.
Go Jag wrestlers!
Good Luck to CTJ Aquatics at Regionals!
This past weekend the Johnson Jaguar Swim and Dive Teams participated in the Region VII- 6A meet.
Congratulations as we had a number of athletes qualify for the State Meet notable results include: Top 2 Go To State- plus Call Ups for the next 8 fastest times from across the State- from Regional Meets
Moving onto State:
Boys 200 Medley Relay
2nd: Austin Moore, Noah Hardy, Emilio Garcia, Ethan Moore
200 Freestyle
Girls Carly Mauldin 3rd- Call Up to State
200 Individual Medley
Boys Emilio Garcia 4th- Call Up to State
50 Freestyle
Boys Ethan Moore 1st
100 Freestyle
Boys Ethan Moore 1st
1 meter Diving
Boys Alex Lawrence 2nd
500 Freestyle
Girls Carly Mauldin 1st
Boys Carter Bartolini 5th-Call Up to State
100 Breaststroke
Boys Noah Hardy 6th- Call Up to State
Congratulations to these athletes, the State Meet is in Austin on the 21st and 22nd of February!
36th Annual Regional Japanese Speech Contest Winners!
The 36th Annual Regional Japanese Speech Contest was held on Saturday, Feb 8 at San Antonio College hosted by Japan America Society of San Antonio. We are proud to announce that Johnson’s Japanese language students earned 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in Division 1 (Poetry Recitation), 1st and 2nd place in Division 2 (Haiku recitation), and 2nd place in Division 3 (Free Speech). Nine Japanese language students competed and six brought us back trophies. They spent time before and after school memorizing their poems and writing and memorizing their original haiku and three-minute-long speeches, as well as practicing their recitation skills. All their hard work paid off! Please congratulate the following Japanese language students.
Divion 1: Poetry Recitation
1st place: Cook, William (11th grade)
2nd place: Cooper, Matthew (12th grade)
3rd place: Vidal, Isabella (9th grade)
Division 2: Haiku
1st place: Jung, Onyoo (10th grade)
2nd place: Romero, Aaliyah, (10th grade)
Division 3:High School Free Speech (Aurora)
2nd place: Duke, Jacob (11th grade)
Cook, William, Cooper, Matthew, Jung, Onyoo, Romero, Aaliyah, and Duke, Jacob will move on to the statewide contest, which will be held at Rice University in Houston on Saturday, March 8. Thank you very much for your continued support of the Japanese program.
Good Luck Jags!
Lady Jags Basketball News!
Congratulations to the Lady Jags for qualifying for the Playoffs this past week! T
Good luck to the Lady Jags in the 1st round of the Playoffs this week as the Lady Jags play Brennan HS at Northside Sports gym on Tuesday at 5 pm!
Tickets can be purchased online at:
Good luck Ladies!
Jags Boys Basketball News!
Congratulations to the Jags as they have clinched the District Championship and first seed playoff spot!
Good luck to the Jags in their final District game this week as the Jags play Clark HS at the Northside Sports gym on Wednesday at 5:30 pm! Then the Jags will start their 1st round of the Playoffs next week!
Go Jags basketball!
CTJ Tennis News!
Varsity tennis started our Spring 2025 Individual season this weekend at the Dominion Winter Classic.
Our girls teams bested the competition by earning the following 1st place honors:
Dominique Pitchlyn - A draw singles champion
Ren Hernandez & Diara Condes - A draw doubles champions
Elizabeth Midkiff & Adiba Habib - B draw doubles champions
Next week, both JV and varsity teams are in action at the Northside ISD Invitational Thursday- Saturday.
Let's Go Jags!
Lady Jags Soccer News
Good luck to the Lady Jags who will play Clark HS on Tuesday at Comalander Stadium at 7 pm.
Good luck Lady Jags!
Jags Soccer News
Good luck to the Jags who will play Clark HS on Tuesday at Comalander Stadium at 5 pm.
Go Jags Soccer!
Community Info
PTSA Membership Meeting next Tuesday Feb 18th 11 am
Please join us in the Johnson library MPR for our next lunch & learn membership meeting with a presentation from Kara Thorp AAA Texas and New Mexico Public Affairs Specialist speaking about Teen Driver Safety and tips for parents of new drivers. All are welcome! We invite all our PTSA members but membership is not a requirement to enjoy the presentation.
We, of course would love for you to join our PTSA 💙 With 14 new members before February 24th we will earn the Back the Brigade award from Texas PTA.
From Texas PTA - Stay Informed and Make an Impact! – Over 500 bills affecting Texas children have been filed this session. Review Texas PTA’s 89th Session Legislative Priorities and Fact Sheets to understand the key issues facing our children and schools. Knowledge is power—be ready to speak up. Want to do more? On February 24th PTA members will be in Austin for Rally Day to speak to Texas Legislators about the importance of funding Public Education.
Johnson PTSA
CTJ Cluster Family Specialist Info
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Join us for two great Zoom presentations, How to Diffuse Emotionally Charged Conversations with Kids, Adolescents and Adults & Improve Communication, on Thursday, February 13th, 5:30-6:30 p.m. (on Zoom) and Friday, February 14th, 9:00-11:00 a.m. (in-person) at NEISD Community learning Center, Room 100A. Join us as we learn about effective techniques that diffuse defensiveness & reactivity and promote good, healthy relationships. Our second presentation is The Language of Love Workshop on February 10th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. During this workshop, you’ll learn about the 5 Love Languages and discover which one resonates with you and explore practical ways to apply these concepts to strengthen your relationships.
Registration is now opened for our 23rd Annual Family Engagement Training Finding Joy in the Journey: Cultivating Happiness & Resilience in Families that will take place on February 28th, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Hope you can join us! If you have any questions, please email, or call me.
Ms. Morris
Family Engagement Liaison
Johnson HS Cluster
NEISD Community Ed Spring classes
Please check the following flyers for Spring classes offered through NEISD Community Education!
There are two great opportunities for SAT test prep below!
Winter Athletics' schedules
Boys Soccer, Track & Field, Softball
Johnson HS Google calendar
Please go to the Johnson calendar to see all activities. There will be many games, concerts, and events happening every week. There is always valuable information on our calendar for events and deadlines. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=isa.neisd.net_1b1jb7tbikidnid7amtotnjk0o%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FChicago
Let’s have a great week and Go Jaguars!
Gary Comalander