EJMS Jaguar Weekly Jan. 6 - 10
Keeping our School Community in the Know
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Our Newsletter can be Translated
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From Principal Pickerill's Pen
We hope everyone had a safe, relaxing, and wonderful winter break and a good start to 2025! We have had an amazing first half of this school year and I’m looking forward to a strong start to the second half! I am so fortunate to have a school full of hard-working, caring, talented, and respectful students. We had the opportunity to celebrate our students scoring Distinguished (movie field trip) and Proficient (inflatable party) on KSA and look forward to celebrate our students who made growth on iReady with a family breakfast later this month.
Report Cards on 1/10/25
Report Cards will be available on Infinite Campus Parent Portal on Friday, January 10th. If you have any trouble accessing Parent Portal please watch this video for help!
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
Please see below specific reminders for arrival and dismissal.
Please use the car line for morning drop off. In order to move so many cars through the carline it is imperative that everyone uses the system in place. Also, please pull forward past the crosswalk and encourage your child to get out whenever you are near the awning so more cars can get through without frequent stops.
Nicholasville PD has asked us to remind everyone to avoid using Orchard so we do not create unnecessary traffic.
Students will not be allowed to walk across the bus access road into Red Oak parking lot unless they are a child of a Red Oak staff member and have a pass from Thomasina.
Due to safety concerns we will not allow students to cross into the parking lot until all cars have moved through the car line (approximately 4:15). We encourage all parents to get in line for pickup and use the system we have in place. If you still choose to pick your child up from the parking lot please know that they will not be released until all traffic is clear from the car line pickup area. If you have an emergency or unusual circumstance you will need to get out of the car and walk to the front of the school to escort your child to the car.
Upcoming Dates (SBDM Meetings at 4:30 PM in the EJMS library):
Monday, January 6th - Staff Development Day - No School
Monday, January 20th - MLK Jr Day - No School
NTI Reminder
Non-traditional instruction days allow students to keep working if we are out of school and not make up the day at the end of the school year. If an NTI day is called, students must complete one day of NTI work. Your child’s teacher will be available by email from 9:00 AM -12:00 PM to answer questions.
If we are out more than one day at a time, students will complete one day of work for each day missed. Remember, this is the same as homework. If it is not completed, it carries the same consequence as not doing homework. Please remember that for us to receive full credit (all 10 days) for NTI, all students must complete the work from EACH NTI day for EACH CLASS and turn it in that same day online or the paper copy the day we return to school.
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement News
Title I Parent News
Families- We wanted to share some reminders about our Title I School-Wide program.
Title I is one of the largest federal programs supporting elementary and secondary education. Title I funding allows us to provide resources to students. These supplemental resources help ensure that:
• All children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education,
• Support and resources are provided to achieve proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments.
At East Jessamine Middle, we use our Title I funding to pay for technology devices and software, additional classroom teachers, resources for family events, iReady diagnostics and instructional program, and professional development.
Please reach out if you have any further questions about our Title I program.
Parent and Family Engagement
We would love to have your voice and ideas as we design school events. Please help us with this, by filling out the Google form below. Be on the lookout for more information regarding a February Family Event and an opportunity to help plan it later on this month.
Staff Shoutout
Start the year out well and help someone special on our staff to do the same by sharing a shoutout!
What’s Happening at EJMS this Week?
Mon. Jan. 6 - no school Staff Workday
🏀 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. Mercer (will be rescheduled)
Tues. Jan. 7 - No School
☃ Traditional Snow Day/ Staff Workday
Wed. Jan. 8 -
🌟 4:15 EJMS Beta meeting/ Convention prep (only students attending convention next week)
🏀 Boys Basketball SRC tournament
Thurs. Jan. 9
Fri. Jan. 10 -
🔠 Report cards available on Infinite Campus
Upcoming and Ongoing
Jan. 15 - 17 Beta State Convention
Jan. 20 - No School/ MLK Jr Day
Jan. 20 Future City Competition
EJMS and Jessamine County Athletics and Activities
Girls softball players - get ready for a great season!
For EJMS Boys Soccer
Soccer players - Stay in shape this winter and get ready for a great season next year!
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto