Updates from EUSD
2022-2023 School Year
- Message from Superintendent Andrée Grey, including LCAP Input
- Encinitas Education Foundation: Choir
Dear EUSD Families,
As we get ready to welcome you, our families, on campus for conferences next week, it is the perfect time to celebrate and recognize the tremendous support we receive from all of you.
Just this year alone, we have had over 19,000 visitors and volunteers on our campuses! We know many more people have attended special events and assemblies. Your attendance and support in classrooms makes such a difference. I see parents daily helping with projects, small group literacy centers, art, copies and so much more. Your presence is noticed by all of us and by your children!
Our families provide incredible support at home. Thank you for talking with your children about school and what they are experiencing. Conversations at the end of the day or around the dinner table matter. I love questions like What made you smile today? Who did you sit with at lunch or play with today? Can you teach me something you learned today?, or What did you do kind for someone else today? Your conversations serve to help students deepen their learning and connection to school. This encourages students to be their very best.
Our families are partners with our PTAs and our Encinitas Educational Foundation. Both of these organizations are filled with stellar volunteers who work tirelessly to provide programs that enrich and elevate the school experience for our students. Your support as members or attending events or as a donor make extraordinary things possible. Thank you!
Finally, our families provide important feedback on how we can continue to achieve great outcomes for students and ensure schools are safe, happy places for children in our care. Click here for our LCAP survey.
We look forward to seeing you on campus for conferences and I wish you a restful and enjoyable Spring Break!
Andrée Grey, Ed.D.
Encinitas Education Foundation: Choir
Many thanks to the Encinitas Education Foundation Choir from Mission Estancia for singing at our March EUSD Board Meeting. They were fantastic! The beauty of their voices and the message of their song, There is a place for us all, was loud and clear! Thank you to ME Choir Director Britta Ellis for your direction. Thank you to the many Mission Estancia families that brought their children to the meeting so that this joy could be shared!
EUSD is Hiring
To view open positions in EUSD, please visit EdJoin.org!
Reporting of Positive COVID-19 Cases
Encinitas Union School District
Website: www.eusd.net
Facebook: facebook.com/encinitas-union-school-district
Twitter: @eusdtweets