Letter from the Superintendent
August 13, 2021
Families –
As we continue our preparations for the coming year, I want to assure our families that our #1 priority is safely returning our students to our schools and classrooms full time. As we continue to finalize those back-to-school plans, health and safety remain the utmost priority. And as we work hard to maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students and staff, we are working hard to balance that with creating as normal as possible school environment.
As we work through the details of the return to school, I want you to be aware that our district continues to have regular discussions with the Snohomish Health District, Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal’s office and leadership from other school districts in Snohomish County and the region.
Some current examples of decisions that have been made and communicated to us by the Washington State Department of Health include:
- Masks/face coverings are required inside of all K-12 schools and on all buses, regardless of vaccination status. However, masks/face coverings are not required when outdoors.
- Student and staff attestation and screening at entry are no longer required.
- Physical distancing requirements have been updated to support provision of full time in-person instruction. The new guidance notes districts must maintain physical distance of three feet or more between students in classroom settings to the degree possible and reasonable.
- In K-12 indoor classrooms, the state’s close contact definition now excludes students who were at least three feet away from an infected student when (a) both students were wearing face coverings/masks and (b) other prevention strategies were in place.
- The masking and physical distancing requirements for indoor and outdoor extracurricular athletics and co-curricular and extracurricular performing arts activities have been adjusted.
- People who are exempt from quarantine include close contacts who are fully vaccinated and do not have symptoms, as well as those who had confirmed COVID-19 in the past three months, have recovered and do not have symptoms.
- August 25, 2021 update per the Snohomish Health District - At this time Snohomish Health District has noted a full 14-day quarantine for close contacts, regardless of test results, per Dr. Spitters. The below guidance from the Washington State Department of Health, which was previously communicated, is not valid in Snohomish County.
- Previous communication - Quarantine can end after seven full days beginning after the last close contact if no symptoms have developed and after receiving a negative test result. The test should occur no sooner than 48 hours (two days) before ending quarantine.
- Current and additional Washington State Department of Health & OSPI guidance and resources are available by clicking here. This is the current guidance, and the district will continue to update our community as guidance changes.
I appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to work to prepare our schools, classrooms and spaces for the safe return of full-time, in-person instruction. We can’t wait to welcome you back to our schools and classrooms on the first day of school!
Non-Discrimination Notice
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The Snohomish School District, in its commitment to excellence, places the success of each student at the center of all decisions and actions. Partnerships and strong academic programs ensure competent, responsible, lifelong learners.
Email: communications@sno.wednet.edu
Website: www.sno.wednet.edu
Location: 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 3605637300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snohomishschooldistrict/