Oshki Ogimaag Community School
November 27, 2024
Weekly News and Updates
Boozhoo Oshki Ogimaag Community School Families and Community Partners,
Nimiigwechiwendam - I am thankful
We’ve had an extra busy two weeks with our Annual Meeting, all school testing, conferences, many staff have had multiple trainings to attend, and for a couple of weeks we had several staff out sick. We are hoping a break will help everyone get back in good health! Miigwech to all the families who joined us for conferences, we had good family participation with 75% of families attending!
At our Annual Meeting, we reflected on the 2023-2024 school year and discussed visions for the future, our path forward, and Ms. James expressed that during the winter, after break, in January or February, she would like to hold listening sessions, so that we can hear feedback directly from our families and Community members. At the Annual Meeting, Ms. James began by introducing herself with her traditional Ojibwe introduction. Ms. James explained that it is her goal to normalize speaking Ojibwe more throughout the day, outside of her Ojibwe classroom, modeling speaking without fear of making mistakes. Practicing and modeling using Ojibwemowin more frequently and conversationally, throughout the day will bring the language to life both more at school and beyond the walls of school.
Ms. James spoke about her background prior to accepting her role as Director of Oshki Ogimaag Community School. Ms. James grew up in Grand Portage, and is an enrolled Grand Portage Band Member. Ms. James graduated from the College of St. Scholastics and completed graduate coursework in Ojibwe Language and Culture Studies. Ms. James taught in the St. Paul School District for 30 years. In her teaching roles Ms. James served as the American Indian Options Coordinator; Social Studies Department Chair for multiple years; and taught International Baccalaureate History for over a decade. Ms. James’ name is on our charter, as she was asked to be part of OOCS’s initial Board of Directors, which adds another layer of her connection to our school, all the way back to its founding.
Ms. James spoke of the Ojibwe Language and Culture curriculum she has been developing, and how her commitment to continuing this work prompted her to continue in her educator role while while simultaneously moving into a role as Leader of the school. Ms. James spoke about how as we move forward at Oshki Ogimaag, we work to integrate more Ojibwe language and cultural experiences into our days. Already this school year, nearly each day, there are Elders, and/or other Community members and experts working with our students on hands-on, community-based projects. Ms. James spoke of the deep connection and commitment she feels towards Oshki Ogimaag Community School and the Grand Portage Community in general.
Ms. Tina spoke about her background as well. Ms. Tina spoke of how she knew from the time she was in Kindergarten, that she wanted to be a Teacher, and the two biggest motivators in her life propelling her towards this path were the amazing educators who shared their gifts and inspired her and observing the educational system failing a sibling, not recognizing his gifts and not providing the support he needed to be successful in school. Witnessing these divergent paths and where they can lead, instilled in her a desire to pay forward all that educators had gifted her, as well as an aim to be the educator that her own sibling did not have on his journey.
Ms. Tina has over 25 years of experience in education, working in early childhood through teaching at the college level, and working on the administrative side of things as a Director; with the bulk of her time working with students Pre-K through 8th grade and working in leadership roles. She earned her B.A. from St. Catherine University, and her M.A. from Concordia University, St. Paul. There are six children in Ms. Tina’s family, three are grown and three still at home. Ms. Tina advocates for her students in the ways she would want her own children's teachers to advocate for her children.
At the Annual Meeting, Board Chair, Patty Winchell-Dahl greeted the Community and introduced staff and Board members, Ms. Jeana presented on Environmental Education and Mr. Peter James spoke about his role as Strategic Planning consultant to the Board of Directors and staff at Oshki Ogimaag.
Miigwech to all of the individuals who showed up in support of Oshki Ogimaag and attended our Annual Meeting! The community of educators and staff at Oshki Ogimaag Community School are extremely thankful for the support of families entrusting us with the care and education of their students, to the Grand Portage Community for ongoing support in all aspects of our programming, and to the Cook County community for the many ways in which programs and individuals support our students, families and staff. While there is still much hard work ahead as we continue to build upon the foundation of a new beginning for Oshki Ogimaag Community School, we are inspired by the work we are doing together and the future that we envision.
Board of Directors Election Results
At the Annual Meeting, OOCS’s Vice Chair, Jeana Van Dyne, lead the election, speaking to the Community, passing out and collecting ballots, and certified the results with a witness.
Elected to the Board were the following individuals:
Agatha Armstrong, Community Board Member
Joanne Czeswik, Community Board Member
Amy Deschampe, Parent Board Member
Tesha Dickenson, Parent Board Member
Tina Gatzke, Teacher Board Member
Kristin Lindenmuth, Parent Board Member
John Morrin, Community Board Member
Jeana Van Dyne, Teacher Board Member
Patty Winchell-Dahl, Community Board Member
We have a full Board! Miigwech to all of our Board members for their time, service and commitment to Oshki Ogimaag Community School!
Listen Up!
Makwag Classroom will be featured on a WTIP Radio Segment this Friday!
Kalli Hawkins, from WTIP, spoke with our Makwag (2nd grade) class this week about what students are looking forward to doing now that there is snow on the ground! The segment will air the evening of Friday, November 29th as part of the Oh Ole Night Program (tune in from 6-7pm).
Forest Fridays
All School Experiences in Environmental Education
Every Friday, our students spend their entire afternoon in the outdoors. Forest Fridays are an all-school event, lead by our Environmental Education Coordinator, Ms. Jeana Van Dyne. The Environmental Education Coordinator role, is part our charter contract, and in this role individuals report to Osprey Wilds (our charter school authorizer) regarding development and progress of our Environmental Education goals, report monthly to the OOCS Board regarding progress on our Environmental Education goals, lead monthly dialogue with school educators regarding goal progress and projects, and serve to lead the school in achieving our environmental education goals. In some schools, individuals in this role provide classroom instruction regarding environmental education and in some schools, the Environmental Education Coordinator also leads and guides some of the hands-on outdoor learning, as Ms. Jeana does at OOCS. Ms. Jeana also leads the school in collecting predictions and observations in the OOCS Phenology Book that we have been updating for seven years at Oshki Ogimaag!
During Forest Fridays, students are not only engaged in scientific learning, studying nature and the environment while collecting scientific data, but they use their math skills measuring, estimating, and graphing. Students use their literacy skills reading and writing in nature journals, documenting their observations and reflections. Students learn social studies skills and engage in cultural learning, about local history and traditions; whether its a traditional use of a plant or a tradition related to the space and/or phenological phenomena they are exploring. Students learn to collaborate across classrooms and often learn from Elders and other Community members. One of the visions in the founding of Oshki Ogimaag, was to create a school without walls where student learning transcends the boundaries of their classrooms and Forest Fridays are one of the ways we bring this vision to life at Oshki Ogimaag.
Ms. Jeana has a high degree of expertise in outdoor education, with previous experience as Camp Counselor in wilderness camps, working for the Grand Portage Trust Lands Department as a Wetlands Specialist, surveying land and monitoring invasive species; and working for the National Park Service on the Conservation Crew. Ms. Jeana has been teaching at Oshki Ogimaag for nine years, and serves as a leader to new staff getting to know the area and learning which excursions are good hikes with many opportunities for field study, for our different age groups.
When we spend time together as a whole school community in nature, this provides students opportunities for leadership and cultivates our vision of learning beyond classroom walls. Students learn to translate classroom behavior expectations into generally socially expected behaviors and our older groups are able to model these for the younger groups. Students rise to the occasion of opportunities for leadership, older students guiding younger students and teaching them scientific observation and speaking to them about our specific goals. Last year, our 3rd and 4th graders presented their research on pollinators to our Kindergarteners, 1st graders and 2nd graders, and planned lessons for them to complete as part of their presentation. When our students spend time as a whole school, together in this way, they are able to develop a vision of themselves as contributing members to our school community. Additionally, one of our aims in the work our students do with Elders and other Community members, is that they grow to see themselves as valuable, contributing members to the Grand Portage Community and grow in their hearts and minds, a desire to continue contributing to the wellness of future generations, long after they have graduated from Oshki Ogimaag.
Mark Your Calendar!
Holiday Program in the Old Log Building
When: Thursday, December 19th 5:30-7pm
Where: The Old Log Building
What: Oshki Ogimaag Community School's Annual Holiday Program
Frequently Asked Question:
Makwag (2nd Grade) Classroom
One of the questions that came up frequently during conferences was regarding 2nd grade, and what our plans are going forward.
Ms. Tina is teaching 2nd grade this school year. We have additional supports in the classroom, including the AMAZING Ms. Kat and our wonderful Cultural Liaison, Ms. Char. Ms. James is offering additional lessons in social studies, focusing on local history, in addition to Ojibwe Language and Culture. All core academics are taught by Ms. Tina. When students are at Ojibwe, Social Studies with Ms. James, Breakfast, Lunch, Recess, Decompression, Morning Meeting, Snack, receiving cultural instruction (i.e. drumming and beadwork), or engaged in Forest Fridays, Ms. Tina is most often out of the room; attending to her other duties in Special Education, Administration, Literacy Lead work, and preparing lessons for the Makwag classroom.
If we are able to find a Teacher this school year, Ms. Tina will remain as a support in the classroom to help the new teacher get to know our curriculum, students and school, and so students feel a sense of consistency. Ms. Tina has spent a great deal of time with this group of students since they were in Kindergarten, is deeply committed to them, and while it requires more time, she has great love for this class, as does Ms. Kat.
In terms of student feedback; a quote from last week’s Language Arts Module dialogue (2nd graders were comparing and contrasting our school with the Boat Schools of Bangladesh), when asked to name something about the Boat Schools one student said, “Students have to work hard,” when Ms. Tina asked if that was a similarity or a difference to our school, a student quickly chimed in, “Since you’ve been our Teacher, it’s a similarity.” 2nd graders are being challenged with higher academic expectations and they are rising to the occasion!
Please reach out with any questions!
Cold Weather Gear
The Snowy Season has Begun!
If your family faces barriers preventing you from providing these items for your students, please reach out, we often have donations of winter gear and can connect with Human Services to ensure all students have warm winter gear. Please include sizes and color preferences, when reaching out.
How to talk about to talk about the complex and difficult history of Thanksgiving to young students is an ongoing and evolving dialogue. Under the guidance of Ms. James, we centered our conversations around gratitude. In the Makwag classroom, we discussed how the story of Thanksgiving that many people refer to does not reflect an accurate portrayal of history, and different people choose to acknowledge this holiday in different ways that are meaningful to them, or to not acknowledge the day. Students shared the traditions of their families and wrote about what they are thankful for. Gratitude, like hope, is a light that can shine bright even through darkness.
The video below is Anton Treuer speaking about Thanksgiving through a Native perspective. Oshki Ogimaag staff are currently engaged in a book study reading Anton Treuer’s The Cultural Toolbox: Traditional Ojibwe Living in the Modern World.
Whether for you, this day is a day of grieving for ancestors lost, for remembrance or commemoration, a day to practice gratitude, a day spent with family sharing good food, your own family traditions, or all or none of the above, we wish you peace, health, wellness and have gratitude that you are here.
Please Share and Reach Out With Any Questions!
Community Connections
Hands-On, Community-Based Projects Happening at Oshki Ogimaag
Last week was the final week of After School Theater Club with Sue Hennessy, from the Grand Marais Playhouse. Students have loved dipping their toes into the artistic expression of acting! With our group of emerging thespians, in the future we may see Oshki Ogimaag students on stage! Sue recently directed The Lady Pirates of Captain Bree, which was Ms. Tina’s daughter's (Maggie) last Playhouse production as a high school student, as she is a senior this year! Picture from the last show below. Congrats to Sue on a wonderful, lively and highly attended production!
We are heading into a season that can bring on extra energy, excitement, sometimes anxiousness, and is often extra busy for families. Ms. Carly helps us focus our energy, pay attention to our breathing, have more bodily awareness, building a toolbox of strategies for students to find their own inner calm and peace.
Miigwech to Sue and Carly for their important work with our students!
Cool School Happenings: Reading, Classroom Projects and Fun in the First Snow!
Oshki Ogimaag 2024-2025 School Calendar
Chi-miigwech to our Families and Community Partners for your continued support!
Community Events and Notices:
Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Month
- 27-30 NO SCHOOL Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Break
- 18 OOCS Board Meeting, 4:30pm, OOCS Conference Area
- 19 OOCS Holiday Program, 5:30-7pm, Old Log Building
- 23-27 NO SCHOOL Winter Break
- 30-Jan. 01 NO SCHOOL Winter Break