PD Sessions for 2024-2025

Perkins SSA meeting (Beginning of Year)
CTE SSA members should send at least 1 person to this virtual meeting to discuss the beginning of year Perkins V purchases.
Tx Model for Administrators
Free for coop members
Join us to learn about what the TX Model is and how it impacts your campus. This training will be presented by Stephanie Lerner from TEA, and it meets the requirements for renewal of the Texas Principal Certification.
CSE-IT Tool Training: Human Trafficking Prevention
Fee: $85
Free for Counselor Coop Members
WestCoast Children’s Clinic’s Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification
Tool (CSE-IT, pronounced “see it”) is a validated screening tool that helps identify children who are
commercially sexually exploited (CSE). The CSE-IT is appropriate for use by any provider serving
youth, Teachers, Administrators, Counselors, and first responders. The CSE-IT is designed to improve early identification of children and youth who are experiencing commercial sexual exploitation (CSEC) and human trafficking. This training will help you accurately identify indicators of child sexual exploitation, without relying solely on youth self-disclosure and alerting the need for investigation. This framework will improve your communication with service providers that help in the human trafficking prevention identification.
Special Instructions: Please bring your laptop
Financial Math PLC
Fee: $150
(no cost for coop members)
Join in with other financial math teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching strategies for the financial math classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Southeast Texas Mental Health Conference
This one-day conference aims to provide assistance to districts and campuses in addressing the escalating demand for mental health support for both students and staff.
Join us for an opportunity to access resources for ongoing professional development in the realm of mental health and education. Stay informed about the latest research, practices, and tools that can enhance both teaching and well-being.
Health Science PLC
Fee: $150
(free for coop members)
Join in with other Health Science teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching strategies for the classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps. This meeting will be hosted offsite.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Education & Training PLC
Fee: $150
(free for coop members)
Join in with other Education and Training teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching strategies for the classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Data Driven Decision Making for CTE Admin
CTE Admin Module 1-Using a CTE lens while maintaining relevance to the overall success of students, Data-Driven Decision Making guides leaders to use facts, metrics, and data to guide strategic instructional decisions that align with campus and district goals, objectives, and initiatives. Participants will learn how to analyze multiple data sources, including College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) indicators, labor market information (LMI), and Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) Summary and Supplemental Reports.
Inclusion in the CTE class
Fee: $150
(free for coop members)
All students should have equitable access to Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, some with support as specified in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
This workshop is for CTE teachers, administrators, or other personnel who provide special education support to learn effective strategies for inclusive practices in Career and Technology Education. Merging and aligning Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Inclusive Education, Differentiated Instruction, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Support will lead to success for all students.
Animal Science PLC
Fee: $150
(free for coop members)
Join in with other Animal Science teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum, competitions and teaching strategies for the Animal Science classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps. This meeting will take place offsite.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Quarterly CTE Admin meeting
Meet at Region 5 first
Quarterly CTE Administrator meetings are geared for campus/district leaders, counselors and teachers who have administrative roles in their district’s career and technology education program. Updates and hot topics will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to network with other districts and provide feedback based on their experience in the CTE field.
Student Wellness and Guidance Lessons
Zoom Based
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
One of the most powerful tools that school counselors have to teach and reach their students are guidance lessons! This presentation will provide counselors with information on how to create dynamic lessons that are full of mental health wellness (MHW) activities! Participants will explore various MHW activities and resources that they can use in their own guidance lessons. We will also delve into the appropriate school counselor role/duties related to MHW and identify 4 key guidelines for incorporating MHW into every guidance lesson.
Connecting Students to Industry
This event will provide local high school CTE leaders/teachers with the opportunity to learn abot positioning their trade students to begin a lucrative career within local industry upon graduation. By leveraging the strong, established partnerships within industry leadership circles, including ABC member company leaders, owner/operator leaders, and other non-profit industry leaders, this initiative ensures a smooth transition into the workforce for young adolescents.
Special Instructions: Meeting will be held offsite at ABC Training Center 2700 N. Twin City Hwy, Nederland and lunch will be provided.
Free for all attendees
CCMR Symposium
Middle School Counselor Update
Fee: $85
(Free for coop members)
During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information and "Hot Topics" in the counseling world. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. We will also have some leadership training and ways to grow both professionally and personally based on the regional needs assistance.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Middle School Counselor Workday
Fee: $85
(Free for coop members)
This will be a collaborative time to share group guidance lessons and ideas for the counseling program. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. Bring your favorite materials and forms and be ready to share. We will have access to a copy machine and a variety of other tools to assist your work.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Bringing CTE to K-5 with Ag in the Classroom
Fee: $150
(free for coop members)
Join Texas Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom in an interactive, hands-on learning session about how to incorporate agriculture into the topics and concepts you’re already teaching. Texas Farm Bureau staff will provide training on FREE lessons and resources that are readily available to you RIGHT NOW! The session will include grade-level appropriate learning and site visit to a local agricultural operation where participants will see ag in action. Participants will walk away with an experience to share with their students and ready to use, TEKS-aligned lessons.
Hands-On Learning for the CTE class
Fee: $150
(free for coop members)
(THIS IS FOR ALL CTE...NOT JUST AG)Join Texas Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom in an interactive, hands-on learning session about how to incorporate agriculture into ANY CTE classroom. Texas Farm Bureau staff will provide training on FREE lessons and resources that are readily available to you RIGHT NOW! The session will include a site visit to a local agricultural operation and an overview of other Texas Farm Bureau programming that is excellent for CTE students as they explore career opportunities…even those associated with agriculture beyond the farm.
Special Instructions: Bring your Device
Fall High School Counselor Update
Fee: $85
(free for coop members)
During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information and "Hot Topics" in the counseling world. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. We will also have some leadership training and ways to grow both professionally and personally based on the regional needs assistance.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Fall High School Counselor Workday
Fee: $85
(free for coop members)
This will be a collaborative time to share group guidance lessons/graduation processes and ideas for the counseling program. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. Bring your favorite materials and forms and be ready to share. We will have access to a copy machine and a variety of other tools to assist your work.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Elementary Counselor Update
Fee: $85
(free for coops)
During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information and "Hot Topics" in the counseling world. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. We will also have some leadership training and ways to grow both professionally and personally based on the regional needs assistance.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
CTE TEKS Focus Group Meeting (Zoom)
This focus group will be meeting to discuss feedback on work group draft recommendations from the 2024 CTE TEKS review and revision for courses in the following engineering programs of study:
· Engineering Foundations:
o Design Courses
o Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, and Statics Courses
· Civil Engineering
· Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The State Board of Education (SBOE) CTE TEKS review process calls for ESCs to collect feedback from educators in their regions on work group draft recommendations. Feedback from ESC focus groups will be submitted to TEA and provided to the SBOE and work group members. This will be a zoom format.
Fee: $0
Register Here
Elementary Counselor Workday
Fee: $85
(free for coop members)
This will be a collaborative time to share group guidance lessons and ideas for the counseling program. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. Bring your favorite materials and forms and be ready to share. We will have access to a copy machine and a variety of other tools to assist your work.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
New CTE State and Regional Program of study overview
Zoom Format
Fee: $85
(free for coop members)
Join us for an immersive training session providing a comprehensive overview of the New Career and Technical Education (CTE) State and Regional Program of Study in Texas. Explore the frameworks and tools, designed to equip educators with insights necessary to navigate and implement CTE programs effectively within the state's educational framework.
An intro to ICEV and the testing platform
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
Certify, a regional event hosted by iCEV, is designed for CTE educators to learn more about industry certifications and strategies for incorporating them in CTE courses. During this half-day event, educators will learn about industry certifications, strategies for administering the content and exam, and TEKS course alignments. All attendees will have the opportunity to take a certification of their choice during the event. Certify is open to all CTE teachers in Region 5.
Quarterly CTE Admin Meeting
Quarterly CTE Administrator meetings are geared for campus/district leaders, counselors and teachers who have administrative roles in their district’s career and technology education program. Updates and hot topics will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to network with other districts and provide feedback based on their experience in the CTE field.
Leaving a Clear Trail
Fee: $150
(free for coop members)
Earning a diploma signifies the completion of one’s education, but it is the Academic Achievement Record that tells the whole story. Participants will receive an overview of the relationship between state and district requirements for graduation, special education graduation options, rules for coding courses on the AAR, and documentation needed to accurately reflect a student’s high school education.
Short term Individual Counseling
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
Individual counseling is an effective tier 2 school counseling intervention. In this training, participants will identify the appropriate school counselor role related to individual counseling and explore individual counseling through the lens of the solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC) model. Participants will also learn about various SFBC counseling strategies, activities, and resources that they can use with their own students in individual counseling sessions.
Partnerships for CTE Admin
In this module, participants will explore a variety of internal and external partnerships, how each one plays a role within a CTE department, and the overall importance and potential impacts of nurturing and sustaining these relationships. Additionally, participants will review their school’s current CTE Partnerships and develop a strategic plan to cultivate new partnerships and strengthen existing relationships.
Program Design for CTE Admin
The Program Design module will give participants the opportunity to use a design-thinking mindset to develop CTE programs that meet the needs of all students as they prepare for postsecondary success. Attendees will learn to identify effective CTE program design elements and practice using tools to enhance existing programs. Using available resources and data, participants will learn how to design CTE programs that are equitable, accessible, and aligned to relevant and real-world applications.
Behaviors and Interventions for Counselors and Admin
Fee: $150
Coop members free
Embark on a transformative training session focusing on Behaviors and Interventions tailored for counselors and administrators. Delve into practical strategies for identifying, addressing, and mitigating behavioral challenges within educational settings. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to foster a supportive environment conducive to student well-being and academic success.
Animal Science PLC
Fee: $150
Free for coop members
Join in with other Animal Science teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum, competitions and teaching strategies for the Animal Science classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps. This meeting will take place offsite.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Resources for CTE Admin
The CTE Resources module provides an overview of many key components of CTE programs—time, finances, human resources, facilities, instructional resources and supplies, transportation, and professional learning. Participants will identify, review, and develop resources to build foundational knowledge to assist them in being successful in the varied roles they serve as programmatic and instructional leaders in CTE.
Special Instructions: Bringing a personal device will be helpful.
CTE Programs—An Infrastructure for CCMR for Counselors
This module provides counselors with the opportunity to examine how strong CTE programs can support all students as they prepare for postsecondary success. Participants will explore the components of approved CTE programs of study, including coursework, work-based learning opportunities, and industry-based certifications, and understand how these relate to the individual planning components of a comprehensive counseling program. Participants will review the relationship of CTE and programs of study to federal and state legislation (including Perkins V, HB5 - Endorsements, HB3 - Outcomes Bonus Funding, and SB179 - Counseling Duties) and other initiatives.
Counseling Resources
Fee: $85
free for coop members
Join us as Stephanie Lerner from TEA will be here at Region 5 to help us delve into the legal framework and practical implications of this statute, gaining invaluable insights into student assessment, counseling interventions, and educational planning. Equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies necessary to support students effectively within the bounds of state regulations.
Planning for a Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Program for CTE Admin
This session is the 1st module of a 4 part series for experienced CTE administrators that offers participants the opportunity to learn how to develop CTE programs that prepares students to be competitive in a global economy. Attendees will learn how to engage stakeholders on advising, preparing, and challenging students throughout a K-12 system to develop career-related skills that connect to workforce expectations. Through this module, participants will gain strategies and skills to strengthen their practice as career readiness advocates and discover new ways to connect with K-12 instructional leaders.
Perkins SSA meeting
Free for SSA members
CTE SSA members should send at least 1 person to this virtual meeting to discuss middle of the year outcomes for our SSA.
Education & Training PLC
Fee: $150
free for coop members
Join in with other Animal Science teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum, competitions and teaching strategies for the Animal Science classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Mastering the Schedule
Fee: $150
free for coop members
Participants will learn how to determine staffing needs based upon student choice requests and student PGP’s. Once staffing needs are determined, participants will work through the process of how to build a master schedule of classes based upon the needs of the students and ensure they have the appropriate staff. This training will be a full day of hands-on practical solving of master schedule conflicts!
This workshop is recommended for your staffing and scheduling team. Recommended team members include the principal, lead counselor, and the person who enters the schedule into your scheduling software.
Special Instructions: For this workshop you will need to bring your laptop (not Chromebook or iPad).
Quarterly CTE Admin Meeting
Quarterly CTE Administrator meetings are geared for campus/district leaders, counselors and teachers who have administrative roles in their district’s career and technology education program. Updates and hot topics will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to network with other districts and provide feedback based on their experience in the CTE field.
Special Instructions: This will be off site at an industry partner’s facility.
Health Science PLC
Fee: $150
free for coop members
Join in with other Health Science teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching strategies for the classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps. This meeting will be hosted offsite.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Elementary Counselor Update
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information and "Hot Topics" in the counseling world. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. We will also have some leadership training and ways to grow both professionally and personally based on the regional needs assistance.
Elementary Counselor Workday
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
This will be a collaborative time to share group guidance lessons and ideas for the counseling program. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. Bring your favorite materials and forms and be ready to share. We will have access to a copy machine and a variety of other tools to assist your work.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Financial Math PLC
Fee: $150
free for coop members
Join in with other financial math teachers from Region 5 to discuss curriculum and teaching strategies for the financial math classroom. We will discuss current trends and/or needs and how to address any gaps.
Special Instructions: You are encouraged to bring your electronic device and any curriculum materials and/or ideas you’d like to share with the group.
Effective Advising for CTE—Ensuring Access for All Students with Counselors
This module will prepare counselors for their crucial roles in supporting students’ postsecondary success. Participants will identify potential barriers that limit access to CTE programs and review advising strategies and resources to ensure accessible CTE programs. Participants will review the Perkins V definitions for special populations and explore success outcomes from strong CTE programs, such as college and career readiness, employability skills, and mental health wellness.
High School Counselor Update
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information and "Hot Topics" in the counseling world. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. We will also have some leadership training and ways to grow both professionally and personally based on the regional needs assistance.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
High School Counselor Workday
Fee: $85
free for coop members
During this session, we will have time to work on current issues in the counseling office. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Program Evaluation for CTE Admin
This session is the 2nd module of a 4 part series for experienced CTE administrators that provides essential knowledge for CTE leaders to expand their CTE programs to align with high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand occupations. In this module, participants will learn about conducting program evaluations to spearhead program improvement practices while anchoring the work to T-TESS and T-PESS evaluation ratings. Program evaluations build upon the strengths, needs, and priorities identified in the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) and provide guidance for improving and increasing the capacity of program activity.
Middle School Counselor Update
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
During this session, we will have up-to-date information from TEA, legal and legislative information and "Hot Topics" in the counseling world. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas. We will also have some leadership training and ways to grow both professionally and personally based on the regional needs assistance.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Middle School Counselor Workday
Fee: $85
Free for coop members
During this session, we will have time to work together on any current issues or management in the counselors’ office. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Program Expansion for CTE Admin
During this session, we will have time to work together on any current issues or management in the counselors’ office. There will also be time for networking and sharing of ideas.
Special Instructions: Please bring electronic devices if you wish to access the handouts.
Quarterly CTE Admin Meeting
Quarterly CTE Administrator meetings are geared for campus/district leaders, counselors and teachers who have administrative roles in their district’s career and technology education program. Updates and hot topics will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to network with other districts and provide feedback based on their experience in the CTE field.
Special Instructions: This will be off site at an industry partner’s facility.
Informed and Ongoing CTE Advising for Middle School and High School Counselors
This session is the 1st module of a 2 part series for experienced school counselors. It provides school counselors with strategies for supporting individual student planning that aligns with the Effective Advising Framework. The training includes a clear vision for planning, implementing, and evaluating an advising program that supports students’ academic and career development goals. Participants will learn how to support postsecondary success for all students by leveraging internal and external partners and providing high-quality advising materials and assessments that support students in postsecondary planning and preparation.
Supporting CTE Teachers for CTE Admin
This session is the 4th module of a 4 part series for experienced CTE administrators that provides an overview of strategies used in the recruitment and retention of CTE teachers. Participants will engage in opportunities to problem solve, review available resources, and develop content to assist with retaining and supporting one of our most valuable resources—CTE instructors.
Perkins V Application Training
Zoom setting-Register Here
Description: This workshop is for CTE leaders who have to work with the Perkins V grant. We will discuss information and access needed to complete your grant as well as allowable expenditures.
Special Instructions: This workshop will be virtual. The zoom link will be sent to registered participants a few days before the event.
Planning for Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Advising
This session is the 2nd module of a 2 part series for experienced school counselors. The session is geared toward the important work of school counselors who are advising students from elementary to high school to prepare for an ever-changing workforce. Participants will learn how to advise and guide students with decision making and planning for
postsecondary success. Attendees will also learn how to establish a robust individual student planning system that informs students of workforce trends. Participants will gain strategies to enhance their practice as career readiness advocates and to support their stakeholder collaboration to advise students in preparing for high-wage, high-skill, in-demand occupations.