A Tradition of Excellence

13 January 2025
Important Dates
Stay in the know...
Underclassmen Post Secondary Night
Thursday, 23 January, 6:00 pm, Excellence Center
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday, 06 February, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
8th Grade Parent Night
Monday, 10th February, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
ACT Test
Tuesday, 25 March, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Monarch Backer Night
Saturday, 05 April
Saturday, 26 April, 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm, Beardmore Event Center
Post Prom
Saturday, 26 April, 11:30pm - 3:30am Sunday, 27 April, PLHS
College Day
Wednesday, 30 April, photo: 11:00 am, South Gym
Honors Night
Tuesday, 06 May, 7:00 pm, North Gym
Seniors Last Day
Thursday, 08 May, 11:00 am, Dismissal followed by Senior BBQ
Sunday, 11 May, 5:00 pm, Baxter Arena
Semester Final Exams
Wednesday - Friday, 21 - 23 May
Last Day of School
Friday, May 23, 11:00 am Dismissal
ACT Testing
Junior Students and Parents/Guardians:
On Tuesday January 14 and on Friday March 7, we will be administering a full practice ACT test to our Juniors from 8am to 11:30am. Students will report to their assigned testing room in the freshman wing right away at 8:00am. Room assignments are alphabetical and are attached to this email.
Research shows that one of the best ways to prepare for the ACT is to take the test 3 times, so we will have two practice tests and then take the state-required ACT on March 25. The focus of the practice tests will be to simulate the real testing environment of the state test. Additionally, students will score their test the next day in their core classes so they can collaborate with their English, Math, and Science teachers to determine areas of strength and weakness in preparation for March 25.
We want our students to get the most benefit possible with these practice opportunities and we need your help. Please consider the following:
Talk to your kids about the importance of giving their best effort. The ACT testing is not only a requirement by the state, but the results help us to reflect on our practices and analyze the effectiveness of our programming. We are always looking for ways to get better as a school!
Encourage your child to get to bed early the night before these tests and eat a good breakfast the day of, so that they are refreshed and prepared to perform to the best of their ability.
Make sure your child brings their calculator on test day. If one isn’t available, have them talk to their math teacher on Monday and arrange for a loaner.
Thank you for your support and Go Monarchs!
Monarch Backer Night
Backer Night is Papillion-LaVista High School’s largest fundraiser of the year that supports ALL Monarch Athletic Programs. The event is hosted by the Monarch Booster Club. This unforgettable evening includes dinner, an open bar, and entertainment. There will be several opportunities to win big
with silent auction items, raffles and live auction items.
SATURDAY, APRIL 5 • 5:30PM-10:30PM
$75 per person
$750 Reserved table for group of 8
Sponsorship opportunities available
For questions contact: MonarchBoosterTreasurer@gmail.com
Monarch Band Booster Dinner & Auction
The annual Monarch Band Booster Dinner and Auction will be held on Sunday, February 16, 2025 4:30pm at Papillion La Vista Senior High. It’s a fun evening you won’t want to miss!
The event includes:
- a pasta dinner catered by Caliber Catering (Chef Kevin Newlin)
- performances by the Monarch Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Monarch Jazz Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Morning Jazz, Freshman Band, and Wind Symphony,
- a silent auction,
- 2024-25 band scholarship presentations
- selection of the 2025-26 drum majors
- announcement of the 2025 marching band show
This is our largest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds support the PLHS instrumental music program including: the purchase of instruments, special student instructional events (such as Dallas Brass, UNO Brass Day, Fine Arts Trip), drumline/frontline/color guard instructors, marching band uniforms and props, student meals during events, and band scholarships.
For tickets, please go to: monarchband.ludus.com
Thank you for your support!
NE DOE School Safety & Security Award
On Tuesday, January 7th, the PLHS Monarchs were awarded the Diamond Badge status for School Safety and Security by the Nebraska Department of Education School Safety & Security Committee. This significant achievement reflects the commitment, dedication, and teamwork of each and every staff member in the building. From custodial staff to administrators, every member of the staff plays a vital role in creating and maintaining a safe environment. Thank you to everyone who continues to place the safety of our student population at the forefront and congratulations to the Monarch staff for their monumental achievement!!!
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
On Thursday, 09 January, Monarch High celebrated Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and our SRO, Officer Nastase. A MASSIVE "Thank You" to our law enforcement personnel in and around our buildings!!!
Share an Attitude of Gratitude
We know you’ve experienced a PLCS staff member going above and beyond for you, a student, a parent, a peer, or a community member! Please share your gratitude and help us recognize that employee! We like to know where we're doing the right thing and recognize those individuals for their awesomeness.
Daily Announcements for Students
If you have ever wondered what kinds of clubs or organizations are meeting and when, we communicate with your students on a daily basis. An email is sent to their school email accounts, and they are kept abreast of the day's happenings. If you're interested in having that information, too, look no further. Click the button below, and it will redirect you to the PLHS Daily Announcements page.
Post Prom
Calling all parents! We need your help to make this year’s post prom a success. Please join us at a fundraiser trivia night (details in the flyer below). We have extended the reservation date to JAN 22nd so come join us for a night of fun to support this safe event for our kids!
*there are many additional opportunities to get involved. Please reach out to Stacey Ingram at staceying3535@gmail.com if you are interested!
2024 - 2025 Yearbook
Don’t miss out on your chance to order your full-color 2025 Yearbook for your student! You can reserve your copy for $80 until April 18, 2025. You can order online at yearbookforever.com or send cash or check to Mr. Rohacik in room 307. Please contact Mr. Rohacik at joseph.rohacik@plcschools.org with any questions. An order form, along with senior tribute and senior photo information, is attached to this email.
Please note: The PLHS Yearbook is a “fall delivery” book. Students will pick up their books at registration in August 2025. This allows for a book that can document the ENTIRE school year, including spring sports/activities, Prom & graduation.
Parking Passes & Locker Requests
Parking Pass
If you need a 2024 - 2025 parking pass, click below to register your vehicle. You must complete all of the information to be issued a mandatory parking pass. Payment for the parking pass can be made through Linq Connect when paying with credit card. When paying with cash or check, please see Ms. Griger or Ms. Rhodis in the front office during regular building hours.
Locker Requests
If your student is a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior, and they would like a locker, please click the button below to request a locker. Freshman students are automatically assigned lockers for the school year.
Underclassmen Post Secondary Night
On January 23rd parents of 9-11th graders are invited to attend an informational session about the transition from high school to college (2 or 4 year). Counselors will be available for questions after the hour long session. This will be held in the Excellence Center.
School Counselors will talk about:
- Academic Preparation
- College Admission
- Financial Aid
- Scholarship/College Applications & Supporting Materials
- Testing
Attention Juniors!
The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans is now offering the Horatio Alger Scholarship to deserving students. To date, the Association has awarded over $265 million in scholarships to over 37,000 students. This scholarship is for students who have significant financial need and have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity. These scholarships range in award value from $10,000 to $25,000.
Eligibility criteria included:
- High School Junior
- Demonstrated Financial Need ($65,000 or lower adjusted gross household income)
- United States citizenship
Students may apply online by CLICKING HERE. Deadline: March 1
Class of 2026!!! This is for YOU.
Guardians and/or Students:
A message from the Counseling Center:
We hope it has been a great semester. We are nearing the last registration period for the class of 2026!
Current juniors will be picking classes for their senior year sometime in late January. We are not trying to rush this, there will be more info on registration next semester. But we would like to have you take time to think about next year and beyond.
The senior year is a very unique and exciting year for many reasons. Post-secondary planning is a major reason for the excitement. All students should be considering what they will do after high school and some plans will require many steps. The PLHS Counselors aim to connect with every junior for what we call the Junior Interview. This is a time to set goals, lay out a general plan and help evaluate options.
These student-only meetings will be one-on-one and can be a time to establish practical action steps to implement now as well as a timeline for subsequent steps. The whole idea is that we strive to have students put their best foot forward.
Students’ counselors will send passes for students. Because these will be one-on-one meetings, it may take a while for all students to be contacted so please be patient during this process. If the student has questions about registration or would like to meet sooner, it is appropriate to reach out to their counselor so they can meet sooner.
As always, students can request to talk to their school counselor:
Last Names Counselor Email
A-C wesley.caruso@plcschools.org
D, F-H aaron.reyes@plcschools.org
E, N-O, T-Z kristen.madler@plcschools.org
Building Hours
7:00 am - 3:30 pm unless students are in an activity.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, school begins at 8:00 am. The school day ends at 3:20 pm.
On Wednesday, school begins at 8:20 am and ends at 3:20 pm.
Breakfast- is served daily beginning at 7:30 am
After School Dismissal / Pick Up: Parking Lot Update
Monarch Spirit Wear to Support Faculty & Staff
Click below to purchase Monarch Spirit Wear. Proceeds go towards faculty and staff morale events in conjunction with Student Council.
Papillion- La Vista High School is a comprehensive high school, grades 9-12, in the fastest growing district in Sarpy County, Nebraska. We are proud of what we have to offer our students and have a dedicated staff of true professionals ready to serve. The Papillion La Vista Community Schools is a great school district that is respected across the state of Nebraska.
Website: https://www.plhs.plcschools.org
Location: 303 East Cary Street, Papillion, NE, USA
Phone: 402-898-0400
Facebook: facebook.com/PapillionLaVistaHS
Twitter: @plpulse
Title I Information
As a parent of a student who attends Papillion La Vista Community Schools, you have a right to know the professional qualifications of the teacher who instructs your child. This is a requirement for all districts that receive Title I funds. Federal law allows you to request the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher and the paraprofessional who works with your child and for the district to provide you with this information in a timely manner upon request. In a Title I building, the paraprofessionals must meet highly qualified requirements prior to employment. Please contact Dr. Kati Settles, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, at 402-537-6200 to request information.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Papillion La Vista Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age or other protected status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Students: Dr. Trent Steele, Director of Secondary Human Resources and Student Services, 420 South Washington Street, Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 537-6214 (trent.steele@plcschools.org). Employees and Others: Dr. Kati Settles, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources, 420 South Washington Street, Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 537-6206 (kati.settles@plcschools.org.org). Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination with the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education (OCR), please contact OCR at One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street #320, Kansas City, Missouri 64106, (816) 268-0550 (voice), or (877) 521-2172 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.