Sligo Weekly Newsletter
Week of September 9, 2024
This Week:
September 10: Tryouts begin
September 10: Map M begins
Save the Date:
September 16-20: Outdoor Ed
September 23: Map R begins
September 27: Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Sligo Spotlight
Each week, the “Sligo Spotlight” will showcase the excellent teaching and learning happening within our walls. One teaching highlight and one student highlight will be shared to shine a light on our teachers and students for you- our community members. Please check this link each week for new updates.
Sligo Academic Success
Great news! We would like to share and celebrate the academic achievements of our students. Last year, 88% of our students demonstrated growth on their Map M test from fall to spring. Additionally, we had a 13% improvement amongst students who achieved proficiency at the 50th percentile.
Map M is an adaptive assessment where the difficulty of each question is based on how well the student answers the previous questions. The more answers a students gets correct, the more challenging the questions become. The assessment is nationally normed for hundreds of thousands of students, so represents a significant indicator of how students are preforming compared to their grade level peers.
We are proud of our students for their academic success!
Outdoor Ed Info
Hello 6th Grade Families!
Outdoor Education: Week of September 16th
Outdoor Education will be the week of September 16th for the 2024-2025 school year and we are inviting all 6th grade families to learn more about Sligo Middle School’s Outdoor Ed experience and get all of your questions answered.
If you missed the in-person/ virtual meeting, you can access the information using this
Parent Information Meeting Video Link
Passcode: d5YqQ5x&
Please remember to pay the full cost of Outdoor Education if you are able. The total cost is $90. If you are unable to pay, please have your child bring in their signed forms.
For students who take prescribed medication, please be sure to fill out the included form (525-13) and have it signed the prescriber. For over-the-counter medication, the form must be completed, but no prescriber signature is required.
All Outdoor Ed permission slips are due on Monday, September 9th. Please reach out if you need help completing them or have any questions.
Please direct any Outdoor Education questions to Mrs. Shuchatowitz or Ms. Fenton, 6th Grade Team Leaders, and
If you are interested in volunteering and/or staying overnight, please reach out to Dr. Johnson-Redder, , 6th Grade Assistant Principal. We need your help!
Request a Computer
If your family requires a Chromebook for home use to complete schoolwork, you can request one by filling out the form at the following link: Chromebook Request. These requests are managed internally by central office and computers will be sent to schools when they are ready. Computers are not required to complete work at home, they are simply an option for families that think it would be beneficial.
To accommodate all families, Student Home Use request flyers are available in both English and Spanish.
National History Day
We are excited to announce that our school will again participate in the National History Day (NHD) competition this year! NHD is a prestigious academic program that encourages students to explore historical topics of their choice through extensive research and presentation. To ensure this event's success, we need our community's support! We are seeking volunteers to serve as judges for these projects. No specific expertise is required—just an interest in history and a willingness to help our students learn and grow. We will provide all necessary training and materials. See the flyer for more details.
National History Day Request for Volunteers to Judge
Missed Back to School Night?
Not a problem! You can access a short presentation from administrators here. Additionally, you can always reach out to your child's teachers if you have any specific questions.
Middle School Fall Sports Registration
Registration for middle school Fall Coed Cross Country, and Boys and Girls Softball Registration is open on the Parent Portal beginning on Aug. 12th. Try-outs begin Sept. 10th.
Students need to be registered and have a current physical on the MCPS Form SR-8, (good for 2 years), and be academically eligible (2.0 GPA) to try-out.
SR-8 forms can be uploaded during the registration process, or turned in to Mr. Endler.
- Athletic Registration Video - A quick video for parents/guardians on how to register their students in athletics.
- Pre-participation physical (MCPS Form SR-8)
- Medical Card for Student Athlete (form 560-30)
- ParentVue Guide - A "Quick Guide to ParentVue for Athletics" in English for parents/guardians when registering their students for athletics.
- ParentVue Guide - A "Quick Guide to ParentVue for Athletics" in Spanish for parents/guardians when registering their students for athletics.
- ParentVue Guide - A "How to Guide" for parents/guardians for Getting Started with ParentVUE.pdf
- Care for Kids - A health care program that provides access to health care services for uninsured children in Montgomery County.
- Clinics for Sports Physicals - an annual list released by MCPS Athletics, pricing is subject to change
Personal Mobile Device Policy- "Away All Day"
Personal Mobile Devices (PMD) such as cell phones, tablets, wireless headphones, handheld gaming systems, etc. will not be used during the school day. Students should expect to keep devices out of sight at 8:15, or keep their devices at home. PMDs can be used after school or after-school activities. Parents will be asked to pick up devices used during the school day.
Parents and caregivers, we appreciate your support in helping our students stay engaged in learning. If you need to send a message to your child during school hours, please contact the main office at (301) 287-8890. We are happy to relay messages to students during non-instructional times.
Below are useful parent resources about kids and personal mobile devices.