ECLC Family Newsletter- Jan Edition

Hello Ranger Families!
Happy New Year! It’s amazing how quickly time flies – we’re already halfway through the school year! As we move forward, it’s essential to continue supporting our students’ growth and fostering strong communication. Working together as a team is key to ensuring that every student has the resources and encouragement they need to succeed. Let’s keep up the momentum and make this year a successful one for all our learners!
January is School Board Recognition Month, and we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our dedicated school board members. We truly appreciate all they do to help support our students in every area of their development.
Please be sure to check out the important dates and information in this newsletter. I am looking forward to a productive and collaborative start to the new year!
Mrs. Andrea M. Vance
Important Dates and Information
Be in the know about all of breaks, days off, and more with the 2024-2025 district calendar. Click here for a printable version.
January 13: No School, Professional Day
January 20: No School, MLK Day
February 10: No School, Professional Day
February 17: No School, Presidents' Day
March 17-21: No School, Spring Break
Upcoming Important Dates
1/6 - School Resumes
1/10- ECLC Typical Peer Application Opens
1/13 - Records Day-No School for Students
1/14 - PTO Meeting
1/20 - Martin Luther King Day- No School
1/21 - Quarter 2 Report Cards Released to Families on PowerSchool
1/21-BOE Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
1/21-PTA Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
- 2/1-4/1- Kindergarten Registration Days
- 2/6- PTA Dinner with My Dude Event @ 5:30-7:00 pm
- 2/10 - No School for Students
- 2/17 - No School | President's Day
- 2/18- PTA Meeting @ 7 pm
- 2/24- 3/3- ECLC Book Fair
- 2/24- March into Kindergarten @ 5:00-6:30 pm
- 3/6- Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 4:45-7:45 pm
- 3/13- PTA Meeting @ 7:00 pm
- 3/17-3/21 - No School | Spring Break
- 3/28 - No School for Students
- 4/3 - Quarter 3 Report Cards Released to Families on PowerSchool
- 4/3- PTA Family Fun Night @ 4:45-7:45 pm
- 4/4- PTA Meeting @ 7:00 pm
- 4/4- PTA Pajama Donation Day (Staff Appreciation Week)
- 4/18 - No School
- 4/21 - No School
- 5/5-5/9 - Staff Appreciation Week
- 5/15 - Kindergarten students visit Liberty Elementary
- 5/16- Science Day (Kindergarten)
- 5/26 - No School | Memorial Day
- 5/27 -Kindergarten Fun Day
- 5/28- Kindergarten Concert
- 5/28- Preschool Fun Day
- 5/29- End of 4th quarter
- 5/29- Kindergarten to DQ
- 5/29- Preschool End of the Year Celebration
- 5/29- Last Day for Students and Support Staff
- 5/30- Last Day for Staff
ECLC Office Information
We would like to thank you all for doing a wonderful job sending in doctor's excuses and making phone calls when students are absent. We appreciate your support. We have noticed recently an increase of the amount of students that are arriving late or being picked up late. Please plan accordingly for traffic or construction delays to ensure your child can arrive at school on time and depart promptly at the end of their school day. Thank you for your support and attention to this matter.
Office Staff:
Karen Cross - Administrative Assistant - 440-353-1100
Colleen Depenbrok -Attendance - 440-353-1184
Shari Piper - Nurse - 440-353-1284
Attendance Line: Call or Text 440-353-1169
As a reminder, students who are called off for a vacation during the school year WILL NOT be excused. Vacations are not excused absences. If the school is notified in advance of such a trip, reasonable efforts are made to prepare a general list of assignments for the student to do while he/she is absent but parents should not expect the teacher to re teach material that is missed due to the vacation.
Report Cards
It's hard to believe that it is already the end of the 2nd Quarter of school! Starting today, there will be a temporary period of time when you are unable to view your child's report card in the Parent Portal. The updated report cards which will include both Q1 and Q2 grades will be released for you to view on January 21st.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Governor Mike DeWine signed Ohio’s Senate Bill 288 into law on January 3, 2023, mandating that school districts notify parents about the required curriculum on child sexual abuse and sexual violence prevention.
SB 288 requires that school districts provide students in grades kindergarten through six developmentally appropriate instruction on child sexual abuse prevention, including information on available counseling and resources for children who are sexually abused.
Your students' school counselors will present lessons between January 13 and February 21, 2025. Parents/Guardians will receive a notification as a reminder of the upcoming presentation. Information and resources regarding sexual violence prevention can be accessed on the NRCS Student Services Website. Parents can opt their child out of the presentation by completing this Google form Parent Opt Out by January 6, 2025
Fight Child Abuse Lesson 1 and 2, My Body is Special and My Body Safety Rules
We encourage you to engage in meaningful discussions with your child about these important topics and reinforce the knowledge and skills they acquire through this instruction. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this instruction, please do not hesitate to contact the principal of your child's school. We value your partnership and appreciate your ongoing support in our shared mission to safeguard our students.
Andrea Vance
Building Principal
Happy New Year! Here are a few PTA highlights.
On Monday January 27th, Biggby Coffee North Ridgeville will be donating $1 of every cup sold to the ECLC PTA. Kindergarten AND Preschool students will be decorating coffee sleeves. You can request your child’s coffee sleeve when ordering - just let them know your child’s teacher!
"Dinner with my Dude” will be on Thursday, February 6th from 5:30-7:00 at ECLC. Details will be sent home soon!
ECLC participates in Box Tops for Education. Simply download the app and scan your receipt when you purchase participating products.
Our next PTA meeting is Tuesday January 21st @ 7pm. The meeting is at ECLC and free childcare is provided.
If you are interested in joining PTA, membership dues are $5. Be sure to join the ECLC PTA Facebook page also. Membership link: https://forms.gle/38wDvBZw6FRECUaX8
Holly Milkovich
PTA President
Meeting Dates-2024-2025
Tuesday January 21
Tuesday February 18
Thursday March 13 (date change due to Spring Break)
Tuesday April 15
ECLC Breakfast and Lunch Menu
2024-2025 Meal Prices:
K -2 Breakfast: $2.50, K-2 Lunch: $3.70
There are several ways to add money to a lunch account. Cash or a check can be made out to North Ridgeville City Schools and can be sent in with your child. You can also add money via PaySchools. As a note, PaySchools charges a fee. Click here to be directed to the PaySchools Central login page to replenish your child's account with additional funds via PaySchools Central.
Nurse's Updates
Respiratory viruses can be hard on anyone, especially little kids! Check out these tips to help keep them healthy:
· Avoid close contact with sick people.
· Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
· Avoid touching their face with unwashed hands.
PBIS Updates
PBIS Rewards
Students will be rewarded with Andy Paw stickers to reinforce all of the Ranger Strong behaviors we would like to see all around our building. We will be looking for students who are using:
-Walking feet
-Safe hands
-Quiet Voice
Character Strong
Character Strong Monthly Theme:
Students will be talking about how they can show PERSEVERANCE to themselves and to others during the month of December. Below are a few ideas your family can use to connect while practicing PERSEVERANCE!
September: RESPECT
December: EMPATHY
February: HONESTY
Counselor Connection
Connecting for Kids provides resources, support and community to families in Northeast Ohio who have concerns about their child. We serve all families, including those children with and without diagnoses.
Resources are available for a number of concerns including anxiety, attention and academics. Connecting for Kids supports families who have children with mental health concerns, developmental delays and disabilities as well as those facing major life changes such as divorce or kinship care. No concern is too big or too small.
Connecting for Kids will host more than 75 free programs offered this fall at locations across Northeast Ohio.
Occupational Therapy Corner
ECLC School Hours
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Thank you for following the traffic patterns and slowing down when entering and exiting the parking lot. We want to ensure the safety of all our families and staff.
Busing Information
Transportation Supervisor
Head Mechanic
Melissa Phelps
Administrative Assistant
Bus Behavior
Ensuring the safety and well-being of all students on school buses is of our top priorities. Please take note of the following guidelines that your child must adhere to while using school transportation. Students who repeatedly do not follow expectations will be subject to a bus referral. Multiple referrals can lead to loss of bus privileges.
From the Student Handbook:
The following regulations pertain to school bus conduct and are intended to ensure the safety and welfare of the students, the bus driver and other drivers on the road and to ensure the safety and proper maintenance of school buses.
Students will:
Follow classroom conduct rules at all times.
Be at designated place of safety on residence side of street (not in house, car, etc.) for pick up five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
Be courteous. Use no profane language or gestures. No disruptive behavior, fighting, bullying, indecent behavior, possession of weapons, tobacco products, drugs, alcohol, etc.
Stay in seat while the bus is moving. Keep head, hands and feet to self and inside the bus.
Maintain an aisle way. Only objects that can be held on lap are permitted. No animals of any kind are allowed on the bus. We discourage the use of book bags with wheels and the bringing of skateboards, fishing rods and/or large projects on the bus.
Not eat or drink on the bus. Keep the bus clean. Do not be destructive.
Cooperate with the driver and follow directions regarding pick-up, drop off, crossing, silence at railroad tracks, etc.
Sit in seats assigned by bus driver.
Remain at the designated place of safety for drop off on residence side of street until the bus has left before proceeding home.
Thank you for helping us reinforce these rules with your child. By working together, we can ensure a safe and positive transportation experience for all students!
Before and After Care
The North Ridgeville City School District has a partnership with Right At School which will provide after school care until 6 PM. Click here to visit the Right At School North Ridgeville City Schools website to see more on the plans, pricing, and curriculum.
If you any questions, you can contact Right At School in the following ways:
- Visit RightAtSchool.com and select "contact us" to use the online chat option or fill out the "get in touch" form.
- Call 855-287-2466
- Parent questions regarding individual children, email Heather Knoll at heather.knoll@rightatschool.com
Nominate a Staff Member!
Staff Member of the Month
Each month the Board of Education recognizes two staff members who have shown extreme care, demonstrated excellence, and/or provided exemplary professionalism. These nominations may come from students, parents, colleagues or administration. Please take the time to nominate a staff member today. Complete this quick form to nominate a deserving staff member. Submissions are reviewed regularly. Thank you for taking the time to recognize our valuable staff members.
Upcoming Events
We're Hiring!
We are on the lookout for passionate, dedicated individuals to join us in shaping the future of education. Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of students? Whether you are an experienced or just starting your career, there's a place for you in Ranger Nation. If you're interested in a flexible schedule you can apply to be a substitute here. Help us build a positive learning environment where every student can thrive.
Substitute Aides
Substitute Secretaries
Substitute Food Service Workers
Substitute Cleaners