Parent/Guardian Newsletter
Woodmont Weekly Newsletter
What's Happening at Woodmont?
Week of 9/9-9/13
Dear Woodmont Middle School Families,
I hope all of you had a great weekend! We are officially at the halfway point in the first nine weeks. Please be on the lookout for progress reports on September 11th. We do not send a paper copy home unless a parent requests them. Normally, parents access progress reports through backpack. If you have not signed up for backpack, please contact the front office and they can assist you. We have a home volleyball game against Mauldin on September 9th and away at Bryson Middle on September 11th. Please come out and support our lady wildcats! Our news program will have some segments to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11 this week. I was a senior in high school when this happened and I still remember the images. Thank you to all of those that bravely served in this event and my heart goes out to all of those that lost loved ones on that tragic day. Thank you again for all of your support this year and I am looking forward to a great week.
With thanks,
Kyle D. Pearson
Woodmont Middle School
Link to join PTA
Comprehensive Health Lessons
The message below was sent to families two weeks ago via their PE teachers. I am including this per their request. If you have any questions please contact your student's PE teacher.
The PE Department will be completing Comprehensive Lessons the weeks of 9/2 and 9/9 for first semester PE students. There is parent preview information that can be found at the following link: Also when using that link you can find the exemption form for this portion of PE class. If you wish to exempt your student, the form must be turned into the front office by an adult. Students cannot turn in the form. Contact your student's PE teacher with any questions or concerns.
EDP Interest Form
Woodmont Middle is in the process of starting an Extended Day Program. This is a school provided after school care program that includes tutoring and is very cost competitive with other after school programs. We offered this program at Fisher Middle where I worked for the last three years, and it was very well received by our families. I have also used this program as a parent and I found it to be very helpful. There are more details in the link below and if you have any questions please contact the front office.
Band Newsletter
馃幍Link to this week's Band Newsletter!:
Picture Day
WMS will host fall picture day on September 11th. If you have questions, please contact the front office.
Yearbooks On Sale
Yearbooks are on sale! Purchase your yearbook today. Lock in the lowest price of the season.
Lost and/or damaged technology
School Technology Reminder: All students should be responsible for the whereabouts of school technology issued to them at Woodmont Middle. This includes Chromebook and Chromebook chargers. The replacement cost can range from $250-$300. Lost chargers have a replacement cost of $31. Parents/Guardians are responsible for paying this fee if the device is not found. Replacement Chromebooks and chargers cannot be issued if the lost technology is not recovered or paid.
Late Pick-Ups
Out of abundance of caution, we have made a change to our late pick up policy. Any student picked up after 4pm will be housed in the front office or cafeteria. Parents, guardians, or other drivers will have to come into the front office and sign out their student. This is to ensure that all students are taken home by someone on their pickup list. If you have any questions, please call the front office or your child's grade level administrator.
Parent Presentation
Below you will find the presentation that was given to parents at our 6th grade rookie camp. This presentation has useful information for all families regarding policies for the upcoming school year.
Parents were presented with information regarding our Liveschool system. At Woodmont Middle, we use the Liveschool system to track rewards and disciplinary actions. The system allows for parents to get updates on your student's rewards and consequences. Please click the link below to sign up for the Liveschool system and receive regular updates. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Deese, our Liveschool administrator.
Cell Phone Policy
Below you will find a flyer that addresses our new cell phone policy. Cell phones and other personal electronic devices are prohibited during the school day. Students must have these devices powered off and put away in their bookbags. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in disciplinary consequences. If you have specific questions regarding this policy, please reach out to your child's grade level administrator.
Dress Code Updates
Parents and Guardians, in an effort to increase alignment in discipline and dress code
practices between schools and to provide more consistency and clarity for parents and students, we are providing the attached flier for guidance (LINK). These dress code specifications and violation consequences are in effect for the 2024-25 school year. This information is also found in our 2024-25 Student Handbook found here (LINK). Please reach out to me with any questions by contacting the front office.
Padres y tutores, en un esfuerzo por aumentar la alineaci贸n en las pr谩cticas de disciplina y c贸digo de vestimenta entre las escuelas, y para brindar m谩s coherencia y claridad a los padres y estudiantes, proporcionamos el volante adjunto como orientaci贸n. (ENLACE) Estas especificaciones del c贸digo de vestimenta y las consecuencias de las violaciones est谩n vigentes para el a帽o escolar 2024-25. Esta informaci贸n tambi茅n est谩 disponible en nuestro Manual de Estudiantes 2024-25, el cual puede encontrar aqu铆 (ENLACE). Por favor comun铆quese conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta contactando la oficina principal.
Sick Child Policy
Students are required to be evaluated by the school nurse if they report an illness. The school nurse will contact parents if they need to be picked up. Students that initiate calls home about illnesses will be sent to the nurse for evaluation before being sent home. Students using cell phones to make phone calls or text messages home will be subject to the school cell phone policy.
School IDs
Students will be given their school ID on the first day of school. Students are required to wear their ID at all times. This year to create a greater sense of structure students will be given a different color lanyard to represent the team they are on. Teams 6.1, 7.1, and 8.1 will wear red lanyards. Teams 6.2, 7.2, and 8.2 will wear green lanyards. Teams 6.3, 7.3, and 8.3 will wear purple lanyards. Students are required to wear the school provided lanyards. If a student needs a new lanyard they can be purchased in the media center for $1.00. Students will also have different color ID's per their grade level. 6th graders will have blue ID's, 7th graders will have gray ID's, and 8th graders will have black ID's. If a student shows up to school without their ID, they will be required to purchase a new ID for $5.00. If a student does not have $5.00, they will have their account charged. Once a student reaches $10.00 in charges there will be a parent contact home. After $20.00 the student will have to pay down their account or discipline consequences can occur. We will not have temporary ID's available for this year. It is essential to have all students in the building to wear ID's to ensure student and staff safety. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student's grade level administrator.
School Breakfast and Lunch
This year, all students at Woodmont Middle School will receive free school breakfast and lunch for the entire 2024-2025 school year. You do not need to fill out any forms to receive the free breakfast and lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the front office.