January Newsletter
January 2025
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a very happy holiday season. Happy New Year! First semester was awesome! As we are beginning the 2nd semester, I wanted to give a couple of reminders.
- There is no passing in a school zone (especially during student pick-up)
- Please make sure your student is on time each day to school
Here's to a wonderful 2025!
Important Items
- Tax Credit Donations – As you begin receiving your W-2's or 1099's in the mail (or sending if you are a business owner), please remember that tax credit donations are crucial for funding staff and supplies for our fine arts, band and orchestra, OMA, dance, technology, and PE. These classes enrich our students and provide opportunities for our teachers to meet in their professional learning teams to analyze data to help guide their instruction. You can donate online on our website. Ask your friends and neighbors to donate as well!
- Character Strong Trait - The trait for January is Perseverance. Perseverance is pushing yourself to work through challenges and obstacles.
- Volunteers – We will be in need of volunteers to keep a lot of the Fruchthendler traditions going, so please be on the lookout for communication from your student's teacher regarding opportunities to volunteer. Some of the upcoming events are the Rodeo Breakfast, Spring Book Fair, and Fruchthendler Olympics.
- K-2 Spelling Bee – The K-2 Spelling Bee will be 2/4 at 5:30. Each class will have their qualifying toward the end of January.
What's Happening in Specials This Month?
Counseling with Ms. Lana:
This month in counseling all grades will be focusing on perseverance! Kindergarten and first grade students will be practicing identifying perseverance and also learning strategies to help them persevere. Second and third grade students will focus on goal setting and positive self-talk. Fourth and fifth grade students will focus on the concept of having a growth mindset and training their brains to persevere.
OMA with Mrs. Gale:
This month in OMA, kindergarten will be learning to sing several rodeo songs. First grade will be reviewing their astronomy songs and then taking a first look at reading music rhythms. Second grade will be working with xylophones and starting a song about aviation. Third grade will start a new song, “Baby Shark”, and learn new multiplication songs. Fourth grade will start creating a “We Will Rock You” song parody relating to their geology unit. Fifth grade will be learning two songs connected to the Renaissance. And band will be learning a sixth note for their new songs.
Discovery Lab with Dr. B:
Kinder continues their investigation on Trees and Weather, with a focus on describing the shapes of trees and leaves then working to understand the how our weather is important for the life of our trees. First grade continues with their second unit on Sound and Light, with investigations into how light travels using shadows and reflections. Second grade picks up in their Soil, Sand and Silt unit where we left off, and will be investigating ways that we use earth materials, specifically sand(paper), clay and dirt. Third grade continues the Motion and Matter unit, wrapping up motion by using what we have learned to make predictions about the motion of new systems and then moving into investigations on matter with an introduction into mixtures and solutions. Fourth and Fifth grade will be using Discovery Lab time to wrap up their science fair projects including finishing our tutorial on using Microsoft Excel, with a focus on generating a graph from that data.
4th and 5th PE – We wrap our basketball unit with more practice of passing and shooting, then we will get introduced to the long jump and high jump in preparation for Track and Field day on January 31st. Additionally, students are working to complete the Firebird Run challenge. The goal is to complete three Firebird laps on different challenge days throughout the year. We have one challenge day per month. A successful run is a full lap of the field without cutting corners short or stopping to run. This challenge helps students set and achieve goals that stretch their physical abilities and encourage them to maintain a positive attitude during difficult task. Help keep our Firebirds ready by making sure they wear PE appropriate shoes on their PE day, NO CROCS and NO BOOTS.
Kinder-3rd: During the month of January, K-3 students in PE will focus on developing their throwing and catching skills. We will use a variety of balls to practice different techniques and refine coordination. As the unit progresses, students will have the opportunity to apply these skills in fun, game-based activities. The goal of this unit is to enhance hand-eye coordination, improve timing and focus, and foster teamwork and communication. Through these activities, students will develop foundational motor skills that support their overall physical and social growth.
January Dates:
JANUARY (Perseverance)
1/6 – School Resumes
1/10 – PTA hosting Coffee and Pastries – 8:20 am
1/10 – Karchner Caverns Field Trip 4th grade
1/10 – Boys Basketball Playoff game @Fruchthendler vs Howell - 4:20 pm
1/13 – 1/31 – iReady Diagnostic
1/13 – 1/31 – School Quality Survey Window
1/14 – Kindergarten Field Trip to Sabino Canyon - 8:30-12:30
1/14 – FCC Meeting
1/14 – Meet the Teacher for Ms. Asahan and Ms. Silinker at 5 pm
1/14 – Cub Scout Meeting
1/15 – Mark Woods Concert – 4th and 5th grade – 10:45 – 11:30 (bus leaves at 10)
1/17 – Stories That Soar! Assembly 9:00 AM
1/17 – General PTA meeting
1/18 – District Spelling Bee (Good Luck, Adelaide!!)
1/18 – Girls Basketball Playoffs vs Gale @Pueblo HS Main Gym @9:15 am
1/20 – MLK Jr. Day NO SCHOOL
1/21 – Science Fair Projects Due
1/23 – Step Up TUSD EXPO at TCC
1/27 – Site Council Meeting
1/29 – PLD – Professional Learning Day (Wed) NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
1/31 – Track and Field Day – 3rd-5th
If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me at (520) 731-4400.
Mr. E