Quincy Elementary School
August 23, 2024
Pioneer (Pre K - 2nd) & Alder (3rd - 6th)
Upcoming Events
August 26th - First Day of School
September 2nd - Labor Day [No School]
Prior to the 1st Day of School, please be sure to...
- Access the Parent Portal in Aeries
- Share the most up to date contact info with staff
- Complete authorizations and required confirmations
Pioneer News:
In the morning...
- School starts at 8:00am
- Breakfast is available from 7:35 - 7:55.
- To ensure we can provide provide safety and supervision, campus will open for student arrival at 7:35am.
- TK & K families: Please park in our parking lot and walk your student to the cafeteria doors located in the front of the school. A staff member or your student's teacher will be there to greet your student and show them where to go in the cafeteria.
- 1st & 2nd grade families: The student drop off line is located in front our school in the lane outside of the fence (the inside lane is for buses). Enter from the north (Lee road) and exit to the south (hwy 70). A staff member and/or the principal will be there to open doors and greet students. Students will be taught to stop at the fence and look for any incoming buses. Students can cross when safe and advised by a staff member.
- Bus Riders: Please be sure to fill out your ridership application and review the bus expectations and safety points with your student.
Welcome Letter to Families
Meet our Teaching Team
Suggested Supply List
- Please note that the items under each grade level are suggested items for your student
- Donation are greatly appreciated for schoolwide supplies.
- Thank you for helping to support student success at Pio!
Alder News:
Thank you to the Families and Volunteers who came to the Back to School Bash!
It was so great to see all of the smiles and excitement for the new year.
Bell Schedule
Drop Off and Pick Up
- School starts at 8:10am
- Breakfast is available from 7:35 - 7:55.
- To ensure we can provide provide safety and supervision, campus will open for student arrival at 7:35am.
- Car Drop-Off: Please drive up Coburn Street to enter the car line on Alder Street. Out of respect for our neighbors, please do not make a U-turn on Alder Street or Stephan Way.
- ALL STUDENTS REPORT TO THE CAFETERIA UPON ARRIVAL Staff members will dismiss students for morning recess at approximately 8:00.
Suggested Supply Lists
- Please note that items donated to classes will be for communal use.
- Thank you for your generosity!
6th Grade Fall Sports
- We are looking for a coach for the 6th Grade Volleyball Team.
- Students need to have a physical completed to participate.
Cell Phones at School
Check out the Cell Phone and Devices: Guide for Parents and Families from Common Sense Media
Cell Phones shall be turned off in class, except when being used for a valid instructional or other school-related purpose as determined by the teacher or other district employee, and at any other time directed by a district employee.
Any device with camera, video, or voice recording function shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other person.
Please see the PCOE/PUSD Board Policy (5131) and Student Behavior Expectations Guidelines regarding cell phones
Riding the Bus this Year?
Let's work together to ensure that all students have a safe route to/from school...
Make sure you complete the Ridership Application for the 24-25 SY. This form can be completed and printed, then turned into the school office. Or completed and emailed to the Transportation Staff (see form for email addresses).
Please note that the Bus Rules are critical for safety (listed below and click here to enlarge). Students are expected to follow the expectations each time they ride the bus. We will be teaching these to students during the first weeks of school, but please ask that you review the rules and consequences as a family before completing the application.
Looking for Great Candidates!
Check out some of the open positions below and share with your friends & family!
Below are links to some helpful resources
Contact Us!
Pioneer: bolsen@pcoe.k12.ca.us (530) 283-6550
Alder: bsteward@pcoe.k12.ca.us (530) 283-6557