NIS News - December 2022
Nantucket Intermediate School
December News and Highlights
This is a busy month as our staff assess and report out on the progress of all of our students. Report cards will be coming to you this Friday through ASPEN and we will mail them out early next week too. As school leaders, we read all of the report cards and are impressed with the growth and progress we see our students making! We are grateful you have the opportunity to partner with our teachers during parent/teacher conferences to learn more about your children's school experiences and how you can support their achievement. If you have not signed up for a parent/teacher conference yet, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher - they want to meet with you!
This month we will have another whole school meeting to spread a little cheer before everyone leaves for holiday break. It's so important for us to come together as a school community! Massachusetts schools cannot overtly celebrate Christmas at the exclusion of other December holidays, but we do want students to learn about one another and each other's cultural traditions. This is likely happening in school across classrooms and other settings. Our school meeting will not be a holiday celebration, but a chance for us to have some fun together.
We look forward to seeing many of you this week at the Book Fair and for parent teacher conferences.
Wishing you a merry month and holiday break surrounded by friends and family!
Evemarie McNeil, Principal
Donna Johnson, Assistant Principal
November Community Reader Day Photos!
Dr. Hallett Joined the Fun!
NIS 2022 Community Guest Readers
Welcome Dr. Lepore!
December Health Office News
Hello NIS Families,
Hello NIS Families. I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving break. Traveling for the holiday or just getting together with family has spread the triple viruses that are circulating in our community: flu, RSV, covid. We have cases of all three in all of our schools. Below is a link to help distinguish the differences between them and what to do. While there is still an isolation period for covid (5 days), there is no set rule for the flu or RSV. With the flu you are most contagious the first 3-4 of illness and for RSV you are contagious on day 3-8 of the illness. Although with both flu and RSV, you can spread it a day before symptoms start. With that being said, please keep your students home if they are not feeling well. Test them for covid to rule that virus out. They may return to school when they have been fever free, without any fever reducing medications, and symptoms have improved. Please click on the link below for more detailed information.
As always stay safe, stay healthy,
Nancy Small RN
NIS School Nurse
Scholastic Book Fair is Here!
NIS Book Fair
Fair Dates: Tuesday, December 13 to Friday, December 16
Hours: Tuesday 12/13 - 9 - 10am & 2:20 - 3:30pm
Wednesday 12/14 - 9 - 10am, 12 - 1pm, & 5 - 7pm
Thursday 12/15 - 8 - 9am & 2:20 - 3:30pm
Friday 12/16 - 8 - 9am & 2:20 - 3:30pm
Book Fair Homepage:
Every dollar you spend will benefit our school directly.
You can sign up for Book Fair eWallet, a convenient digital payment account, so your child can shop the Fair cash-free. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute to the eWallet too.
All students will also have a shopping opportunity during library class so consider setting up an e-wallet for your child.
We need Book Fair Volunteers! Please consider working at the fair:
Homework Help and Dismissal
Come be a Teaching Assistant!
Interested? Reach out to Evemarie McNeil, Principal at
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
* Tuesday, Dec. 13th - Friday, Dec. 16th - NIS Scholastic Book Fair
* Wednesday, Dec. 14th - Early Dismissal at 12pm - Parent Teacher Conferences
* Friday, Dec. 16th - Report Cards Posted
* Tuesday, Dec. 20th - School Committee Meeting - 6:00 PM
* Friday Dec. 23rd - No School - Holiday Break
* 1/3/23 - Return from Holiday Break - First Day Back
* Wednesday, Jan. 18th - SNAC Advisory Meeting
No Birthday Food Treats Please
We would like to encourage you to donate a birthday book to your child's classroom library in honor of their birthday. Other acceptable ideas include bringing in a special pencil or decal for everyone in the class if that's preferred.
Thank you for not sending your child to school with food items for the class to celebrate their birthday.
NPS Vision, Mission and Core Values
NPS Vision Draft
We commit to provide equitable, inclusive, and challenging learning experiences where every student and adult feels seen, heard, valued, and respected.
NPS Mission Draft
Nantucket Public Schools, in partnership with a caring community, will create a dynamic and equitable learning environment which engages each of us to be inspired learners and responsible citizens, prepared to meet local and global challenges.
NPS Core Values Draft
Nantucket Public Schools values collaboration, communication, and reflection that supports:
Equitable access to multiple pathways for individual and collective success.
High expectations and a student-centered educational approach that integrates academic progress, extra-curricular participation, personal responsibility, and community involvement.
Inclusive and sustained family relationships that respect all cultures and the experiences each child brings to our schools.
Challenging ourselves to embrace and advocate for the needs of every student, adult, and family within our school community.
Nantucket Intermediate School
Location: 30 Surfside Road, Nantucket, MA, USA
Phone: 508-228-7290
Twitter: @NISlearners