CMS November Newsletter
New Happenings at Chapparral Middle School!
Here is Latest and Greatest at Chaparral Middle School.
Halloween Costumes
Halloween Thursday - students are welcome to wear costumes, costumes must follow school dress code (please no inflatables, no excessive facepaint, no masks, no fake weapons of any kind). We would rather students particiapte in the Red Ribbon Theme.
NO School !!!
No school on election day 11/5 or Vetrans Day 11/11
Click on the link below !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No Violence November Campaign !!!! ( information coming all month long)
CMS Basketball Tryouts !
Boys Tryouts are 11/4 & 11/6 from 4- 5:30 pm in CMS gym
Girls Tryouts Are 11/4 & 11/6 from 5:30-7 pm in CMS gym
Tryouts are for all 6-8 students. Students must have a current physical on file and insurance paperwork filled out.
Boys BB Schedule
Girls BB Schedule
Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success. Even as children grow older and
more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school every day and understand why
attendance is so important for success in school and on the job.
• Students should miss no more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful and on track to graduation.
• Frequent absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school work, dealing with a
bully or facing some other difficulty.
• By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
• By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
• Missing 10%, or 2 days a month, over the course of the school year, can affect a student’s academic success.
Student ID's
Parents and guardians please help us by reminding your student to wear their ID's. Students are required to wear them in order to leave the classroom for any reason and it helps us keep our students safe while on campus. Your support with this is greatly appreciated.
Cell Phones/Earbuds
Reminder that cell phones are not allowed to be used during the school day. The exception to this is lunch time. Please help us with this by reinforcing this with students at home. Of course if something comes up during the day and a student needs to contact a parent we can make exceptions. Thank you for your support with this policy.
CMS Houses !!!!!!
A healthy student culture is essential to academic success is no secret. Here at CMS, to make sure every student feels connected while here in our building, we have implemented a new tool this year: a house system! CMS students are all part of a "house" or a group for which work both together and independently to earn points through grades, growth on assessments, growth on personal goals, attendance, modeling good behavior, attending special events (such as open house), and more. The house with the most points at the end of the school year will get a special treat from the administration for all of their hard work! Additionally, we let the students design the houses themselves, two houses per grade level, including mascot, color, hand symbol, role model, mantra, guiding value, and their ideal reward at the end of the year should their house get first place! Welcome to the CMS houses:
- 6th Graders have the house of the blue shark, all about respect and bravery and the house of the blue and gold mountain lions, whose guiding value is teamwork.
- 7th graders have the house of the red dragons, whose highest value is respect, and the house of the pink flamingos, who are guided by loyalty.
- 8th graders have the house of the black, grey, and gold pit bulls who value determination, responsibility, and honor, and the house of the red griffins, who are all about integrity.
Soon, each house will have their own banners and elect student leaders as well to guide their houses
Together, we can increase support for every student, and this is just one way we are making it happen.