Longacre Weekly News
September 30, 2024
Dear Longacre Families,
As a Leader in Me Lighthouse School, we believe in empowering your child to lead with academic excellence and upstanding citizenship. Leader in Me (LIM) is an evidence-based, comprehensive school-improvement model that equips students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in a global community.
Longacre staff has made five core commitments to your child. We call these our Core Paradigms. In These paradigms encapsulate the way we view all students. At Longacre we believe that:
Everyone is a leader.
Everyone has genius.
Change starts with me.
We empower students to lead their own learning.
Educators and families partner to develop the whole person.
Not only do these paradigms apply to your student, they apply to all of us! Leader in Me provides our school with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development. As students discover and develop their unique gifts and talents, they are given opportunities to lead. As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education, and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. The children quickly understand the benefits of different gifts and talents; they learn to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another to be the best.
As always, feel free to contact our main office at 248-489-3733 if you have any questions or need assistance.
With Longacre Pride,
Rhonda Henry, Principal
October's Leader in Me/Positive Behavior Support Lessons
During the month of October, students will be working on the skill of self-management and Habit #1: Be Proactive. Self-Management: The ability to manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations and to achieve goals and aspirations. Such as: using stress management strategies, setting personal goals, and using planning and organization skills.
Leader in Me Home Connections
We are excited to share the 7 Habits® with our families. We invite you to use the menu below to select a habit to focus on each week for the next 20 weeks.
For weeks 21–40, return to the top of the menu and challenge your family to focus on the habit not selected the first time around. Consider keeping a family journal to reflect on your learning or track your efforts with photos.
Longacre Optimist Club
It’s Time for Junior Optimist Club!
Who: Students interested in learning about the Longacre Junior Optimist Club (JOC).
What: An informational meeting for students interested in being active in community service and doing kind acts for others.
Where: Longacre Media Center
When: Wednesday, October 2nd, 3:30-4:30 p.m. (pick up is at 4:30 pm prompt; children who already attend Y-Care will be sent there at 4:30 pm.)
Why: To provide background on JOC and what committing to JOC looks like.
How: In order to attend this informational meeting, a parent/guardian MUST complete the Google Form linked here. Only students who have the Google Form completed by Tuesday, Oct. 1st, will be able to attend this informational meeting. If a form is not received, then your child will not be on the attendance list, and will need to be picked up immediately after school.
Please complete the form linked here: 2024-2025 JOC Informational Meeting Google Form
Additional Information:
Optimist Clubs have been in existence for nearly 100 years. Optimists believe in young people and empower them to be the best they can be. JOC members help to make our community a better place.. Over the years, Longacre JOC has participated in many community service projects.
Attendance at this meeting does not mean your child is a member of JOC. It is an informational meeting only. Any student who decides to commit to JOC will need to fill out an application form, and pay a membership fee of $20. Details about this commitment will be provided on October 2nd..
In addition to filling out the attached Google Form, please send a written note to your child’s teacher letting him/her know that your child will be staying after school.
Anyone who attends must have pre-arranged plans for pick up promptly at 4:30 pm. Parents should follow the same protocol for after school pick up when getting students from the JOC meeting. Please remain in your car, and line up using the car lane in the front parking lot or meet us at the flagpole.
Questions about JOC can be directed to Mrs. Burkmyre at michele.burkmyre@fpsk12.net.
Fun Run Update!
Longacre's annual Fun Run is only 2 weeks away on Friday, October 11th. Our goal is to raise $23,000 which all goes back to our students. So far we have raised $4, 3900 and the top three classes are listed below. Thank you for your support!
2024 PTA Reflections- Entries due by October 25th
Theme: Accepting Imperfection
The PTA Reflections program provides students with an opportunity to express themselves creatively and receive positive recognition for original works of art, inspired by a theme. Although organized in a contest format, the goal of Reflections is to encourage participation. Students are celebrated for their participation at every level.
Students may submit an entry in any of the six arts areas listed below. Only original works of art are accepted. Depending on state and local PTA guidelines, students may enter more than one work of art.
The six art areas are as follows.
- Literature
- Music Composition
- Photography
- Visual Arts
- Dance Choreography
- Film Production
Participation in the Reflections Program is organized by school grade. Student works are critiqued with others in the same grade division. This allows recognition and judging of artworks by appropriate developmental age and skill levels. The five grade divisions are as follows:
- Primary – Preschool – Grade 2 or up to age 7
- Intermediate – Grades 3-5 or ages 8-10
After School Spanish Class
Language Adventure is returning to Longacre with Spanish classes this fall! This program is fun and interactive and includes conversation, games, songs, and special activities designed for each age group. Classes will run on Mondays for 8 weeks, starting September 30.
For more information and registration, visit:
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 30- Spanish club begins after school for students who are registered
Wednesday, October 2-
- Count Day
- Jr. Optimist Club informational meeting after school- please scroll up for more information
Thursday, October 3- No School (Rosh Hashanah)
Friday, October 4- Popcorn Friday- $1.00 per bag. All proceeds go towards Leader in Me initiative.
Wednesday, October 9- Picture Day!
Friday, October 11- Fun Run!
This is your chance to create a library card design for the Farmington Community Library! The library represents many things to different people. Your design should celebrate the Library community, services, or an experience you have had at FCL. What does that mean? It is up to each artist to interpret!
A winning design will be selected in each of the following age groups:
- Ages 5-12
- Ages 13-17
- Ages 18+
Submissions may be in any art medium (illustration, pen, photography, etc.). Submissions can be physical works of art or digital graphics. Last year, many of the physical entries were drawn/colored directly onto the Design Contest Template.
Submissions are due by midnight on September 30, 2024. Winning designs are voted on by library staff and will be announced in December.
View full contest details at the link below.
Links to Save
Follow us on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/longacreleopards/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LongacreElem
Instagram: @longacreleopards
Website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/lon