Attendance Policy and Information
Last Updated: August 8, 2024

The communication below provides important information from the Public Schools of Brookline.
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Learning how to consistently attend school and class is one of the most important skills children develop during their education.
Students who consistently attend school are significantly more likely to perform well academically, develop meaningful relationships with students and adults, and learn important social-emotional skills (e.g., how to manage stress).
In contrast, students who have one or more absences a month are more likely to fall behind academically, feel disconnected from their peers and adults, and experience increased levels of stress, worry, and other challenging emotions. Because of this, supporting strong attendance is among our highest priorities as a district.
How can we support student attendance?
Sleep. Keep a regular bedtime and establish a morning routine. This is not always easy!
Screen time. Turn off all electronics at bedtime. Have a family media plan and make sure screens are all off before bedtime.
Advance planning. Avoid the morning rush! If possible, pack backpacks and prepare clothing in the evening.
Illnesses. If you are not sure when to keep your child home due to illness, please contact the school nurse.
Anxiety and fears. There has been a big increase in anxiety since the COVID pandemic started. If your child is having a lot of anxiety or worries about school, reach out to your child’s teacher or school counselor. We have a lot of professionals who can help.
Vacation time, doctor’s visits, and other events. Avoid scheduling vacations and doctor’s appointments while school is in session. These absences can make attending school more challenging for some children.
What are the expectations surronding School Attendance?
As a reminder, all students in PSB are expected to attend school every day, arrive on time every day, stay for the full school day, and attend all scheduled classes.
Massachusetts General Laws, along with policies set forth by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE), alo state that:
- All children between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16) must attend school.
- A student must be at school, at a school-related activity, or receiving academic instruction for at least half (50%) the school day to be counted as present.
- School districts must provide all parents/guardians with instructions for calling a designated phone number at a designated time to inform the school of the absence of a student and the reason for the absence. In addition, parents/guardians must provide the school with a home, work or other emergency telephone number so that they may be contacted during the school day so the school may call and inquire about said absence.
A student's parents and guardians are legally responsible for ensuring that they attend school daily. It is a crime for a responsible parent or guardian not to cause such a student to attend school. The PSB District Attendance Officer reserves the right to file a criminal complaint in court against the responsible parent/guardian in cases of extended absences. These documents may include (but are not limited to) a 51A report for educational neglect or a CRA (Child Requiring Assistance) Application for habitually truant students.
What do I need to do if my student will be absent from school?
When a student is absent from school, parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school on the day of the absence by calling the school office or absence reporting line.
- BEEP - All Locations: (617) 713-5471
- BHS (10th and 12th Grade): (617) 713-5190
- BHS (9th and 11th Grade): (617)-713-5035
- BHS (ACE): (617) 713-5252
- BHS (SWS): (617) 713-5400
- Baker: (617) 879-4508
- Driscoll: (617) 879-4250
- Hayes: (617) 879-4570
- Lawrence: (617) 879-4343
- Lincoln: (617) 879-4600
- Pierce - All Locations: (617) 730-2572
- Ruffin Ridley: (617) 879-4410
- Runkle: (617) 879-4249
During the call, please provide the following information:
- Parent/guardian name
- Student’s name
- Return phone number
- Reason for the absence
What are the different types of absences?
PSB and the Brookline School Committee recognizes that students will, at times, have legitimate reasons to be absent. These reasons are referred to as excused absences and include the following:
- Personal illness or injury
- Significant life stressors (e.g., death of a family member)
- Observance of a religious holiday(s)
- Attending a medical appointment that cannot be made outside of school hours
- Participation in a Legal Proceeding (e.g., court summons)
- Suspension
- Attending an educational opportunity that have been pre-approved by the school, or
- Other situations deemed appropriate by the principal or Head of School.
An absence is considered unexcused when a student misses school for reasons that are not accepted by the school, with or without parent/guardian permission. Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Attending parent/guardian appointments or events
- Family travel/vacation that occur while school is in session
- Staying home to take care of or visit family members
- Missing the school bus or public transportation
- Sleeping late
- Weather-related absences other than when the district has canceled school
- Undocumented illness/injury that exceeds more than three (3) days*
*A note from a licensed medical professional is required if a student is absent more than three (3) consecutive days for an illness/injury. All subsequent absences for illness or injury
will be considered unexcused unless accompanied by documentation from a licensed medical
professional who has assessed the student.
District practice requires that students who will be out of school for more than 20 consecutive school days (or 4 weeks) will be un-enrolled from our records and can only be re-enrolled upon return.
Due to dynamic enrollment patterns, a student whose extended absence triggers being un-enrolled may be assigned to a different elementary school upon their return due to assignment of newly enrolled students. If a student does plan to take an extended absence, their parent/guardian should contact the PSB Office of Registration and Enrollment (enroll@psbma.org) to ensure that the student is still being educated during their time away.
What happens if my student is absent?
If a student is marked absent at the start of the school day, their parent/guardian(s) will receive an automated phone call from the school 's attendance line. The student will also be marked absent in their Aspen student records.
Schools will send a second notification to the parent/guardian of a student who has at least five (5) days in which the student has missed two (2) or more periods unexcused in a school year or who has missed five (5) or more school days unexcused in a school year.
If a student miss at least 10% of days enrolled (e.g., 18 days absent when enrolled for 180 school days), they will be marked as chronically absent in the Aspen Student Database, regardless whether the absences were unexcused or excused.
Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What if a student suffers from a chronic health condition?
If a student suffers from a chronic health condition or disability that may cause frequent absences, early dismissals or late arrivals to school, please contact your school nurse to provide documentation from a licensed medical professional specifying the condition and any associated limitations and needs. Close communication about your student's health condition and coordination with the nurse, school administrator, counselor and/or social worker is strongly recommended to assure that the school can support their needs and attendance to school.
What if my student misses school due to a family trip?
The Public Schools of Brookline strongly discourages family vacations/travel when school is in session. Efforts should be made to schedule travel during school holidays and vacations, as defined by the district calendar. Absences for family vacations interrupt the educational process in ways that make-up work cannot reverse. Absences due to family trips are considered unexcused, even if the school has been notified in advance.
Why is disrupted attendance a problem?
Even though a few absences per year might not have a long-term impact, it does not take much to set students back. Once students start missing two or more days of school each month, or 18 days over the course of a school year, they can start falling behind academically and many children begin to experience increased stress and worry about attending school.
Why do students struggle to attend school consistently?
There are many reasons why students struggle to attend school and classes consistently. This can range from stress and worry about specific school-based activities to not feeling confident about academic skills. When students begin to struggle with attendance, it is important that the school, student, and family work together to identify the things that are making attendance challenging.
What is PSB doing about school attendance?
PSB is committed to providing you and your child the support and resources they need to be at school on time every day. As part of this work, we will be actively monitoring the attendance of all students. When a student begins struggling with class or school attendance, an adult from school will reach out to their caregivers to discuss support options.
We want to partner with students and caregivers to make sure that all students are here, happy, and healthy. If you have any concerns about attendance, please reach out immediately to your child’s school (e.g., main office, counselor, social worker, teacher). We are here to help!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student's attendance, please feel free to contact: Mike Chan (he/him)
District Attendance Officer
(617) 264-6498
Important Documents
- Massachusetts General Law; School Attendance: Chapter 76: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXII/Chapter76
- Brookline School Committee Policy on Student Attendance: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/Page/2862
- CRA (Child Requiring Assistance) Application: https://www.mass.gov/child-requiring-assistance-cases
- 51A Report: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/reporting-alleged-child-abuse-or-neglect-filing-a-51a-report