Talk of the Hawks
September '24
PBIS Rewards
This year WHI is implementing a program call PBIS Rewards. This program will serve to enhance our current PBIS programming. Through PBIS Rewards students will be able to earn points as they meet and/or exceed school-wide expectations. These points can then be used to redeem various rewards and activities throughout the school year.
In addition to being a platform for positive behavior reinforcement, PBIS Rewards will also serve as WHI's official parent communication app this school year. It is important that parents download the PBISR Family app in order to receive regular communication from your child's teacher and school. Below is a QR code that will take you to the app in your phone's app store. You will need to use the QR code that was given to you at Back To School Night or sent home with your student to link their account to your app. If you need another copy, please reach out to your child's teacher.
SWPBIS Recognition
We have some exciting news to share. We were recently informed by the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support (PAPBS) Network, that our school once again met the criteria for implementing School-Wide (SWPBIS) Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports with fidelity during the 2023-2024 school year!
As a result, West Hills Intermediate will receive recognition for both our Tier 1 and 2 program at the 2024 Innovate and Integrate: MTSS & PBIS Advanced Implementation Forum held on November 13 through November 15, 2024 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center in Hershey, PA.
Important Reminder
Drop off and Pick up
So far, car rider drop off and pick up have been going very well. Below are just a few reminders to keep things moving as safely and smoothly as possible.
- If you are dropping of a WHP student, all students get dropped off there. There are staff available to get your WHI student up to their building. Dropping off at both location creates unnecessary traffic at WHI. **All pick up is at WHP unless you are picking up before 3:15.
- Please stay in your vehicle and follow the directions of the morning drop off staff outside.
- Please do not pass vehicles in front of you after your child exits the vehicle. This creates an unnecessary risk to students who may be exiting the driver's side of the vehicle in front of you. A staff member will let you now if it is safe to pass.
- Please have your student(s) exit the vehicle from the passenger side directly onto the curb.
- If at all possible, do not have your student get items from the trunk or back of the vehicle. Rather, have those items in hand when they exit.
Upcoming Events:
September 2nd - Labor Day: No School
September 5th @ 7:00 pm - PTO meeting at WHP
September 16th-20th - Book Fair
The Guidance Suite
Hello West Hills!
Welcome to another school year! We are all looking forward to another great year here at West Hills Primary and Intermediate Schools. I hope that you all had a wonderful and relaxing summer. For those of you that are new to our school community, I would like to extend a special welcome, and look forward to getting to know you.
Here at West Hills we strive each day to be the best version of us that we can be. Your goal this year is to make the most out of your opportunities. When you leave here for summer break, I want you to look back on your year and be proud of yourself. Be proud of the person you are and the person that you want to be. You all have the ability to fulfill all of your aspirations. All of our staff here at West Hills will provide you with everything that you need to be a successful student. It is up to you to take advantage of your opportunities. We all have the capability to make the correct choices. No one can force you to be kind, to be a friend, or to help others. These are all choices that we must make on our own. Be the kind kid. Be a person others want to be around. Be a positive influence on those around you. If you see a friend struggling, be kind to them. Tell an adult if you witness a peer under any stress. I know that we are going to have a great year because you all have big hearts. I know this because I see your kind hearts each and every day.
Always Choose Kindness,
Mr. Walters
Nurse's Notes
Medication: A physician’s order is needed for any medication to be given at school. This includes both prescription medication and over the counter medication. Medications need to be delivered to the school by a parent or guardian, and need to be in the original prescription bottle or original packaging.
6th Grade: Please turn in state mandated physical and immunization reports when they are completed by your family physician.
Have a great school year!!!
PTO Happenings
Meetings: PTO meetings this year will be held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at West Hills Primary. September's meeting will be held on Thursday, September 5th.
Upcoming Events:
- WHI Book Fair: September 16-20.
- WHP Book Fair: September 23-27
From Our Teachers
5th Grade
Fifth grade teachers will be using PBIS Rewards as a communication tool with families. If you have not downloaded the PBISR Family app, please do so. If you need another copy of your child's activation code, please contact your homeroom teacher.
Gifted Education Support
This month, students in Mrs. Cousins's Gifted Support classes will dive into the world of the Olympics. They will investigate the features of past Olympic cities and create a proposal to present to the Olympic Committee, advocating for a city of their choice to host the next Games. Their research will cover various aspects including location, revitalization, budgeting, the Olympic Park, the Olympic Village, and the long-term impacts of hosting the Olympics. Based on their findings, students will select their host city, develop a comprehensive plan and budget, and design branding elements such as the medals. At the end of the project, they will present their bids for either the Summer or Winter Olympics to the class.
Additionally, most Fridays will be reserved for free choice time where students can explore STEM activities in the classroom.
Title I Tidbits
Stay informed by reviewing your child’s schoolwork daily.
Schoolwork is a vital link between home and school. In addition to helping students master concepts, schoolwork gives families a sneak peek into what their children are learning.
Experts say that reviewing your child’s work is important—even if you don’t understand it. Expressing interest sends the message that learning is important.
Set aside time each day to:
- Review classwork and assignments. Before your child turns in an assignment, always ask to see it and check that it is complete.
- Ask about upcoming projects. What is your child looking forward to about them? Will they be easy or challenging? How can you support your child’s effort?
- Praise your child’s effort and progress along the way. Don’t wait for the final result.
Helpful Links
About Us
Email: bpetras@asd.k12.pa.us
Website: https://wis.asd.k12.pa.us/
Location: 175 Heritage Park Drive, Kittanning, PA, USA
Phone: (724) 543-1121
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/West-Hills-Intermediate-111184674071872