News and events

September 2024
September 25 -- Picture Day
September 27 -- All School Fun Run
October 7 and 10 -- Fall Conferences
October 10 -- Title I Informational Session (5:30 pm)
October 10 -- PTO Meeting (6:00 pm)
October 24 - 5th Graders to Orchestra Hall (10:30 am - 1:30 pm)
October 25 -- Anoka Big Parade of Little People
October 25 -- Boo Bash (6:00-8:00 pm)
It Takes All Of Us
It takes all of us to have a great school year!
As a long-standing tradition in Anoka-Hennepin Schools, view the 2024-25 back-to-school video, "It takes all of us."
What it means: The difference that every staff member makes in school communities each day is powerful. Everyone plays a role in the success of each student in Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
The handoff: With each “win” that students achieve in their educational journey, staff in the district are all working together - preparing for that handshake they will receive at commencement, before a diploma is placed in their hands. 🤝🎓
Students are in pursuit of their educational purpose at each stage in their journey:
From early learning - where students are introduced to a world of possibilities - 🌎
To elementary school - where we build community, and spark joy in learning - ✨
On to middle school - where students test their own independence, and may connect with a staff member who they can count on - 📚
And then, finally, to high school - where their own purpose may be realized as they prepare to walk across the stage on graduation day… 📖
As we approach the 2024-25 school year, it is more important than ever to focus resources on something that every staff member, student, parent, and community member would agree is an essential function of our school district - preparing our students to cross the stage at graduation.
It takes all of us! Have a great school year!
Message from Principal Zimmerman
Hello Lincoln Families!
What a wonderful fall it’s been already! We have been in school for about six weeks now, and it has been so enjoyable to see our students getting to know their teachers and classmates while learning the routines of school. I am incredibly proud of our students and staff for embracing this new school year with positive attitudes and excitement!
Thank you to the families who signed up for fall conferences, which will take place on October 7th and 10th. If you haven’t yet signed up for a conference, please contact our Main Office at 763-506-3100, and our amazing office staff will help you find a time on the calendar.
On October 10th, we will also host a “Title 1 Meet & Greet” informational session from 5:30 to 6:00 PM in the Music Room. This is a great opportunity for families to learn more about what it means to be a Schoolwide Title Building and how it benefits all our students and families. After the presentation, feel free to join the wonderful Lincoln PTO for their October meeting from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.
Please remember that you can always reach out to your child’s teachers via email if you have any questions about how the school year is going! The home-school partnership is key to student success, and the Lincoln staff is committed to working together to ensure this school year is the best it can be for your child.
As the weather gets chillier, please keep in mind that we have outdoor recess every day, so make sure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather. It’s important for students to have the chance to get outside, enjoy fresh air, and have fun together!
As always, thank you for your support!
Michelle Zimmerman, Principal
Picture Day (Individual Pictures Only)
Fall picture day is September 25. All students will have their picture taken for school records. If you would like to order student pictures, order forms were sent home with students and should be returned to school with your student (with payment) on picture day.
Families can order online today at mylifetouch.com with picture ID EVTMPC86D.
Fall Family Conferences
Fall family conferences will be held on October 7 and 10
IN PERSON Conference Times
October 7: 12:55 - 7:35 pm
October 10: 3:35 - 8:55 pm
VIRTUAL Conference Times
October 7: 7:35 - 8:35 pm
October 10: 7:55 - 8:55 pm
Families should sign up for a conference time at myconferencetime.com/lincoln.
MyConferenceTime will close on Thursday, October 3 at 3:45 pm. After this time, you can call Lori at 763-506-3102 to help schedule a conference.
Book Fair Hours
Monday, October 7: 1:00 - 7:30 pm
Thursday, October 10: 4:00 - 7:45 pm
Office Reminders
Morning Drop Off
Students should not arrive at school before 8:35 unless they plan to eat breakfast at school. Students may enter Door 5 at 8:25 for breakfast. Beginning at 8:35, students may line up on the blacktop near the playground in grade level lines. There is no adult supervision prior to 8:35 and students are not allowed to play on the playground. After 8:50, students will need to be dropped off in the office (Door 1).
Please remember to bring a valid state ID when coming to Lincoln Elementary. For the safety of our staff and students, Anoka Hennepin School District policy requires ALL individuals signing out a student or entering the building must scan a valid state ID with our security system in the entry.
Early Student Pickup
Whenever a student is being picked up prior to the end of the school day, a valid ID will need to be scanned in our security system. The security system to check out a student and your child will be called down to meet you in the entry once the ID has been scanned. Students will not be called down prior to a parent/guardian's arrival.
After 3:10, the office is not able to accommodate any changes to student dismissal plans, or accommodate early student pick up. If your student will be picked up early, or their dismissal plan will change on a given day, please communicate with the office prior to 3:10 pm. This is for the safety of all students, and allows the office to support a smooth dismissal process every day. Please plan accordingly and thank you for your cooperation.
Reporting Student Absences
Student absences can be reported via the web at ahschools.us (you will need to know your parent account information to log in) or via the ParentVUE Mobile App. Instructions can be found here.
You will still be able to contact the attendance line at 763-506-3106 to report an absence 24/7.
Every day that your student will be late or absent, you must enter attendance online or call the attendance line in order to have your students' absence counted as excused. Please DO NOT email your child's teacher with attendance information.
Kindergarten News
Kindergarteners are adjusting to school, learning the routines and making new friends! We’ve had so much fun working on our fine motor and literacy skills while learning about colors! We will wrap up this week and celebrate with Rainbow Day on September 30th!
We’re all learning our new routine of Bridge to Read, working on letters, sounds and words. Next month we will have so much fun using our senses to explore apples and pumpkins!
In math, students will learn to quickly recognize how many objects are in a collection (up to 5) without counting, compare sets using the words more and less, develop number sense with combinations that make 5 and 10, count objects and match the quantity to the written numeral and build with 2-dimensional shapes.
We are looking forward to meeting with our kindergarten families during fall conferences!
First Grade News
Welcome back to school!
We are so excited to have all of you back at school with us and we are even more excited about all of our new students in first grade!
This month in first grade we are really focusing on our character strong words of the month, kindness and respect. We are learning how to show respect in the classroom to peers and teachers. We are also working on how to be kind to others. First grade has also gotten right to work with our reading, writing, and math. In reading we are focusing on identifying letters, letter sounds, as well as writing. First grade is a big jump from kindergarten expectations so we are working hard to write more than one sentence on our own. In math we are working with making ten on bead racks, as well as the 10s frame.
We are so excited that we are back at school working hard. Please remember that your student should be bringing a snack everyday, a water bottle is highly encouraged, and don’t forget to check your students take home folder for activities and upcoming events!
Reach out with any questions!
Mrs. Hustad, Mrs. Mehan, Mrs. Skinner and Ms. Walz
Second Grade News
We are off to a fantastic start in second grade! We have been working hard on building our classroom communities. Our Purposeful People focus this month is on Kindness and Respect. We will be using what we learn to help build our classroom respect agreements. We are also excited about getting started with our first Wonders Unit that focuses on friends and family. We will be uncovering how families and friends learn, grow, and help one another. We are also working on reading stamina, and how to pick a good fit book.
In Bridges Math, we are working on sorting and graphing, addition and subtraction facts to 20.
Please remember to contact the office for any changes in afternoon transportation.
Stay tuned to the Lincoln Newsletter for upcoming exciting events happening at Lincoln and in Second Grade. We look forward to an awesome year!
Mrs. Coubal, Mrs. Pitzl, and Mr. Robertson
Third Grade News
We have had a great start to the school year in 3rd grade. It has been so great getting to know the students and helping them get to know our new routine. We have already started learning a lot of new things. 3rd Grade started Bridge to Read this year. It is great seeing the students’ success with all the components of Bridge to Read as they did it last school year. The students took the MAP test for Math. They took aReading from FastBridge for a baseline in ELA. Both were computerized and you should be hearing about them at conferences. We are working on addition and subtraction facts in Math. In ELA the Essential Question for the current Module is ‘What Can Stories Teach You’. September has already been a great month of learning.
Mrs. Arendt, Mrs. Luongvan, Mrs. Olson
Fourth Grade News
Hello Fourth Grade Families!
We are excited to launch into our science curriculum by exploring different forces. We will be learning how energy is transferred, how we can increase energy, and how energy changes when objects collide. We will explore these concepts through many fun hands-on experiences!
In math, we are learning about models for multiplication and division, and about prime and composite numbers. We will also be making multiplicative comparisons, and using tools to measure mass and volume.
In reading we are focusing on where good ideas come from. We will practice the comprehension strategies of making predictions and rereading. We will practice sequence, cause/effect and problem/solution. We are reading Fairy Tales, realistic fiction, and expository texts. Our spelling focus is around short vowels, the long a and the long e sounds.
Best Regards!
Ms. Carlson, Mrs. Gaspar, and Mrs. Nye
Fifth Grade News
The fall is off to a fast start for 5th grade. We are hard at work finishing up fall assessments in math and reading so we can get going on making awesome growth this year. Here are some of the many exciting things going on at Lincoln in the coming weeks:
Mr. Gamache is selling Halloween buttons again this year so If you are interested in Halloween buttons you can send money with your student, they are $3 again this year.
On October 24th 5th graders will be going to Orchestra Hall for the Orchestra in Orbit show!
Conferences are also coming up so please sign up for a conference on MyConferenceTime as soon as possible!
Mr. Gamache and Mrs. Mercer
Arts at Lincoln
Hello Lincoln Families!
My name is Andrea Whitcomb and I am the Curriculum Integration Coordinator, supporting the arts at Lincoln. 2024-2025 is a special year, as it is Lincoln’s 75th anniversary! We are excited to be part of this Anokan legacy. As a specialty school for the arts, Lincoln is committed to embedding the arts into daily learning, encouraging students to become artful thinkers, creators, and problem-solvers. We uplift personal expression and human connection, and hope to support your child as they discover and grow.
All 4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to participate in Band, Orchestra, and Choir. Your child’s classroom teacher sent out multiple communications about how to register for these ensembles. You can click on the links below to learn more about this amazing opportunity! Registration was due by Friday, Sept. 20, 2024.
Lincoln's Volunteer Program
Welcome! Last year, our 317 volunteers gave 4,325 hours of their time to help our students! And to date, our 63 volunteers have given over 80 hours of their time to help our students! They worked with our students in the lunchroom, completed clerical projects, helped with PTO and fundraising, etc. Thank you volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities- Complete Lincoln Volunteer Forms and contact the VSC today!
* Enrichment- Challenge Reading Groups / Math + Groups / Destination Imagination
* Hearing & Vision
* Parade Chaperones / Party Helpers / Lunch Helpers
* Events- Reading Night / Arts Jam
* PTO Fundraising- Chairs / Box Top / Apparel / Book Fair Night of Help / Fun Run Day of Help
* PTO positions (Shadow/Learn)- Secretary / Staff Appreciation Coord. / Board / Fun Run Co-Chair
* PTO Yearbook Photographers / Co-Chair
* PTO Event Co-Chair / PTO Staff Appreciation / PTO Boo Bash
Volunteer Program
* We invite you to complete the 2024/25 Lincoln Volunteer Forms.
* We welcome Family/Grandparents, HS Students, and Community volunteers! Please share- How to Volunteer 2024/25.
* Volunteers need ID to get into school, wear a volunteer name tag, and sign-in/out on the Volunteer clipboard in the Main Office.
* Volunteers can find some volunteer info in the kiosk located by the Main Office door.
* Volunteers should review- Volunteer Handbook - Manual para voluntarios / Safeguard Privacy / Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines.
* The VSC office is in Room 121 and is shared with Supplemental and ML staff.
* The Volunteer sign-in/out clipboard is in the Main Office.
Purpose of the Volunteer Program
* Enrich and enhance student learning
* Enable teachers to offer more individual attention to their students
* Provide individuals an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities within the school
* Promote and strengthen the partnership between families, community and the school
* South Street parking lot and on some side streets (check for street signs)
* Volunteers may park in any spot in the lot.
* Only park in the "15 min" if you’re here for that time or “handicap” if you have a handicap sticker.
If you have any questions or need information, please let me know.
Diana Orr / Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC)
Diana.Orr@ahschools.us / 763-506-3130
Tuesday 8a.m. - 3p.m./Wednesday & Thursday 8a.m. -2:45p.m. (schedule may vary- Out MEA Week)
Lincoln PTO
Thanks to all the Lincoln Families who supported PTO as we kick off the school year by filling out the “PTO needs your help” forms, attending our first PTO meeting, and assisting your child with Fun Run fundraising! We appreciate your support of the PTO!
The Fun Run fundraiser is coming to a close and will be wrapped up on Friday, September 27th with our Fun Run (during school) and the Fun Run Celebration Picnic! Here are some quick reminders for that day:
Please remind students to turn in pledge sheets by Thursday September 26.
The Fun Run will take place at school on Friday September 27, please remind students to wear sneakers and bring a water bottle.
The Fun Run Celebration Picnic will take place Friday the 27th from 5-6:30pm at George Green Park (across from Lincoln) where winners will be announced and other fun activities!
To stay in the loop with all the PTO happenings follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LincolnElementarySchoolForTheArtsPTO or email us at LincolnPTO.Anoka@gmail.com and ask to be added to our mailing list.
Upcoming Events:
Join us for our first Lions Night Out- Restaurant Night Fundraiser on Thursday, October 3rd at Dave’s Hot Chicken from 4-8pm. Watch for flyers to come home with more details. We can’t wait to see you at this FUNdraiser!
During Conferences on October 7th and 10th PTO will be busy hosting the Scholastic Book Fair and providing Staff Appreciation Conference Meals both evenings. If you are able to help with the Book Fair please sign up with this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094DAEAC2DA0FE3-51569822-scholastic#/ Watch for more information about Conference Meals on our Facebook page & via email.
Chalk & Walk on Monday, October 14th from 5-6:30pm is a Community Connection Event and we would love for you to bring your friends and neighbors even if they don’t go to Lincoln. Drop in anytime during the event to color with chalk or take a guided tour through the neighborhood around Lincoln.
The Boo Bash (Halloween Dance) is coming up October 25th from 6-8pm. Save the date so you don’t miss this fun event. Watch for flyers about 2 weeks before the event.
Upcoming Meeting:
October 10th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the conference room at Lincoln.
Childcare will NOT be available during this meeting due to space limitations during Parent Teacher Conferences. Enter on South St (door 6) or join us virtually with the meeting code: https://meet.google.com/uzr-oofz-wgt
Community Education
Hello from Community Education! We are looking forward to our upcoming classes and would love to see your student enrolled. Register now to ensure a spot for one of our many activities including:
10/07: Horsin Around
10/23: Epic Gym Games
11/05: FAST Kids
For even more classes and opportunities: All Current Youth Community Education Classes
Questions about Community Ed?
Please contact Tricia Josephs at tricia.josephs@ahschools.us or 763-506-4012
Need help with online registration?
Please contact Erinn Gardiner at 763-506-5144
*Financial assistance available if needed, please call to inquire
Backpack Online E-Newsletter
Backpack Online E-Newsletter Gets a New Name and Delivery Date
For years, Anoka-Hennepin Schools has published Backpack Online as a subscription based electronic newsletter. As the 2024-25 school year begins, that publication has transitioned from a weekly to a monthly e-newsletter that will be sent to all parents and guardians of Anoka-Hennepin students and subscribers.
The e-newsletter has also been re-branded from Backpack Online to FOCUS on Anoka-Hennepin Schools. The e-newsletter will be sent on the first Wednesday of each month (except for holidays) and provide an outlook on news, events and district publications to your email inbox. It will not be sent via text message.
The newsletter will keep parents/guardians and community members informed of the latest events affecting Anoka-Hennepin Schools, students and communities.
Important details for families
Parents and guardians do not need to subscribe to receive the e-newsletter if they have elected to receive emails from the district and school(s) their children attend. If families unsubscribe from receiving this e-newsletter, they may no longer receive important emails from the district or their child’s school. Learn more about communication and notifications and how to choose your preferred communication methods with AHlert.
Neighbors and community members
Anyone can subscribe or view archived versions of the e-newsletter by visiting ahschools.us/focusenews.
Traffic Tips for the Back to School Season
The back to school season is a busy time for families, school staff and our communities. There is often more traffic congestion in this season and it’s more important than ever for drivers to pay attention before- and after-school to keep families, students and staff safe.
Check out these tips from the Anoka-Hennepin transportation department as a back to school reminder:
Crosswalks: Be mindful that we are sharing the road with young walkers and staff helping them across the crosswalks or intersections. Always stop for school patrols and crossing guards.
Know drop-off and pick-up procedures: Schools have procedures in place to keep traffic safe. Make sure you know your school’s plan for the safety of all students and staff.
Use slow speeds: Use caution in school zones and be aware of your surroundings. We can all work together to ensure the safety of drivers, school buses, walkers and bikers.
School bus safety: Familiarize yourself with school bus safety tips on the road. Always stop if yellow or red lights are flashing or if stop arms are extended from a school bus. Allow extra time for students to board and exit the bus and proceed to safe sidewalks to enter school zones or return home.
Share the road: Be patient of other vehicles stopped for pedestrians or using caution in school zones. Do not pass other vehicles or school buses. Be alert, young children may take an unpredictable path as they are learning safety rules.
Thank you for your partnership in school traffic safety.
Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
Seeking parents/guardians to participate in Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
A broad range of parent/guardian representation is needed at upcoming Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) meetings for the upcoming school year from families with students in all age levels - including early childhood, elementary, middle school, high school, and transition-aged students - with a full continuum of student disabilities.
What it is: SEAC (pronounced “seek”) is comprised of parents/guardians of students in the district who receive Special Education services.
Why it matters: The intent of SEAC is to advise the school district on parent involvement, current issues, program development and established department priorities. The council serves as a resource and as an advisory council for special education programs in the district.
Parent Resources
Parent Involvement [PI] Facebook- has info on what's happening in the district and PI (fundraisers, events, volunteering, PI team activities, etc.).
PI Free training workshops- gives parent/teacher organizations, booster clubs & nonprofits a boost as they help support the efforts of Anoka-Hennepin students, schools and community. Next Workshop: Navigating Your Nonprofit, Jack Englund (Director of Client Development) and Drew Englund (Chief Operations Officer) from Parent Booster USA will take you through the ins and outs of being a 501c3 (PTOs, booster clubs and nonprofits) in Minnesota. Thursday, September 26, 10:30am-12:00pm or 6:30-8:00pm, ESC, 2727 N. Ferry St., Anoka - Enter door 7, Register today
The Bolster (subscribe)- a newsletter for PTO’s and Booster Clubs that shares resources, ideas, and tips to improve their organization.
Parent Resource Center (PRC)- is located at the AHSD Educational Service Center (ESC) and lends library materials to parents, families, and staff. Families are welcome to browse our library-
Online: PRC library/Use Library Name: AHPRC (no password required)/ Visit us on the Web / Follow on Facebook and Instagram
Stop-in: Use the self-service check-out and return. Enter Door 1 on the west side of the ESC (2727 N. Ferry St, Anoka, MN 55303)
Phone: 763-506-1587 or 763-506-1278 to discuss your resource requests. Selections can be delivered to your school and sent home with your child.
Lincoln spirit wear is available online for all families to purchase. If interested in purchasing spirit wear, please visit our vendor Innovations Plus. Items are available for purchase 24/7 and can be shipped to your home or to the school.
Parenting Education and Family Engagement
This month's Parent Press focuses on family engagement. When families and schools connect, they create a partnership that benefits students, educators, and the entire school community. Family engagement improves academic skills, fosters open communication, and provides a feeling of belonging within our schools. Click HERE for more information.
This e-newsletter is published by Lincoln Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.