Week 19
January 10, 2025

Pre-Break Festivities
Students engaged in all sorts of fun before Winter Break. Take a look here!
Important Dates
1.13 PTO Meeting at Sunny Hill at 6:00 pm
1.13 Girls Basketball Game Country Side at Sunny Hill 3-4:30pm
1.13 Boys Basketball Game Sunny Hill at Country Side 3-4:30pm
1.16 Girls Basketball Game Sunny Hill at North Barrington 3-4:30pm
1.16 Boys Basketball Game North Barrington at Sunny Hill 3-4:30pm
1.20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Barrington 220 Closed
1.23 Girls Basketball Game Lines at Sunny Hill 3-4:30pm
1.23 Boys Basketball Game Sunny Hill at Lines 3-4:30pm
1.28 Circle Time (for all families with someone younger than 5 years old) an ELC Event at 5-6 pm
1.28 Girls Basketball Game Sunny Hill at Barbara Rose 3-4:30pm
1.28 Boys Basketball Game Barbara Rose at Sunny Hill 3-4:30pm
1.30 Girls Basketball Game Sunny Hill at Hough 3-4:30pm
1.30 Boys Basketball Game Hough at Sunny Hill 3-4:30pm
Access our Sunny Hill Calendar. A list of the district calendar dates can be found HERE. For the printable version, please CLICK HERE. Here is the link for Sunny Hill Spirit Days.
Congratulations to Damian Ramirez from 1st grade!
Damian won 1st place in the 2024 Fire Prevention Poster Contest for the Carpentersville Fire Department!
Winter Break Reading Challenge
*Reminder--turn in your Winter Break Reading Bingo card (English or Spanish) for reading during Winter Break.
Healthy Living: Dental Care for Your Child
We are excited to announce that our school will be offering a mobile dental clinic for all students on January 16, 2025. The services provided will include:
- Teeth cleaning
- Dental exam
- Fluoride treatment
- Oral health education
- Dental supplies
To participate, a signed consent form is required. Paper forms will be sent home with your child after winter break. Please return the completed and signed form by January 13, 2025. Please note that appointments are limited and will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Click the link to get a copy of the consent form.
If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse, Mrs. Molina.
A message from the Sunny Hill PTO
- A special Valentine's Day fundraiser will be coming soon.
- Check out our facebook page @ Parents of Sunny Hill
- Donate to the PTO at https://barrington220.revtrak.net/b220-pto-menu/pto-sh/sh-pto-donations/#/list. PTO uses the donations for student enrichment activities.
- 01/13 General PTO meeting 6pm at Sunny Hill
- 01/13 Girls Basketball game at Sunny Hill
- 01/15 National Hat Day
- 01/24 Spirit Day: Barrington Day (Wear Red, Black, and White)
- 01/31 Spirit Day: Mismatch Day
- Contact Sunnyhillpto@gmail.com for further information.
Girls Basketball Games
Boys Basketball Games
It is time for the NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) to be administered. All students in Barrington in second through eighth grade will be assessed in the next few weeks.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your child will be taking the ACCESS For ELs test between January 15, 2025 and March 4, 2025.
PERSEVERANCE is our school-wide focus trait for January!
Please print the following document to talk in your home about perseverance.
PerserveranciaMessage from our District Family School Liaison
Well Child Center's mobile dental clinic will be coming to Sunny Hill on Thursday, January 16th. This service is free to students covered by Medicaid and is available for an out-of-pocket cost of $75. Permission forms have been sent home and must be returned to school on Monday, January 13th if you would like your child to participate. If you have any questions, please email jmolina@barrington220.org or call 847-844-4224.
Save the Date
On Friday, January 17th, an informational workshop in Spanish will be held at Sunny Hill School on "The Key to a Happy Life and Success" presented by Sergio Negri from 6:00-8:00PM. You are cordially invited.
English Classes Available!
Classes will begin on January 21, 2025. There is still space, if you would like to schedule an enrollment appointment next week and take advantage of this opportunity, please call 224.227.7499 or email elginesl@chinesemutualaid.org
There is no school on Monday, January 20th.
You're invited to a special Circle Time demonstration hosted by the Early Learning Center (ELC) on Tuesday, January 28th from 5:00-6:00PM at Sunny Hill.
Come see how ELC bilingual teachers bring learning to life with engaging activities that support young children's social, emotional, and cognitive development. This activity will be conducted in Spanish.
Please RSVP by contacting Parent Coordinator, Ms. Alejandra Acosta Liendo, at: aacostalisando@barrington220.org / (224) 770-4330.
Ruth Estrada
847-842-3565 ǀ restrada@barrington220.org