Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - May 12, 2024

Our 5/16 School Safety Committee meeting is cancelled due to a District meeting. Please take a moment to complete the Safety Feedback Form as we plan and review our school safety plan for the 24-25 school year. Thank you!
May 2024 AUSD Game Changer - Ms. Sara! 🏆
Ms. Sara is always ready to help students, staff, PTA and community members. Thank you for all that you do to keep Monterey Highlands running smoothly, Ms. Sara!!
Please join us at the Alhambra USD District Office on Tuesday, 5/14 at 6pm for Ms. Sara's recognition. The address is 1515 W. Mission Rd, Alhambra, CA 91803. The ceremony will take place in the Board Room in the Marengo Building.
Meet our new Campus Supervisor - Mr. Angel! 🦺
On May 1st, Mr. Angel Ocampo joined our Husky Hero Staff as our new PM-shift Campus Supervisor. Mr. Angel was previously a Noon Duty Aide at Baldwin School.
We're so glad to have you at Husky Nation, Mr. Angel! Thank you for keeping us safe!
Employee Service Recognition 🏅
Several of our Husky staff members were honored on May 1, 2024 for reaching milestones in their years of service to Alhambra USD:
- Amy Miller - School Psychologist - 20 years
- Mike Romero - Campus Supervisor - 25 years
- Stephanie Yoon - Kindergarten Teacher - 25 years
- Lisa Padilla Jones - Music Teacher - 30 years
Please be sure to congratulate these employees on their dedication and service to AUSD. We are so very lucky to have them here at Monterey Highlands!!
from our Public Health Ambassador, Mrs. Tom 🏥
How Social Media Can Impact Your Health, Part 1 - 5/21 and 5/23
This training will prepare you to. . .
- Define Social Media First Aid
- Identify the importance of Social Media Harm Reduction
- Recognize how social media affects the "Whole Self"
- List 4 ways to support your community using Social Media First Aid
How to get in contact with us:
Thank You to our Amazing PTA 💗
For this week, Monterey Highlands wanted to take a moment to thank our amazing PTA for all of their collaboration and support this year. Together, we have built a wonderful set of programs and activities for our students all year. Thank you to PTA for taking the time to make ALL staff feel valued and special this week!
Bouquet Bar
A beautiful bouquet for every staff member! Thank you for the thoughtful gesture.
Staff Luncheon
Delicious Noodle World buffet for our Husky Hero staff!
Kinder Garden Rehab
High Tea, with or without Boba
Thank you for the refreshing drinks from Noodle World!
Charcuterie Bar
Oooh, we fancy! Thank you for the delicious treats!
Stock the Lounge
Thank you for providing staff with goodies, lunch and essentials for the week!
Mr. Calvin Ly, Adviser
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets weekly on Fridays to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
- ASB fundraising for the 23-24 school year is closed
- ASB-Approved Clubs
- Chekc out the latest Wonderful Wednesday video from ASB! May's theme is Being Determined featuring 5th Grade students!
Ms. Mailin Chan, PBIS Coach
- Blue Husky Bucks will be retired each year to encourage students to spend their bucks.
- Students have until the end of 24-25 Trimester 1 to use their blue Husky Bucks
- Moving forward, Husky Bucks should be spent in the school year they are earned
- Click to read the PBIS Update for May/Summer 2024
Campus Events 📸
MPPD presents "Safe Moves" - 5/1
We're grateful to our partners at Monterey Park PD. Thank you for teaching our Little Huskies traffic safety! 3 lucky students rode through a simulated city and won a helmet!
6th Grade Science Camp - 6/6 to 6/10
Our 6th Graders had a great time at Outdoor Science School in Wrightwood, CA. Highlands has a proud tradition of attending weeklong science camp, operated by the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). Students learned about the ecosystems of the forest, learned informative songs and went on several educational hikes. Thank to to our 6th Grade Teachers and Parents that chaperoned and made this trip possible!
Phantom Projects presents "Charlotte's Web" - 5/7
On Tuesday, May 7, Phantom Projects Theatre Group presented "Charlotte's Web" to our 3rd Grade Husky students!
3rd Graders read Charlotte's Web this year, so this was a wonderful treat to cap the year. Thank you to the 3rd Grade Teachers for coordinating this program!
Talent Show & Spring Concert Videos 📹
Relive our exciting Huskies Got Talent and Spring Instrumental Music programs from the last two weeks! These events were a wonderful showcase of the immensely talented students we have at Husky Nation!!
Apollo Afterschool Newsletter 📰
Welcome to our new Site Director, Chrystina Balderas!
Apollo Afterschool has been up to some great things. Registration is open for Trimester 3!
The program will be publishing a newsletter every two weeks to keep the community updated. Click here to view the PDF version or click the images below.
Newsletter - page 1
Newsletter - page 2
Construction Updates 🚧
A few quick notes on construction in/around campus:
- The City of Monterey Park ADA-compliant ramps are poured but may need a few more days to dry and cure.
- The Ranger Station playground and the Fire Station playground (near the tennis courts) are now both OPEN! The lawn is overgrown near the Fire Station playground but City crews will mow that soon. A ribbon cutting will be announced shortly.
- The Electronic Marquee at Gate 4 will finally be installed on 5/28-5/29. A full closure of Casuda Canyon is expected (detour along Barranca) for several hours for this work. More details to follow.
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear) continue!
- 5/14 - Alhambra Board of Education Meeting
- Ms. Sara Safa will be honored as the AUSD Game Changer
- 5/15 - 5th Grade Field Trip to Griffith Observatory
- 5/15 - BMX Wheels Squared Assemblies presented by PTA
- TK-3rd @ 11am, 4th-8th @ 12pm on Lower Blacktop
- 5/16 - Minimum Day (T3 Report Card Prep)
- 5/16 - Student of the Month at 8am, Cafetorium
- 5/16 - Safety Committee Meeting on Zoom at 3pm - CANCELLED
- 5/20 - Husky Appreciation Day (featuring Nomad Ice Pops)
- 5/21 - 8th Grade Picnic (all day), Middle School Quad
- 5/23 - 8th Grade Promotion at 8:30am, Grassy Field
- 5/23 - 8th Grade Dinner Dance, 4-8pm, Courtyard Marriott
- 5/27 - Memorial Day - SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED
- 5/28 and 5/29 - Anticipated closure of Casuda Canyon to install Electronic Marquee
- 8/2 - New Student Orientation (TK-8th), 8am-Noon
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220