Week 6 Announcements
Ms. A out of office Thurs, Fri AND following Mon-Wed
I am headed to a conference in Anchorage for a full week. I will be checking email, but responses and grading will be delayed. I will do my best to keep up, but the reality is that I will be madly catching up the following week. Thanks for your patience!!
Event Information
Health Live Event - Wading through Consumer Markets, Understanding Food Labels
Google Hangout Link: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/g.kpbsd.org/foodlabels
Thursday, Feb 16, 2017, 10:00 AM
LA10 - Russian Lit Live Event confirmed for Feb 28th @12.
CONTENT matters more than FORMAT
Just a reminder, students, DO NOT spend more time on figuring out how to use a program for an assignment than you do gathering the information for it. Your Knowledge is what really matters. Give me the evidence of that! :) When determining what program to use to display your understandings, select one that fits your purpose best... it is the same as selecting the right size wrench or screw driver... technology is just a tool that helps you do the job better. Choose wisely, because it is the understanding that you show that really matters!
Going to a Health Fair COUNTS AS A LIVE EVENT!
There are several Health Fairs coming up in the region, and attending one can be a Live Event for the Health course. If you are interested, check out the available fairs here. After attending one, you will submit the following information for the credit!
Contact Ms. A with Questions
Text #: 631-494-2462
Email: aadams@kpbsd.org
Website: www.teachingjedi.com
Location: Seward High School, Swetmann Avenue, Seward, AK, United States
Phone: 907-224-9074
Twitter: @teachingjedi