Grade Level Course Selection Guide
Folks MS 2025-2026
Your One Stop Shop to Course Selection Information
Stallion Families,
Transition season is upon us! Please take a look at upcoming dates, information, and the amazing opportunities that are in store for your student. Your Folks counselors will be visiting with our students to provide course selection options and assist them with selecting courses on their planning guide. Counselors will meet with every student both through whole group guidance and individually to discuss their course selections and answer any questions they may have before entering selections into HAC (Home Access Center).
In addition, NISD has several Magnet Schools that explore various career fields your student may want to pursue. Our Magnet School programs provide hands-on learning, real time work experience, and even provide certifications upon graduation. Why wait? The future starts now!
Counselors will be visiting with our 6th & 7th Graders in January and February through ELA classes to discuss course selection options, and we will meet with your child individually to assist them in entering their course selections into HAC.
Counselors will be visiting with our 8th Graders during their COMM APPS, Innovative Thinkers, or AVID classes to assist them with a draft copy of their high school planning guide before they meet individually with their high school counselor on January 21, 2025 to enter courses into HAC.
A copy of your child's planning guide will be sent home with your child after their guidance date for parent review.
Attendance is critical for your child on their scheduled guidance date.
High School Counselor Visits Rescheduled:
O’Connor-Wednesday, Jan.22nd during 8th period
Sotomayor-Wednesday, Jan. 29th
Course Selection Guidance Schedule
6th Planning Guide 25-26
7th Planning Guide 25-26
8th Planning Guide 25-26
NISD School Catalog
6th Grade Transition Information
We are so excited to be meeting with our future 6th graders! Counselors will be discussing course selections during our transition presentations with 5th graders at our Folks Transition Camps on December 5th & 10th. During this time, a description of our course selections and electives offered at Folks will be provided to students. Students will also enjoy a pep rally where they will see Folk's students performing from our various electives and briefly tour our campus. We will also be providing teachers with course selection planning guides to be completed with their elementary counselors. Please make sure to check those backpacks to see what your child selected on their planning guide:) The elementary course selection window runs from December 2nd-January 10th.
Virtual Advanced Academic & Course Selection Parent Night
Parents of current 6th & 7th graders can join us through zoom on Jan. 14, 2025, at 6 pm for information on assisting your student in selecting courses for the 2025-2026 school year.
zoom link:
Our Academic Dean and Folks counselors will be reviewing advanced academics and the course selection/planning guide process to help you, and your student select courses for next year. Please join us through zoom to get all your questions answered about selecting courses for next year!
Counselors will be visiting with students in January and February through ELA classes to assist them in choosing courses for next year.
Please refer to your child's level course selection planning guide (linked below) as you begin discussing courses for next year with them.
Advanced Academic & Course Selection Parent Night Recording
If you missed our Advanced Academic virtual night for current 6th & 7th graders, please review our recording to help you navigate this process with your child. We can't wait to transition your Stallion to their next grade level 💙
7th Grade Transition Information
8th Grade Transition Information
9th Grade Transition Information
Folks Counseling Department
Allison Gibson, Counselor (A-E)
(210) 398-1626
Angie Perez, Head Counselor (F-H)
(210) 398-1627
Sheena Martinez, Counselor (I-P)
(210) 398-1625