SCMS Counseling Newsletter!
Middle School Counseling Services
Welcome Back!
Grace Tolley - Middle School Counselor | tolleyg@scr1.org
Please reach out to Ms. Tolley if you have any questions or concerns. Students are encouraged to drop by, email, or schedule visits with the counselor as needed.
What Can We Help You With?
Find What Career Interests You!
All of our students have access to Missouri Connections where they can take career interest inventories to find a path that interests them.
interests them. https://portal.missouriconnections.org/
Boys and Girls Club
The Boys and Girls Club is a youth development program that provides extra homework assistance, valuable mentorship, and specialized curriculum. Please fill out the following form if interested: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRxhlBGsV-UR9nvO7kPxZqQJuVRqtmeW-x1Ff2Adlt3G3gZw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Request for Counseling Services
Please fill out this form to request counseling services: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFYre7shjqwSFU4qO5pF4ao3fGFTLeo18VgwOo-JORUUb7HA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Bullying Report
Middle School Clubs and Organizations!
Get Involved! 😀
- Middle School Band
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Basketball
- Volleyball
- Cross Country
- Track & Field
- Football
- Cheerleading
- Student Council
- MAD - Making A Difference
- Publications
- Drama
- E Sports
- Coding League
IEPs & 504s
📂 To discuss/request/file an IEP or 504 plan
📧 Marcia Daniels | danielsm@scr1.org
Ms. Tolley's Counseling Office
Email: tolleyg@scr1.org
Location: Scott City Middle School - Room 103
Phone: (573) 264-2131 - EXT 202
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottCityR1/