LMS Weekly Reminder
Week of 10/13/24
Monday 14th is an A-Day
Monday 14th is Also an Early Dismissal Day
Friday 18th is an Early Dismissal Day
LMS Weekly Showcase
Ms. Dade's Students Exploring Chemical Reactions
6th Grade Membean Haiku Entry Winners
7th Grade Membean Haiku Entry Winners
PTA Sponsored Caramel Apple Bar
Did Your Child Misplace Something?
If your student misplaced a hoodie, lunchbox, or water bottle, please encourage them to check the lost and found in the cafeteria this week. All unclaimed items that are not picked up at the end of the school day on Friday, October 25th will be donated to a local charity.
Show how we can build a commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, & inclusion
Unity Week Activities
The MTSS Committee is kicking off its Wreaths Across America Fundraiser this week. Leonardtown Middle School is an official sponsorship group (MD0402P) for Wreaths Across America. This is our fifth year and with your help it can be the best year yet. Our goal is to sponsor 250 wreaths. You can help us reach this goal by sponsoring one or more wreaths that will go directly to the cemetery in Cheltenham. One wreath sponsorship is only $17.00. By sponsoring a wreath, you can help to REMEMBER AND HONOR the American heroes that served. This link will take you directly to the LMS site and guarantee that we receive credit for your sponsorship. Thank you for your support.
It's Car Show Time Again! Register Early!
Online Emergency Information Update Messaging
Effective communication is critical to the success of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS). This will be crucial not only for emergencies but for our ability to communicate with families in general. Online Emergency Information Update Forms are now available through the student’s Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. It is vital that all information is updated in eSchool. The deadline for the online submission of Emergency Information Update forms is October 31st, 2024. Please click here for the Blank Emergency Form. If you have any questions, please contact The Department of Student Services at 301-475-5511 ext.32150.
What Every Student Sees as They Enter a Classroom
Upcoming Events
Fall Dance - 25 October. We STILL need volunteers to chaperone. Please consider helping out!
Dance sign up for chaperone:
Dance sign up for concessions:
Bus Driver Appreciation
National School Bus Safety Week and SMCPS Bus Driver and Bus Attendant Appreciation Week will be celebrated October 21-25, 2024.
Join the PTA and help support our school! https://lmspta20.memberhub.com. Be a part of the LMS School Improvement Plan!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeonardtownMiddleSchoolPta Don’t forget to Like the Leonardtown Middle School PTA Facebook page!
Box Tops for Education Fundraising: https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/get-the-app Scan your receipts for BoxTops and help raise money for LMS!
Harris Teeter Together in Education Fundraising: https://tie.harristeeter.com/together-in-education - LMS #6498 - Link your HT VIC account to LMS, for easy fundraising!
Click on the link above to access resources that can be helpful for both families and staff/students.
Student Resource Accountability
About Leonardtown Middle School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/lms/
Location: 24015 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: (301) 475-0230