Kenmore West High School Newsletter
November 20, 2024
Marking Period 2, 2024-2025
33 Highland Parkway, Buffalo NY 14223 (716) 874-8401
To develop knowledgeable, principled, and compassionate young adults through academic, personal, and occupational experiences in preparation for an ever-changing global landscape.
Everyone belongs at Kenmore West High School.
We value safety, community, and engagement.
Principal's Message
Dear KW Students and Families,
As we begin the second marking period of the school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on our journey thus far as a school community and as proud BLUE Devils. These initial ten weeks have been filled with growth, learning, and opportunities to embody the commitments we hold dear: Behavioral Excellence, Lifelong Learning, Unity, and Etiquette.
Blue Devil Commitment:
- Behavioral Excellence is at the heart of our school culture. I am proud to see most students demonstrating kindness and consideration towards one another. It's vital that we continue to foster an environment where everyone feels safe and valued, free from harm and negativity.
- Lifelong Learning has been evident in our classrooms, where students have embraced challenges and sought to grow personally and academically. I encourage you to engage with your children about their learning experiences and the importance of continuous growth.
- Unity remains essential in creating a strong school community. I have seen students supporting each other, working collaboratively, and showing respect for diverse perspectives. Together, we can cultivate an inclusive environment where every voice matters.
- Etiquette plays a crucial role in how we interact with one another. Let’s continue to encourage courteous and polite behavior in all interactions, reinforcing the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.
As we begin the second marking period, I urge you to reflect on how you can support your child in embodying the BLUE Devil spirit, both at school and at home.
Attendance and Learning:
An important way to start this conversation is by parents and students carefully reviewing marking period one grades and attendance records. I encourage parents to also review student school attendance and class period attendance information. We are still seeing high number of school absences, late arrival (after 7:30 AM), and class period absences. Please note that according the the U.S. Department of Education, a student is considered chronically absent it they are absent 2 or more days every month (18 or more absences a year). High school and class absenteeism rates can have a significant and lifelong impact on students. Please contact us if we can provide any assistance.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in fostering an enriching educational environment. Together, we can ensure our students thrive both academically and personally.
Dean Johnson
Mrs. Marek
Administrative Assistant
(716) 874-8401 (Ext. 21507)
Administrative Team
Ms. Lambert
Assistant Principal
Students: Grade 8
Mrs. Kraft
Administrative Assistant
(716) 874-8401 (Ext. 21509)
Mrs. Cappuccio
Students: Grade 9
Mrs. Cretacci
Administrative Assistant
(716) 874-8401 (Ext. 21592)
Dr. Grandits
Assistant Principal
Students: Grades 10-12
Mrs. Cristiani
Administrative Assistant
(716) 874-8401 (Ext. 21505)
Quarter 1 Grades
First-quarter report cards for students are now posted and available for viewing in Parent Portal. You can find the link to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at www.ktufsd.org/ParentPortal. On this page, you will also find instructions on how to access the Portal app on a mobile device, update your household/contact information, find your child's report card, request an activation key, and more. If you do not have a Campus Parent Portal account, please email ICportal@ktufsd.org. Thank you!
First Quarter Honor Roll
We commend all of our students who achieved academic excellence and earned placement on the honor roll! This report will be available by November 22nd.
- Second Honors: 90.0 - 92.99 GPA
- First Honors: 93:0 or higher GPA
Please visit the school website on November 22nd to view the first quarter honor roll list!
Best of West Student of the Month Awards
Please join us as we celebrate the following students who received the "Best of West" Student of the Month award! The criteria for student nominations include: Trustworthy, Lending a helping hand, Respectful, Team Player, Independent, Integrity, Passion for Excellence, Encouraging/supportive to peers, Advocate, Reliable, Leader among peers, Responsible, Tries their best, Inclusive of others.
Each honoree was awarded a certificate along with a breakfast reception sponsored by our Home School Association! Click the link to see this month's Best of West honorees!
2025-2026 Student Course Request Process & Timeline
Electives Expo:
- The 2024 Electives Expo is taking place the week of December 2-6.
School Counselor/Student Meetings
- Grade 11: Begin December 11
- Grade 10: Begin January 6
- Grade 9: Begin January 27
- Grade 8: Begin February 5
- Limited schedule changes will be permitted up until May 30, 2025.
June 13, 2025:
- No student schedule changes or course drops/adds will be permitted after June 13, 2025.
- All Advanced Placement courses require parent acknowledgement that students are not permitted to drop or change courses after June 13, 2025.
HONORS COURSE REQUESTS: Honors level course requests will not receive final approval until the marking period 4 grades close. Students must meet the 90% or higher prerequisite final course average. If the prerequisite final course average is lower than 90%, the honors course request will not be approved.
Course Change/Drop Deadline - June 13, 2025
All Advanced Placement courses require parental approval/acknowledgement.
No schedule changes or course drops/adds will be permitted after June 13, 2025.
*Course change requests will not be accepted after June 13, 2025 because the master schedule must be finalized. This process requires section balancing and ensuring staffing is assigned appropriately to meet the needs of our students and school.
College Information and Career Plannning Resources
Parking Lot & Student Drop-Off Procedures
If you drive your student to school and enter the the Delaware Road parking lot for drop-off, all students must exit vehicles once the cars stop anywhere within the drop-off zone (indicated in pink below).
We have noticed some students and parents are not following this procedure and are driving their student to the entrance or closer to the entrance. This creates the following problems for our school and students:
- Slows down the movement of traffic during arrival.
- Increases traffic congestion and safety concerns on Delaware Road.
- Causes more students to be late for school.
We greatly appreciate how most families have been following these procedures, however, we need everyone to do their part to support efficient and safe arrival procedures. Working together, we can ensure students arrive on-time for school, reduce traffic congestion, and keep our students safe.
Parents/Guardians we need your help:
- Please ensure your student is ready to exit the vehicle before entering the Delaware Road parking lot.
- When the cars come to a stop in the drop-off zone, ensure your student exits the vehicle promptly.
- Do not drive through the staff lot in order to bypass the drop-off zone.
Thank you for partnering with us to keep our students safe!
After School Activities & Student Pick-Up
The official school day ends at 2:22 PM.
Extended Learning Period: Monday-Thursday (2:30-3:05 PM)
Clubs & Activities: Please visit the school website for a comprehensive list of clubs and activities.
Any student who chooses to remain in the school building after 2:22 PM must be in an assigned and supervised location. Students are not permitted to wait for rides in school unless they are attending an extended learning period in a supervised location. Any student who is being picked up from school must ensure rides are in Delaware Road student pickup loop by 2:25 PM or 3:05 PM.
Thank you for your support in maintaining a safe and engaged school community.
Single Point of Entry Procedures (SPOE)
As you know, safety and security remain our top priority. An important component of the district’s safety initiative is the Opengate Weapons of Mass Casualty detectors, sophisticated tools designed to enhance our school's security measures and ensure a safe environment for everyone in our building. We currently use these devices for all students and visitors entering the school during the school day.
As part of this initiative, we will be periodically be using the Opengate systems to screen all students at Kenmore West High School during morning arrival. These periodic screenings are being done as a proactive measure only, and not in response to any threat.
During this screening, students will be asked remove the following from their bags before screening:
Metal water bottles
Large binders
Attendance Initiative - Every Student, Every Day!
Dear Kenmore West Families,
School attendance is one of the most important predictors for student success in school. We are asking for parent and family support and assistance with this important matter, as it is essential to student learning, academic achievement, and engagement in our school community. Student attendance is also important for teaching and fostering personal responsibility for success in school, work, and life.
Many of our students maintain excellent attendance. There are, however, concerning trends in attendance that are being seen at Kenmore West, regionally, and nationally. School attendance is qualified by the following:
- School Daily Attendance
- Attending every school day that a student is well and not sick
- Arriving at school by 7:30 AM
*As the weather becomes more inclement, we encourage students to adjust their schedules to ensure they leave for school earlier.
Attending the entire school day unless legally excused
Class Attendance
Attending all classes (academic classes, study halls, lunches)
Attending classes on-time (before the bell rings)
Avoiding unnecessary and excessive time out of the classroom
Chronic Absenteeism is defined by the U.S. Department of Education as being absent from school 10% or more of the school year. The New York State Education Department monitors this benchmark for all schools, as students who are chronically absent are at higher risk for learning deficits and not graduating.
IMPORTANT: A student who is absent 18 days of school in a school year of 180 days is considered chronically absent.
SIMPLE CHECK: If a student is absent 2 or more days every month, The U.S. Department of Education considers them to be chronically absent for the school year.
CLARIFICATION: Being absent for a serious illness for a 3-5 day period of time 1-3 times during the school year (3-15 days) does not result in being considered chronically absent. We all experience serious illnesses periodically that prevent us from being able to attend school/work.
PARENT SUPPORT: At times, parents call school and request that their student be released early from school or arrive late to school for the following reasons:
Lack of preparation for a class
Avoiding assignments/tests
Nothing is happening at school
Modified school/special school program
Teacher is absent/substitute
All of these reasons are considered unexcused absences. Every day matters and is important for your student’s success and learning.
MESSAGE: Periodic/sporadic and unnecessary absences add up quickly and negatively impact learning and engagement in school. Students should only be absent from school for serious reasons.
PARENT ATTENDANCE RESOURCES: All parents have access to their student's daily school and period attendance records. This information can be accessed through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If a parent needs technical assistance with accessing this information, please visit the the Kenmore West website under the resources tab and tech support page: https://sites.google.com/ktufsd.org/infinite-campus
My message is coming to you out of genuine concern for all of our students and the school community. We want and need our students at Kenmore West every day.
Together and in partnership, we can ensure all of our students reach their full learning potential and develop into responsible young people. Thank you for your support.
Kenmore West Attendance Trend Data
District Emergency Information Guide
School Comprehensive Education Plan
The School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) is our school improvement plan. We developed this plan to target areas for improvement using school and district trend data.
I. Instructional and Programmatic Excellence
Commitment: We are committed to: High expectations for all learners through data-driven instruction.
- Key Strategy 1: Progress Monitoring for ELA and Algebra 1 Regents courses.
- Key Strategy 2: Provide professional development on the effective use of engagement strategies.
II. Connected Community
Commitment: We are committed to enhancing a culture of belonging that fosters an inclusive learning environment - Everyone Belongs at Kenmore West!
- Key Strategy 1: Implement Safe & Civil Schools Foundations Strategies to improve Safety and Behavior.
- Key Strategy 2: Facilitate Community Building Circles and Blue Devil Connection Days for all students.
- Key Strategy 3: Refine Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Framework.
- Key Strategy 4: Implement school wide attendance initiative and interventions.
- Key Strategy 5: Implement restorative practices initiative in various components of school procedure.
III. Service For All Students
Commitments: Meeting all students’ academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs.
Providing students with engaging instruction that promotes optimal learning opportunities for all students.
- Key Strategy 1: Students will learn how to make a goal for their academic year and will be given time to reflect on their goals.
- Key Strategy 2: Blue Devil Connections Day will be expanded based on student feedback of needs.
- Key Strategy 3: Teachers will increase student engagement through research-based best pedagogy.
Home School Association (HSA)
We want to give special thanks to our Home School Assosication (HSA) for their support with the 8th grade Halloween Party!
Please consider supporting the HSA by sending in your $10 membership form (cash or check are accepted), attending our monthly meetings, liking us on Facebook and/or contacting us at kenwesthsa@gmail.com.
Please visit the Kenmore West HSA website to learn more information!
Fall Play: The Outsiders
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the entire cast and crew of the Fall Play, The Outsiders! The acting, music, lighting, sound, set, choreography, stage crew, and production were outstanding. It was wonderful to see how many students, staff, families, and alumni attended and supported this production!
We want to give special thanks to Ms. Gruninger (Director), Mr. George (Lighting Designer), Ms. Vacanti (Fight Director), and Mr. Teter (Set Construction). We commend them all for this impressive production! As a school community, we are very fortunate to such wonderful theater productions here at KW!
Electives Expo.....................................................................................December 2-6
Community Club Holiday Party..........................................................December 7
Band Holiday Concert.........................................................................December 11
Blue Devil Connections Day................................................................December 12
Orchestra Holiday Concert.................................................................December 12
End of 15 Weeks.................................................................................December 13
Tinsel Ball............................................................................................December 14 (7:00-10:00 PM)
Choral Holiday Concert.......................................................................December 17 (7:00 PM)
Shared Decision Making Team Meeting............................................December 18
Winter Recess......................................................................................December 23-January 1
Blue Devil Connections Day................................................................January 9
Home School Association Meeting in Library...................................January16 (6:30-7:30 PM)
Shared Decision Making Team Meeting............................................January 15
Martin Luther King Day........................................................................January 20
January Regents Exams.....................................................................January 21-24
End of Marking Period 2......................................................................January 24
Beginning of Marking Period 3............................................................January 27
Blue Devil Connections Day.................................................................January 31
The complete school calendar is available on the school website (click link).
Office Telephone Information
Attendance Office
Health Office
Mrs. Buyer, School Nurse
Mrs. Schulz, School Nurse
Mrs. Zunner, Receptionist
(716) 874-8401 (Option #2)
School Counseling Center
School Counseling Center Resources
School Counselors (Grades 8-12):
Mrs. Zomerfeld (Last Name A - B)
Mrs. Welnowski (Last Names C - Cr, Ges - He)
Mrs. Sedita (Last Names Cs - Ger)
Mrs. Serio (Last Names Hf - Lur)
Mr. Pinti (Last Names Lus - Phe)
Mrs. Wilson (Last Names Phf- St)
Mrs. Handley (Last Names Su - Z)
School Psychologists:
Ms. Petrozzi
Mrs. Polly
School Social Worker:
Mrs. Taberski
School Leadership Team
Administrative Team
Art Department, Mr. TomaseloBusiness Department, Mr. Leone
English Department, Mr. Panepinto
ENL Department, Mrs. Brown
FACS Department, Ms. Muroff
Health Department, Mr. Hannon
Library & Media Department, Mrs. Aszkler
Mathematics Department, Mrs. Weiss-Sierzchula
Music Department, Mrs. Anderson
Physical Education Department, Mr. Hannon
Science Department, Mr. Carr
School Counseling Department, Mrs. Handley
Social Studies Department, Mrs. Reidell-Maczka
Special Education Department, Mr. Hogan
Technology Departmant, Mr. Sierzchula
World Languages Department, Mr. LaPaglia
School Resource Officer
(716) 874-8401
Stay Connected Blue Devils!
Kenmore West High School
Website: https://www.ktufsd.org/Page/620
Location: 33 Highland Avenue, Buffalo, NY, USA
Phone: (716)874-8401