Educate, Accelerate, Graduate! November 2023
***Please review new Student Handbook for new ID, dress code, and discipline policies for the 2023-2024 school year
Lifetouch will be here November 9th for school pictures. Pictures begin at 9:30. Afternoon students will need to be on time as we have a short window specifically set up for them to take their pictures as well. They will be taking both fall pictures (yearbook) and Cap/Gown Grad pictures! Flyers and more information is available in the office!
This is the ONLY time Lifetouch will be scheduled. LOA does NOT have re-takes!
Our OWLS are flying the coop! We have had so many students graduate already! Although our Graduation Ceremony is not until May 29th 2024, we want to provide you with all of the updates as quickly as we can. Your Graduates should be coming home with packets from Herff Jones with information on Cap/Gown ordering, Grad rings, and Senior Swag. If you don't see it by Nov 6th, ask them (bets on it being in their car or bag). DEADLINE FOR CAP/GOWNS IS DEC 31ST. ⏳
Follow us on X (Formerly Twitter) @LiveOakOwls, FaceBook (Live Oak Academy - Formerly Academy @ Hays), and our website www.Hayscisd.net/LOA.
LOA Swag
Check out senior swag, shirts, hoodies, pj pants and more! Have a Senior? Grab a yard sign and a Senior T-shirt! Scan the QR or click HERE.
How is my student progressing at LOA?
Sign Up for Parent Edgenuity Progress Reports
All parents should sign up for a Parent Edgenuity Account. You can view your student’s progress daily. Our expectation is that all students complete a MINIMUM of 50 lessons a week.
Click the link to request a Parent Log in for LOA Progress Reports here:
Attendance Updates
Attendance is key to every student's success. At Live Oak Academy, we expect our students to attend school each day (we do not offer virtual schooling).
If a student is absent from school, have your student bring a note from a health care provider, other official office, or parent/guardian note explaining reason for the absence. These notes may also be emailed to LOA.Attendance@hayscisd.net. Excused absences (illness, tardies, family trips, etc) are not waived when reviewing student's attendance for truency, only medical notes are waived.
STAAR Testing is around the corner (December 5th - December 7th). Please have your student check with their teacher to see if they are needing to test or re-test. If your student is on the list, have them prepare to be on campus by 8:45 am on the date of their test.
November 15th - ASVAB TEST (Eligibility for Military Enlistment)
Interested in a career in the military? The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military.
Need more information? Click HERE to find out more.
Just Scan the QR to SIGN UP!
Interested in College???
Don't be the one holding yourself back! There so many programs that assist students in achieving higher education!
Fill out FAFSA at https://studentaid.gov/
Go to Apply Texas at https://www.applytexas.org/
Transcript Requests
Students can find our transcript request on our website under OWL ZONE. Official transcripts must be mailed or virtually transfered directly from the school. Emailed transcripts are not considered official for colleges.
Click HERE to request
Veteran's Day
We would love to Honor our Owl's family members. Please take a moment to fill out the form below if you would like your Veteran to be shared. Deadline is November 8th.
We are excited to be able to provide our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon for our students. There is no charge for students who attend and it will be served at school. We ask that this be a student-only event due to our space availability.
- Thanksgiving Break: November 20 - November 24th
Student ID's
We have had some students forgetting to bring their ID. An ID is required each and every day while on campus. The district's dress code includes display of the student’s campus ID. All students are expected to wear the campus-issued SmartTag ID while on campus. The ID must be visible on the student, this includes on campus, school events, and district transportation. Student ID may not be tampered with (intentional destruction, defacing, removal of information, or stickers).
A replacement/lost ID will cost $5.00 per ID.
Dress Code
- No Sexual Images, Drugs, Alcohol, or Gang related images
- No Crop Tops / Low cut shirts (shirt must meet top of bottoms and cover under garments)
- Hood of jackets or hoodies cannot be worn over the head
- Shorts/skirts must reach mid-thigh
- Undergarments above or below the waist must be covered
If a student ever questions if something is appropriate for school, the best practice is to ASK before wearing the item. Once on campus, if inappropriately dressed, they are already taking away from their academic time.
Parking Permits are sold on-line. All students must park in the appropriate student lot. Students who park in the staff parking lot may be booted and fined. In order to park on LOA campus, you must have a current parking permit.
To purchase a LOA parking permit you must provide the documents listed below to Ms. Jennings in the front office.
- · Parking permit form (online under the OWL ZONE tab or click HERE)
- · Current and valid driver’s license (learners permits are not allowed– no exceptions)
- · Current up to date insurance for vehicle
- · Receipt for Payment of $15
Students that do not have a valid parking permit are not allowed to park on campus and may be ticketed. For more information, please contact Mrs. Jennings at Jana.Jennings@hayscisd.net.
Food deliveries: We do not allow food deliveries. Uber Eats, DoorDash, GrubHub etc may not drop food for our students. A Parent or Guardian (may not be friend or sibling) may drop food off in the office for a student between 12:30 - 1:20. Please make sure the food is for your student only. The student may not pick up the food from the office until lunch (1:00 pm) due to our "no food in the classroom" rules. This is for the safety of our campus and students.