RVJHS Newsletter
January 27, 2025
Week at a Glance
Monday, January 27 (B Day)
Tuesday, January 28 (C Day)
Wednesday, January 29 (No School)
Thursday, January 30 (D Day)
Friday, January 31 (A Day)
Information from Nurse Kelly
Found Glasses
Has your child lost a pair of their glasses? Please have them stop by Nurse Kelly's office. We have about 15 pairs of glasses looking for their owners.
Flu Searson
'Tis the season for flu and other illnesses! Help keep our schools healthy by following these guidelines:
When to keep kids home:
- Fever over 100°
- Cough, shortness of breath
- Headache, sore throat, runny nose
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- Sores around nose/mouth, rash
- Ear pain/discharge
Healthy habits:
- Wash hands frequently
- Cover coughs
- Avoid touching face
- Don't share utensils
Important notes:
- Seek immediate medical attention for difficulty breathing.
- Ensure proper hydration.
- Kids need time to fully recover from illness.
- Symptoms must be improving, including being fever-free and diarrhea/vomiting-free for 24 hours without medication, before returning to school.
Thanks for all you do to help keep our schools safe and healthy.
Lunch Menu for the Week
After School Activities
After School Tutoring
Mondays with Ms. Dubois in APOD 5 for all subject areas
Wednesdays are on HOLD
Thursdays with Ms. Vertucci in A211 for math
Diversity Club
Diversity Club (4th-8th grade) will meet every Thursday in the Library starting October 10th. Permission slips can be picked up from Mrs. Tourtelot in the library or from Mr. O'Shea in room A101.
Environmental Club
Do you care about the environment or enjoy being outdoors in nature? The Environmental Club meets on Mondays in A204. Club advisor is Mr. Garbowski.
Yearbook Club
Yearbook Club will begin in January. Meetings will be held on Wednesdays in the Library with Ms. MacScott. Interested students should sign up with Ms. Lynch in the AP office.
Cooking Club
Session 2 coming soon!
Unified Club
Students with and without disabilities come together to participate in games and social activities. Meets every other Wednesday beginning January 15th. Club advisors are Ms. Crowley, Mr. Freese and Ms. Barnum.
After School activities end at 3:30. Students can be picked up by their parent/guardian or take the 3:35 late bus. Contact Ms. Cusher at x.4606 to find out which late bus your child should ride.
Winter Sports News
Congratulations to Matteo Walsh (Wrestling) for being selected as one of the December Benny's Athletes of the Month!
News from the PTSA!
Student T-shirt Design Contest:
Any student in grades 4-8 can submit artwork that will be created into a shirt available for order in February. Once finalists are determined, students will vote on they’re favorite design through 1/24 and the winner announced on Monday 1/27.
The PTSA will also be supporting the school-wide Middle School play for the 2nd year in a row. The show is "Too Many Detectives at the Murder Mansion" by Ian McWethy and will be directed by PTSA board member, Sheila Galione.
2025 Play Info Website:
Public Performance Dates: Friday, March 28 - Sunday, March 30.
School Performances: March 31st and April 1, 2025
Parents, we need your help to make it happen!
Parent Help Sign Up Link:
Theater Design Club will be held on Mondays in February and early March
Grant permission here: Sign Up Link:
Upcoming Dates
- Jan 29- No School