Happy New Year!
Winter PE has begun!
We had a great day for Winter PE! The program runs every Wednesday for four more weeks. During the Winter PE program there is NO EARLY RELEASE on Tuesdays. Skis and snowboards are not allowed on the school bus. REMEMBER: traffic is thick on these days so leave home 15 minutes earlier than usual so that your student is on time to school.
Please organize your student's gear on Tuesday nights so your kiddo will have a successful morning on Wednesday!
PowerSchool Data Breach – On January 7, 2025, PowerSchool notified the Telluride School District of a nationwide data breach involving PowerSchool’s Student Information System (SIS) at various school districts. In the days that followed, we have been working with PowerSchool to determine if the breach occurred at our School District. At this time, we are working diligently to review logs and determine the potential impact. PowerSchool will be offering additional communications and support services if it is determined that the Telluride School District has been impacted. We will be reaching out with information as it becomes available to us.
The TIS 4th Grade Classes raised $682.85 during their Candy Cane Sales last month! The money was donated to a family in our school district!!! 4th graders hoping to bring some joy and peace this winter.
TIS and TES started the combined Anxious Generation Book Club yesterday! It was wonderful to have so many voices. We will be discussing the introduction and Part 1 at our next meeting Thursday, February 6 at 3:30 in the TES (Telluride Elementary School) cafeteria and on zoom https://telluridek12.zoom.us/j/9707281000?pwd=T2txUnN4a2JGUTE1ZGVVMHFPZzdWdz09 Meeting ID: 970 728 1000 Passcode: Miners.
Here's a link if you'd like to request a copy of the book: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL9S--fLcTkHmPOc47NXKfp3yeXelmox_Qg_T9W9aeW_ZsrA/viewform
Teachers will be meeting during Winter PE to identify ways to improve student learning – including reviewing student data and identifying strong instructional practices. Healthy treats would really make long meetings more palatable. If you'd like to contribute healthy snacks for our teachers please bring them to the front office on Winter PE mornings. Thanksfor your support!
6th Grade Girls Basketball!
Practice has started!
For information on registration for MS Girls Basketball, please click here.
The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at tellurideathletics.com.
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.
Live Streaming for all home games can be found here.
Community/District Info:
- Telluride Adaptive Sports Program presents SPED kid at the Black Box $40. Buy Tickets and support TASP.
Wilkinson Reading Challenge
Wilkinson January Youth Events
Wilkinson Enero Eventos Para Jovenes
Click here for our 2024-2025 Bus Information and Rules. BUS
Important info regarding attendance
PHONE NUMBER FOR ATTENDANCE: 970-369-7203. Please remember to submit any attendance matters to tisattendance@telluride.k12.co.us or call 970-369-7203. All attendance matters should be communicated to me by 9am. Please let me know ahead of time if you're picking up your student early.
Also, If your student will miss 2 or more days, please complete this PREARRANGED ABSENCE form.