See Shaw Shine
Shaw Montessori Newsletter Week of January 13th, 2020
- Shaw Transition Presentations
- January Galileo Testing
- Congratulations
- YMCA After School Program Pre-K 1 & 2
- Prospective Parent Meeting
- PTA / Site Council
- Upcoming Montessori Workshops
- Spring After School Enrichment Classes
- Volunteers
- School Events Calendar
- Phoenix Elementary #1 Calendar
Kindergarten Galileo: Thursday, January 9
1st-8th Grade Galileo: Monday, January 13 through Friday, January 24.
This testing cycle the 2nd through 8th grade students will take the Galileo test on the computer. The math test offers a text to speech option that students will need headphones for. We highly recommend students bring headphones from home for their test. Earbuds will be provided for students that do not have headphones. Please make sure your child has had a good breakfast and is well rested prior to their test. Contact your child’s teacher or Jennifer Hawkins, IEIS, at Jennifer.hawkins@phxschools.org with any questions you may have.
Jennifer Hawkins
Instructional Enrichment and Intervention Specialist (IEIS)
Augustus H. Shaw Montessori School
Prospective Parent Meeting at Shaw January 23, 2020 at 10am
Please spread the word to your friends and neighbors, co-workers, and anyone else you may know that is interested in enrolling a child at Shaw Montessori.
We will hold our annual prospective parent meeting where parents can tour and join us for a short informational meeting describing what Shaw is all about followed by questions and answers!
Waitlist applications will be available at the meeting. If a waitlist application is already on file, folks are still welcome to join in for the tour and informational portion of the meeting.
Hope to see you there! (Current parents need not attend)
Held every third Wednesday of the month. Site Council starts at 5:30PM and PTA begins right after from 6-7PM. Shaw Montessori parents are encouraged to attend in order to stay fully informed as to what’s happening on campus. Free babysitting is available for children age 3 and older. Pizza is offered before the start of PTA.
Spring after school classes begin in 2 weeks!
Augustus H. Shaw Montessori After-School Classes
Classes begin the week of January 27 and run through the week of April 20
unless otherwise noted.
Class times are from 3:40-4:40
unless otherwise noted.
Register for Chess, ABSi Spanish, Chinese Arts and Culture, JumpBunch, PHX Drama Kids & Mad Science directly with the vendor.
Sign up for Homework Help Club & Practice Club in the school office.
Monday: Chess Club with the Chess Emporium
Great chess players are great thinkers. The strategy and understanding that children learn from chess allows them to have higher intellect, improved self-esteem, and concentration. Chess helps them to make better decisions in all aspects of their life & most importantly children have fun while learning. Grades K-8 welcome. Room 414. Register with Chess Emporium at chessemporium.com/clubs See attached flyer.
Monday: Practice Club
4th-8th grade Band, Strings, and Choir students can sign up for practice club. Students can work on any music they are studying in class, work with other students, prepare for auditions, and receive assistance from Mr. Bonds. Please sign up in the front office. Room 202. Club is from 3:50-4:50 and is FREE.
Monday: Chinese Arts & Culture Classes
These classes offer exciting, fun and hands on experiences with Chinese Arts and Culture. The curriculum includes; folk arts, Chinese yo-yo, paper folding, 3D arts and crafts, paper cutting, wisdom games, Chinese dance, Chinese calligraphy and painting, kung fu and straw arts. All teaching materials and culture materials are provided. The instructors have been involved in Montessori and American Schools and ASU’s Talented Youth Mandarin and Culture Program, and teach in many American schools and Chinese schools, have 25 years of experience in teaching with hands-on classes. Instructors have received many cultural and educational awards. Class open to Kindergarteners through 8th grades and will be held in room 415. Questions? Please call: 602-738-0429 Or email: azcmca@hotmail.com Please mail registration form and check to: Arizona Chinese Mandarin and Culture Academy (AZCMCA) 1318 East Captain Dreyfus Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85022
Tuesday: Sprouts Spanish Class with ABSi Spanish,
The Sprouts class is designed for first through fifth grade students. This group will continue to reinforce academic vocabulary (numbers, colors, food, etc.) and basic phrases (hola, adiós, me llamo, ¿cómo estás?) through thematic units. Children will listen to bilingual books, learn songs and chants and do art activities to stay engaged! They will be encouraged to write, read and occasionally complete practice pages to demonstrate their learning. Parents will be updated on themes via email. Class size is limited to 13 and will be held in room 415. Visit www.absispanish.com/montessori-augustus-shaw to enroll. See attached flyer.
Wednesday: JB Multi-Sport
Students learn something new each and every week, and not just the same team sports! These multi-sport classes offer a high level, fun introduction to a new sport or fitness activity each week and with over 70 different lesson plans, there is something for everyone. The rules and skills of each activity are introduced through hands-on exercises, so kids begin playing and improving right away. We keep it fun, but at these ages, children appreciate a bit of competition too. The goals are to help make every student comfortable trying new sports, to give them a basic understanding of popular sports, and to help them appreciate the fun and rewards of regular physical activity. Classes are held at Shaw Montessori for grades K-4 every Wednesday from 1:45-2:35. See class flyer for additional information. Signup online at http://phoenix-eastvalley.jumpbunch.com GYM when hot.
Wednesday: Seedlings Spanish with ABSi Spanish, LLC. Time 1:45-2:45
The Seedling class is designed for preschool-first grade students. Like the Tuesday class, this group will learn academic vocabulary (numbers, colors, animal names, etc.) and basic phrases (hola, adiós, me llamo, ¿cómo estas?) through thematic units. Children will listen to bilingual books, learn songs and chants, create art, and move around to stay engaged! Parents will be updated on what students are learning via email. Class size is limited to 13 and will be held in room 415. Visit www.absispanish.com/montessori-augustus-shaw to enroll. See attached flyer.
Thursday: PHX Drama Kids
PHX Drama Kids introduces students to the craft of stage acting, movement and voice. During one-hour weekly classes students will learn theatrical skills, improv basics and participate in interactive drama games. This class is an opportunity for students to express themselves, have fun and interact with others through meaningful lessons within the context of theater arts. Classes will culminate in a sharing that will be presented at school talent show this May. No prior acting experience required, just bring your love of theater and desire for fun! Open to Grades 1st - 5th. Room Stage. Visit www.phxdramakids.com to register. See attached flyer.
Thursday: Mad Science Elementary Program:
Mad Science programs spark imaginative learning when school is out! Let your child experience first-hand how much fun science can be. Mad Science class is packed with fascinating demonstrations and hands-on activities to let kids explore scientific concepts for themselves. Our curriculum correlates with AZ State Standards in Science and each class comes with an official Mad Science take-home project to keep the learning going after class. Grades K-5th. Class will be held in room 414. Register at Mad Science at http://NEPhoenix.MadScience.org and select After School Programs. See attached flyer.
Homework Help Club: Tuesdays and Thursdays with Leisla Church (1st -3rd grade)
The cost is $75.00 payable to Shaw Montessori. Room 427/428. May use tax credit. Please sign up in the front office.
*Children may not be excused from after school classes without prior written permission from parents
Sign Up
Phoenix Elementary School District Calendar 2019 - 2020
Contact Us
Email: Susan.Engdall@Phxschools.org
Website: https://phxschools.org/shaw
Location: 123 North 13th Street, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phone: 602-257-3914
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1614897512101327/?ref=group_header